Unit 6 Significant Slideshow Items Flashcards
Traditional members of the Republican Party that favored patronage (spoils system)
Half breeds
Moderate members of the Republican Party seeking civil service reform
Activist members of the Republican Party that left in protest to corruption
Who invented the telephone?
Alexander graham bell
Who invented the sewing machine?
Isaac singer
Who revolutionized steel production?
Henry Bessemer
Horizontal integration
Elimination of competitors
Vertical integration
Gaining control of production and distribution process
John D Rockefeller
Dominated oil industry
Andrew Carnegie
Dominated steel industry
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Railroad tycoon
JP Morgan
Leader in banking and finance
System of scientific management
Used social Darwinism to justify wealth
Forgettable presidents
Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison
What case opened the door for labor unions?
Commonwealth v Hunt
Non union workers who worked for low wages
Who led Pullman strike
Eugene v Debs
Members of IWW were referred to as
Knights of Labor
Wanted everyone to be able to work
Pullman strike
Railroad strike where they stopped Pullman cars for higher wages
Haymarket square riot
Downfall of KOL, policeman deaths
American federation of labor
Samuel Gompers, wanted skilled workers