Unit 5 Vocab (1850s-1890s) Flashcards
Dred Scott decision
Ruled African Americans could not be citizens
Popular sovereignty
Power to the people
John Brown
Attempted to lead a slave revolt by capturing armories
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Debates between Douglas and Lincoln. Made Lincoln famous. Topics: how to deal w/ slavery, where it should be allowed, etc.
Sherman’s March
Let force from TN to SC to destroy everything the Confederates could use to survive
Presidential Reconstruction
Plans of Johnson and Lincoln who believed it was the executive’s power to rebuild the south
Radical Reconstruction
Period beginning in 1867 when Republicans took charge of reconstruction
Compromise of 1850
- Fugitive Slave Act- banned slave trade in DC- Cali=free- Split Texas territory- Pop sovereignty in Mexican Cession
Kansas-Nebraska Act
pop sovereignty in Kansas/Nebraska
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe, influenced England’s view of the south and slavery
Freedman’s Bureau
Set up to help former slaves adjust to freedom
Crop lien system
Helped farmers get credit before planting season by borrowing against value for future harvest
“waving the bloody shirt”
use of Civil War imagery by candidates and parties to draw votes to their side
Helen Hunt Jackson
Author of “A Century of Dishonor,” exposed the us gov and their broken promises to Native Americans
election of 1860
Lincoln (R) won because the Democratic party was split over slavery
Emancipation Proclamation
Stated slavery would end BUT didn’t free many because land was under confederate control
Freeport Doctrine
slavery could be excluded from territories of US by local legislation
Battle of Antietam
1862, Bloodiest battle of the Civil War (25k casualties) = north succeeded in halting Lee’s confederate forces in MD
Battle of Gettysburg
Turning point, made it clear the North would win. 50,000 casualties
13th Amendment
freed slaves
14th Amendment
all citizens get “due process of law”
15th Amendment
male suffrage
Radical Republicans
-democratize the south-establish public education-rights of free people-free blacks/black suffrage
Civil Rights Act of 1866
blacks are now US citizens and gave gov power to intervene in state affairs to protect citizen rights
Tied blacks to certain plot of land
Homestead Act
1862, Allowed settlers to acquire as much as 160 acres of land for living on it for five years, improving it and paying a fee of $30
Pacific Railroad Act
1860s, allowed Transcontinental Railroad
Compromise of 1877
Deal that settled 1876 US presidential election, pulled federal troops out of the south, ended reconstruction era. Hayes won over Tilden.
Dawes Severalty Act
1887, Tried to dissolve Indian tribes by redistributing the land
Morrill Land Act
Gave states land grants to build agricultural and mechanical colleges in the west
Wade-Davis Bill
1864, Required 50% of voters of a state to take loyalty oath to be readmitted to the Union
Siege of Vicksburg
1863, final major military action in Vicksburg campaign and last major confederate stronghold on Miss. River
Wilmot Proviso
proposed ban of slavery in new territories
Lecompton Constitution
pro-slavery constitution written for Kansas’ admission to the Union and was rejected but Kansas became free in 1861
Black Codes
Restricted freedman rights
Ghost Dance
Ritual dance by Plain Indians to hasten the end of the war
Wounded Knee
Last battle of Indian Wars, signaled end of armed resistance by Native Americans