Unit 10_PT7 Flashcards
The leitmotif can be found in three scenes of the play.
The Queen had to put down the conspiracy very quickly – otherwise it would have been too late.
The new king’s accession to the throne put an end to the fighting.
Dichter, Barde
Bard is another word for a poet.
großes, stattliches Haus
After some years in London he could afford a nice mansion in Stratford.
gute Sache
The lottery winner decided to give some of the money to a good cause.
She was certainly the most important star of the silver screen in the 1960s.
zur Verfügung
He had only five people at his disposal.
He spent a fortune on anti-balding creams but without success – he went bald within a year.
A sonnet is a poem consisting of fourteen lines.
heiter, abgeklärt
She answered with a serene smile, but she refused to say anything.
visuelle Reizüberflutung
In an era of visual overkill it is increasingly difficult to remember unique images.
verbürgt, beglaubigt
The only authenticated text by him was lost in a fire.
The brass engraving showed Southwark in winter.
Stahlstichel (z. B. für einen Kupferstich)
Every detail was delicately engraved with a fine graver.
Kampf, Wettkampf
Religious strife is a recurring theme in the area.
übertreffen, überbieten
It was difficult to surpass his achievements.
nicht in Betracht ziehen, missachten
In this situation it is better to disregard remarks by your so-called friends.
unehelich, illegitim
As an illegitimate son he had hardly any support from his father’s family.
His shirt-ties were undone.
After a year in London he returned as a prosperous man.
wasserdicht, gesichert
His research was absolutely watertight. He had made no mistake.
His designs were decidedly new.
They say he left a rather lubricious messages on her answering machine.
einfach, schlicht, langweilig
Instead she had to deal with rather mundane matters like cooking and washing.
ikonisch, Kult-
Her iconic looks were her trademark.
A glover by profession, his family was quite well-off.
vertraut sein mit, bekannt sein mit
He did not know her very well, he was just acquainted with her brother.
hier: ein Mann zu wenig sein
The team had fallen a man short, so they lost.
Shakespeare is regarded as one of the most important playwrights of all time.
Anteilsbesitzer/in, Teilhaber/in
As a shareholder of the theatre he could earn a lot of money as long as the plays were successful.
Fassungsvermögen von
The football stadium had a capacity of 30,000 seats.
They lost the lawsuit that followed.
The family lost everything apart from the gatehouse to their former castle.
The monastery was founded in the year 1155.
Zeitgenosse, -genossin
My grandfather was a contemporary of her uncle’s.
ganz zu schweigen von, geschweige denn
She was incapable of managing her small family, let alone run a company.
They only take graduates from the best universities.
Who is that troublesome person molesting me?
The tavern brawl in which Christopher Marlow was killed took place in Deptford.
The front man of the band left after an argument about royalties.
The first Earl of Gloucester lived in the Middle Ages.
vorrätig halten
They kept the second harvest in stock just in case something went wrong.
auf die Bühne bringen
His first play was staged at the Rose Theatre.
He would try to outwit his partners to make more money.
Romeo is Juliet’s male counterpart.
Pachtvertrag für
The lease to the new venue meant that they could accommodate more people.
zerlegen, abbauen
The old theatre was dismantled and then the construction was taken to the Southbank.
Hetzkampf zw. Bären/Stieren und Hunden
The revenue from the bear- and bull-baiting went to the Bishop of Winchester who owned the land.
Thatched roofs are now forbidden in London, because they catch fire easily.
They didn’t have enough money so they had to do without props.
The actors wore beautiful garments made of silk and other exquisite materials.
The spectators would cheer the actors if they liked them.
The building was designed as a seven-sided polygon.
Anteile an
The King owned shares in the company.
auf Grund von, wegen
Nobody should be allowed to break the law on account of their wealth.
The conspirators were accused of treason and subsequently executed.
köpfen, enthaupten
Many people were beheaded for minor offences.
According to the great Greek dramatists it does not make sense to fight against one’s fate.
The struggle for power is one of the strongest incentives to fight other people.
ungerechte Herrschaft
Robin Hood fought against the unjust rule of the King.
The play starts with a soliloquy by the protagonist.
sich senken auf
The mist lowered upon the valley.
Busen, Brust
They are not quite such bosom buddies as they have had us believe.
They laid down a wreath at the monument to remember the dead.
geprellt, gequetscht
She had a badly bruised foot.
Lärm, Alarm
The caretaker raised the alarm.
mit finsterem Gesicht
They looked into the eyes of a grim-visaged pirate.
geharnischtes Ross
He entered the square on a barbed steed.
Feind/in, Gegner/in
Yesterday he met his one-time adversary and surprisingly they got on well with each other.
They hopped and capered like a herd of goats.
She jumped nimbly to her feet.
The lascivious actress told her life story.
He plays the organ and the lute.
He sent her an amorous text message but she didn’t answer.
The looking-glass showed him his features.
auf jmdn./etw. treten
The boy stamped on the snail and killed it.
The actors and actresses strutted for the cameras.
schamlos, lüstern
He looked at her wantonly.
The tourists ambled along the beach.
gestutzt, geschmälert
Spending on new office furniture was curtailed by the management.
verbergen, vortäuschen
She wasn’t able to dissemble her emotions.
selten, spärlich
Due to the earthquake food has become scarce.
My dog had gone lame, so we had to put him down.
pfeifen, piepsen
“Sorry, Miss,” she piped.
sich die Zeit vertreiben
They passed away the time reading.
sich über ein Thema verbreitern
He has descanted on this topic before.
Schurke, Schurkin
He likes playing the villain, but he is a nice guy.
He was able to overcome all his shortcomings.
filmische Mittel
There was hardly a word said, he only used cinematic devices.
The camera angle was totally new.
spucken auf
The players were spat at when they left the pitch.
The prince knelt before the queen.
Zuschauer/in im Hof eines elisabethanischen Theaters
The groundlings only paid one penny.
“Death, where is thy sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55)
The King treated his subjects with contempt.
His secretary was leading this revengeful campaign.
dir, dich
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” (Shakespeare)
bescheiden, demütig
He always came across as a humble servant.
I beg you, stay here.
schicken, senden
His best troops were dispatched to the front line.
einstechen, erstechen
Before he could turn round, he was stabbed in the back.
hier: sich erheben, aufstehen
The queen ordered the knight to arise.
He was charged with being an accessary to the crime.
“Vouchsafe your mercy on us” is a line from a prayer.
I enclose a picture of myself.
After the battle corpses were lying around on the battlefield.
hier: Stimmung
They went home in ill humour.
To woo is an old-fashioned word for courting a woman.
This is an opportunity to show your social conscience.
hier: Werbung (um eine Frau)
Suit in this case means that he is courting a woman.
“Five score years ago” said Martin Luther King at the beginning of his most famous speech “I have a dream”.
A flower adorned her hat.
Yon is an archaic word for “that”.
He started to lament his fate, but it did not help.
(einen Begriff) prägen
Linguists do not know who originally coined the phrase.
falsch zitieren
Famous authors are often misquoted.
The assassin was executed on the same day.
völlig neu erfinden
The whole story was made up from scratch.
Don’t take him seriously, he is just a gossiper.
Jagd, Verfolgung
Three police cars took part in the chase.
auf unbestimmte Zeit
The move was postponed indefinitely.
The whole love affair had been an unfortunate deception.
nachtragend, gekränkt
They were resentful at not having been nominated.
An adaptation of a play is a new version of a play.
Standards are lax, nobody cares.
Before long he will be accused of plagiarism.