Unit 3 Vocab (1780s-1815) Flashcards
Republican Motherhood
attitude toward women’s roles present in emerging US before, during and after the Revolution
The “critical period”
a period in which America faced economic, political and social chaos
Annapolis Convention
convention in which 12 delegates from 5 states (NJ, NY, PA, DE, VA) gathered, wanted to reverse the protectionist trade barriers
Federalist Papers
essays that explained how the new gov and constitution would work
- Jay, Hamilton and Madison wrote the essays
Shay’s Rebellion
farmers protested the foreclosures of farms for debt
Northwest Ordinance
first organized territory of the US
- included lands beyond the App. Mountains, between British Canada and the Great Lakes to the north and Ohio River to south
Alexander Hamilton
money man, Founding Father, founder of nation’s financial system that put US on a firm financial ground
Whiskey Rebellion
it was an armed rebellion in which people rebelled against the new whiskey tax
Land Ordinance of 1785
standardized system= settlers could purchase farmland title, land sales provided revenue stream for congress
Genêt Affair
Genêt was dispatched by French assembly, they wanted him to enlist American support for French wars
Compact theory
holds that the country was formed through a compact agreed upon by all states
Enumerated powers
congress may exercise the powers that the Constitution grants it
Pinckney’s Treaty
established friendship between US and Spain, defined bound. of the US with the Spanish colonies, US gets nav rights on the Miss. River
“Strict constructionist”
wants to limits or restricts judicial interpretation, strict docs
“Farewell Address”
warned America of the political dangers they can and must avoid if they are to remain true to their values, Washington
Jay’s Treaty
treaty between the US and Britain, credited with preventing war
American Colonization Society
ACS intended to support free African Americans, presence served as “perpetual excitement” to enslaved blacks
1st Bank of US (debate)
Hamilton’s bank proposal faced resistance from Jefferson and Madison, claimed the bank was unconstitutional
Orders in Council
closed the French-owned EU ports to foreign shipping
movement that opposed the ratification of the 1787 constitution, wanted the Bill of Rights and wouldn’t sign constitution w/o it
Alien and Sedition Acts
allowed president to imprison and deport non citizens who were deemed dangerous or from a hostile nation
state has right to nullify or invalidate any federal law the state has deemed unconstitutional
Bill of Rights
first ten amendments of the Constitution
“Loose constructionist”
favoring a liberal construction of the constitution, broader power to federal government
XYZ Affair
involved a confrontation between US and Republican France that led to the undeclared Quasi-War
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
political statements in which KY and VA legislative took position that the federal Alien/Sedition Acts were unconstitutional
“Revolution of 1800”
Thomas Jefferson defeated Adams, 1st peaceful transfer of power between parties
Judiciary Act of 1801
reduced size of Supreme Court, six judges to five
The “Marshall Court”
under Marshall, SC decisions upheld the supremacy of federal legislation over state
act of taking men into navy with or without force
Midnight judges
last minute appointments made by US President John Adams, said that Adams signed appointments until midnight of his last day in office
Judicial Review
power to override laws, established during Marbury v Madison case
Louisiana Purchase
land deal between US and France, acquired approximately 827,000 square miles
Barbary Pirates
operated from North Africa, US defeated them in Tripolitan Wars which helped the US gain credibility
Embargo Act of 1807
made any and all exports from the US illegal
Non-Intercourse Act
replaced Embargo Act of 1807, lifted all embargoes on American shipping except for those bound for British or French ports
“Great Compromise”
defined the legislative structure and representation each state would have under the US Constitution
Abigail Adams
John Adams’ wife, John sought her advice with letters and their letters served as eyewitness account of the American Revolutionary War home front
Gabriel Prosser’s Rebellion
he gathered 1,000 rebellious slaves outside Richmond; however, two ppl gave the plot away + the Virginia militia stopped the uprising before it could begin
leader who fought against the United States expansion into the midwest, defeated at the battle of Tippecanoe
Hartford Convention
Federalist Party met to discuss their grievances concerning the ongoing War of 1812 and the political problems arising
Treaty of Ghent
ended the war of 1812, Territory captured was returned to the original owner, set up a convention to determine the Canada/US border
Battle of New Orleans
the British army attempted to take New Orleans, Andrew Jackson defeated them, which gave him an enormous popularity boost, Treaty of Ghent ended it
War Hawks
urged war with Britain to protect free trade and the rights of sailors
Milan Decree
ruled that neutral ships that complied with the British orders in council were subject to seizure when they reached continental ports