Unit 9 Vocab Part One (mid 1960s-2000s) Flashcards
The Great Society
LBJ, dealt with mainly poverty and civil rights
“Long Hot Summers”
Riots in black neighborhoods in the 60s
Malcolm X
Leader of Black Muslims, opposed King’s strategy of nonviolent discrimination
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, protest racial discrimination w/o violence
Black Power
African Americans need to establish control of their political and economic lives
Affirmative Action
meant to open access to education and employment for people who have experienced discrimination
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Invalidated use of any test or device to deny the vote
Civil Rights Act of 1964
segregation illegal in all public facilities
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
authorized LBJ to wage war
New Left
Sought to end poverty, racism and Cold War politics
Immigration Act of 1965
Abolished the 1920s Quota Act
My Lai Massacre
Mass killing of unarmed civilians in South Vietnam
Tet Offensive
turning point, televised and made war seem less winnable
US troops were taken out of Vietnam and Nixon replaced them w newly trained South Vietnamese troops
Rebellion against “the establishment,” Took form of nonconformity, hippies