Unit 7_PT7 Flashcards
berühmte Person
He follows in the footsteps of other A-list celebrities.
jmdn. ausbuhen
The Canaries were booed by their supporters.
Dancing with the Stars cast: Pairings officially announced
Regisseur/in einer Tanzvor-führung, Choreograph/in
Among the audience was a choreographer of Indonesian dance.
Ask Lydia if you want to hear the latest gossip.
He directly addresses the audience from the footlights.
Boulevardfotograf, Paparazzo
She sued a paparazzo who got too close for comfort.
Erstaufführung, Premiere
MacKenzie’s new movie had its world premiere in Glasgow last night.
We used to rent out our house to be used as a film set.
hier: Entziehungskur
Promises rehab: Where the stars go to get sober
jmdn. angreifen
Woman, 87, assaulted by nursing home worker
Nervengift, das gegen Falten verabreicht wird
She thinks procedures like cosmetic surgery and Botox are dishonourable to women.
unverschämt, empörend
Every time the man opens his mouth in public he says something outrageous.
es in die Nachrichten schaffen
His case made it into the news.
ernannt werden
In 2003 he was appointed pastor of St Patrick Parish.
Verteidigungsminister/in (USA)
These measures are being carried out on the instructions of the Secretary of Defence and the army commander.
erkannt werden
He was in disguise, but he was recognised immediately.
mitteilsame, extrovertierte Persönlichkeit
The combination of hard work and an extroverted personality helped her achieve success.
durch Zufall
Some say it was by chance; others say it was by design.
Rummel, Hype
The hype around the young fighter had grown to unrealistic levels.
It is laid out and designed like a glossy gossip magazine.
Arbeit für jmdn. zur Verfügung stellen
The project will provide work for about 350 construction workers.
die Charts anführende/r Musikerin/Musiker
If I asked you to picture a successful person you might think of a chart-topping musician.
Autorität in Menschenrechtsfragen
He is a universally respected spiritual and humanitarian leader.
hier: losgelöst, getrennt
We cannot imagine an environmental policy that is totally detached from all economic and social considerations.
When a tabloid magazine breaks a news story, it is important to take the rumours with a grain of salt.
dargestellt werden als
Dracula is portrayed as a man and beast driven by his love for another person.
vorbildliches Beispiel
She is a glowing example of never giving up.
zügellos, dekadent
Decadent, colourful and vibrant – there is nothing on earth quite like a Mardi Gras celebration.
It’s legal, but a little immoral.
in der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit bleiben
HIV and AIDS must stay in the public eye.
unter dem Namen berühmter Personen verkaufte Produkte
This collection of cookware is not just another celebrity-branded item.
But he never forgot what he had endured to gain his new-found stardom.
eine Redensart prägen
The New York Times has coined the phrase “All the News that’s fit to print”.
The company will act as a middle-man between firms.
jmdn./etw. vermenschlichen
Keeping animals as pets is humanising them to an extent.
Faszination hervorrufen
It would be nearly impossible for these snapshots not to arouse fascination.
etw. messen, beziffern
The company has not quantified the amount of material purchased.
Doctors say they have made a significant breakthrough in the treatment of lung cancer.
gründliche Veränderung
Medicine packaging gets plain English makeover
Umdekorierung, Renovierung
They had projected the total cost of the renovation between $775 million and $850 million.
übernatürlich, überirdisch
Such is the life we spy in the supernatural thriller The Rite.
in eine Klinik eingewiesen werden
Alison was admitted to a clinic for adolescents.
Amok laufen
Youths ran amok in a residential street causing damage to garden fences.
She faces homicide charges after allegedly shooting and killing a man.
Behauptung, Anschuldigung
She was offered another job despite the allegations.
in die Schlagzeilen geraten
It never hurts to grab headlines during opening week.
Gipfel, Höchststand
Arabica coffee prices hit a peak of $2.77 in 1997.
Over 26 million people tuned in to watch the premiere.
The threat to their jobs created a huge public backlash.
Ausruf mit vier Buchstaben, Schimpfwort
Top feminist’s four-letter outburst stuns university
The budget was passed amid vocal protests by several dozen demonstrators.
mit Druck umgehen
Whoever wants to achieve top results must be able to cope with pressure.
gedämpft, gebändigt
The US dollar held steady through a subdued Asian session on Thursday.
bedrängen, plagen
The 35-year-old player has been beset by severe knee problems during the last three months.
gefühlsmäßig ausgelaugt
Parents get intellectually and emotionally drained out and often face problems in marital life.
Girls semi-finals being held on Thursday night
Aufmerksamkeit ausgesetzt sein
We have all been subjected to attention from someone we don’t know or dislike.
Träume zerstören
Then I told her it was a bad idea, shattered her dreams and made her depressed.
hier: Zwangslage, Misere
The plight of Romanian orphans has been in the news a great deal recently.
mit etw. in Zusammenhang stehen
The US has seen extensive cross-border violence tied to drug trafficking.
Players still on a learning curve in their first season
Your editorial (March 4) has me seeing red.
ungestellte Aufnahme
To take candid pictures you have to have good reflexes to shoot at the right moment.
gestellte Aufnahme
Campaign material at its worst is crammed with staged photos.
freischaffende/r Fotografin/Fotograf
The rescue unfolded in front of freelance photographer Michael Oates.
Bieter/in in einer Auktion
17 March set as deadline to find the best bidder
Teachers voiced their opinion on the new legislation that could mean less funding for state schools.
Police are asking that any information about his whereabouts be called in to their Info-Crime line.
jmdm. nachstellen
Obsessed man stalked neighbour claiming to be the father of her children
ein Verhältnis des Gebens und Nehmens
It’s a give-and-take relationship where both stand to gain.
gerichtliche Verfügung gegen Belästigungen
An anti-harassment injunction is a court order that prevents someone from harassing you.
jmdn. verfolgen
The attacker pursued her and grabbed her handbag.
How do I know I am doing business with a legitimate company?
There is nothing amusing at all about watching a human tragedy close-up.
hier: Cutter (zuständig für den Filmschnitt)
The negative cutter cuts and splices the negatives as directed by the film editor.
hier: Statist/in
He was already on stage as an extra in several plays as a young high school graduate.
A little boy with short, black hair is the leading actor.
His performance earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.
Our studio in Dallas manages a full slate of professional voice-over talents.
Are children really not as obedient as they used to be?
Better take this antidote with you on your expedition!
I was never allowed to have a puppy as a child.
The pictures of undernourished children on the news are really shocking.
Übereinstimmung, Konsens
The consensus of opinion is that we should buy the house.
Have you always had a hankering to be an actress?
an bestimmte Zielgruppen gerichtete Werbung
Twitter itself can provide the best targeted advertising to consumers.
hier: sein Leben enthüllen
The only price that she paid was the scrutiny of the media as reporters exposed her life.
The mostly disreputable **celebrity-gossip rag **says the actor is going to get a divorce.
hier: Enthüllung
We promise you the revelation of some production secrets and a delicious chocolate tasting.
He was casually approached by a talent scout while hanging out at a shopping centre.
jmdn./etw. abnützen, zermürben
Our strategy is to wear teams down, and I think we were able to do that.
The uprisings in North Africa appear to have caught intelligence agencies by surprise.
hier: belagert
By the 16th century, the beleaguered city was fortified by massive city walls.
Her performance last week was middling, if not bad.
stint = a restricted amount of work
sich ins Zeug legen, anschaffen (ugs.)
I couldn’t work in the movie industry – I’m just not made for that aggressive kind of hustling.