Unit 1_PT7 Flashcards
The US comprises 50 states.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer met with his counterpart, the French finance minister.
neue Gesetze vorschlagen
It was time to propose new laws against anti-social behaviour.
Greek coins were minted in different denominations.
We have to make sure that the government allocates enough funds for the project.
He was the pride of his family.
ironisch, nicht ernst gemeint
Their tongue-in-cheek performance was the highlight of the evening.
Name einer englischen Supermarktkette
Shopping at Tesco’s – that’s how I spend my Saturday afternoons these days.
Fatso is a word for overweight people that is certainly not politically correct.
The Bingo hall was packed with old ladies.
Verfügung wegen asozialen Verhaltens
In spite of the Asbo he had received he continued to molest people.
aufrichtig, ehrlich
Everybody was convinced that they should get a sympathetic and fair-minded hearing.
His answer was dead serious.
The tourists were shipped to the island by the bucketload.
Haltung bewahren
It was difficult for them to keep a stiff upper lip.
hier: Angewohntheit, Tweedstoffe zu tragen
tweedy manner
belustigt, amüsiert
They looked at each other in amusement.
The new ambassador was welcomed by the president.
praktisch, gewissermaßen
There was virtually no space between me and the wall.
These two terms are virtually interchangeable. There is no difference in meaning.
His lack of interest infuriated his parents.
hier: neu beginnen
After he came back from Japan he had to** strike out again**.
dezentralisierte Regierung
Devolved government means that certain issues are dealt with on a local rather than on a national level.
The council organised a civic reception for the school leavers.
(ein Schriftstück) herausgeben
Downing Street issued a statement by the Prime Minister.
Monaco is one of the last principalities in Europe.
gemeinschaftlich, kollektiv
They made a collective effort to solve the conflict.
He thinks he is the best, but this may well be a delusion.
erfassen, ergreifen
The idea of a sudden change gripped their imagination.
The fall of the Soviet Union has made the Iron Curtain redundant.
allein, im Alleingang
She was the first woman to sail around the world singlehandedly. She must have been very lonely.
hier: Auf und Ab
They struggled against the tides of war and oppression.
You could see a little crack in the façade of the mansion.
hineinspringen (z. B. Wasser)
He did not think about his future plans, he just plunged into his new job.
jmdn. zum Nachdenken bringen
His remarks **set them wondering **what would come next.
Beunruhigung, Besorgnis
His speech resounded with anxiety.
sofort, in dem Moment
They heard the noise and turned round instantly.
“Yes, I will do it,” she said firmly.
They were quite well off; they had inherited a considerable fortune from their uncle.
She thanked him for his efforts, but for him this was just a sign of hypocrisy.
schwer zu fassen
His plans remained elusive; we had no clue what he wanted to do.
Devolution gave the regional assemblies more powers.
Taxation is one of the most discussed topics in politics.
Critics said that he should not have done it.
Trennung, Trennlinie
The division ran straight through the community.
Streifrage um Land
Territorial issues have led to the conflict between the two neighbouring regions.
He only focused on the imperial past, not on the republican present.
Streit, Kontroverse
The controversy could not be resolved.
Rückzug von
The withdrawal of British troops from the war zone did not stop the bloodshed.
The partition of India and Pakistan has led to a number of conflicts.
Zeit, als Indien eine britische Kolonie war
He lived in India at the time of the Raj.
Mandat zur Verwaltung Palästinas
The Palestinian Mandate formally began in September 1923 and terminated in May 1948.
She is a representative without party affiliation.
ungelöst lassen
If these problems are **left unresolved **they could lead to a severe crisis.
The forces were unable to sustain the assault for much longer.
Nobody put her legitimacy into doubt.
hier: niederschlagen
The rebellion was brutally crushed by the regime.
von Natur aus
Nuclear reactors seem to be inherently dangerous.
The economic situation is rather unstable at the moment.
Las Vegas is sometimes described as an unreal, post-modern, sci-fi fantasy sprawl.
They wanted to avoid bloodshed at all costs.
Their discussion culminated in a real fight.
Initially there were only five supporters of the plan.
mobilisierte Kernschicht
By creating a network of supporters, the party had access to a mobilised core of voters.
Sitz des Premierministers/der Premierministerin, Synonym für die Regierung des Vereinigten Königreichs
Downing Street says it is not looking at reducing school funding.
Synonym für das englische Parlament
New regulations were issued by Westminster and Edinburgh.
Their moves were balanced by the regulations that were put in place immediately.
They soon realised that there was no room to manoeuvre after the attack.
beherbergen, als Gastgeber/in fungieren
In the 18th century the area hosted three indigenous tribes.
Their relationship developed into a true affaire.
weltoffen, kosmopolitisch
This neighbourhood is really cosmopolitan in the sense that it houses people from many different backgrounds.
reduzieren, vermindern
Nationalist politicians want to diminish the influence of Brussels.
This advert tries to deceive people to think that smoking is not a health risk.
Boris Johnson had to admit that it was his fault that the Leave campaign was successful.
Empfindung, Gefühl
Her speech led to convoluteda lot of anti-European sentiment.
jmdm. etw. wegnehmen
When his activities were reported, he was stripped of his powers as CEO.
von äußerster Wichtigkeit
This speech was of utmost importance for the Native Americans.
The British used to be very class conscious.
große Kluft zwischen
It is a political task of enormous proportions to bridge the great divide between the rich and the poor.
Windows don’t break like that. He must have done it deliberately.
In case of emergency everyone in the company must be notified.
auf Kosten der Steuerzahler/innen
They wined and dined at the taxpayer’s expense.
He claimed he was deceived by his partner.
It was decided that the new measures should **be implemented by **the IT division.
Schutzheilige/r, Patron/in
Saint Patrick is the **patron saint of **Ireland.
Relevanz, Wichtigkeit
I fail to see the relevance of this statement.
Through his affair he lost all his credibility.
ausgedehnt, erweitert
The computer comes with an extended warranty.
We found our way easily, it was well sign-posted.
The film was quite explicit, and certainly not suitable for 16-year-olds.
They found it unseemly that the inspector still criticised them.
With the advent of the motorcar all the problems started.
Vogel Strauß
In Australia, eating ostrich meat is quite common.
I would not have expected him to be such a dimwit.
The great master remained invisible.
Don’t tell anyone – this is highly confidential information.
His first novel was tremendously important.
lauschen, abhören
They were caught eavesdropping from under the bed.
She is not interested in anything, she is just nosey.
sich mokieren
Other passengers would look at them and tut.
She sighed with relief when they reached the shore.
leise sprechen
She kept her voice down in order not to wake the baby.
He is just a loudmouth with a small brain.
They just talked about banalities and never really touched the main problem.
Only then did she see the pointlessness of her attempt to win him back.
leiten, kanalisieren
On leaving the boat the people were channelled into three queues.
Stöhnen, Ächzen
Her e-mails are full of the usual moans and groans.
The speaker made a dismissive gesture when he heard her remark.
Smoking is only allowed in designated areas on the platform.