Unit 6 Vocab Part One (1870s-early 1910s) Flashcards
American Federation of Labor
founder= Samuel Gompers, alliance of skilled workers, focused on “bread and butter” issues
Gospel of Wealth
article written by Andrew Carnegie, described the responsibility of philanthropy
Social Darwinism
Rich were rich and poor were poor due to natural selection in society
Horizontal integration
elimination of competitors
Vertical integration
gaining control of production and distribution process
Samuel Gompers
started AFL= American Federation of Labor in 1886
Eugene V. Debs
led the Pullman strike
Pullman Strike
Nationwide railroad strike where Pullman cars were stopped to demand higher wages
“robber barons”
business owners who make profit by paying employees low wages
Atlanta Compromise
Speech made by Booker T. Washington, outlined philosophy that blacks should focus on economic gains
Plessy v. Ferguson
Case which the Jim Crow laws were upheld, “separate but equal”
Farmers Alliance
Farmer organizations that wanted to get rid of debt, poverty and low crop prices by educating and mobilizing men and women
The Grangers
Organized by Oliver H. Kelley, wanted to break hold of RR owners and middlemen
Jim Crow laws
Written to separate blacks and whites in public areas
“Boss” Tweed (William Tweed)
lead of Tammany Hall, he stole up to 200m from the general public in 6 years and ended up in jail
“bread and butter unionism”
Unions should focus on improving working conditions and pay for skilled workersused by AFL
“new immigrants”
1880s, immigrant wave from southern and eastern Europe
Populist Party
former Grangers, Omaha Platform (1892)end bc of Dem. support, Bryan’s loss and improving farm prices
Booker T. Washington
former slave, promoted education and economic opportunity for blacks
W.E.B Du Bois
wanted immediate implementation of African American rights
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
prohibited monopolies and trusts that hindered competition
settlement houses
neighborhood center in impoverished areas, helped transition to US society
Jane Addams and Hull House
Chicago, many settlement houses modeled after it (women activism and help out poor)
William Jennings Bryan
“Cross of Gold” speech which favored free silver