Unit 4 Vocab (1810s-1840s) Flashcards
“Cult of Domesticity”
women= stay at home and no work outside of home
2nd Great Awakening
religious movement which led to reform movements designed to remedy the evils of society
Whig Party
formed against Andrew Jackson
- liked bank of US, liked high tariffs and they wanted social reform
Samuel Slater
“Father of American Industrial Revolution”
Force Bill
authorized Jackson to use the army and navy to collect duties on the tariffs
Alexis de Tocqueville
french, his book discusses the advantage of democracy and consequences of the majority’s unlimited power
Rush-Bagot treaty
demilitarization of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain
Americans believed perfection could be achieved so they did movements to make America perfect
Era of Good Feeling
name of president Monroe’s two terms:
period of strong nationalism, economic growth, etc.
Jacksonian Democracy
the idea of spreading political power to the people, ensuring majority rule, “common man”
Henry Clay
supporter of the American System, senator from KY , a war hawk, known as the “Great Compromiser”
“nullification crisis”
declared federal tariffs were unconstitutional which made them “null and void” to SC
John C. Calhoun
VP under Andrew Jackson; he was an advocate of free trade, states’ rights, limited gov.
Erie Canal
connected the Hudson River and the Great Lakes (1825)
National Road
first national road building project funded by Congress
Maysville Road veto
bill that was vetoed by Jackson because he disliked Clay
Monroe Doctrine
Europe shouldn’t interfere in affairs within the US or in the development of other countries in the Western Hemisphere
Nat Turner
led the most famous slave revolt in US history
liked to live a simple life and find nature
“pet banks”
state banks where Andrew Jackson put deposits to avoid the national banks
The Bank War
Jackson wanted to destroy the second bank in the US
Spoils System
method of appointing officials to the government based on connections rather than on impersonal measures of merit
Hayne-Webster debate
argument between Daniel Webster and Robert Hayne about states’ right versus national power
Cotton gin
removed seeds from the cotton
Mormons (migration)
they were persecuted and migrated to western states
Horace Mann
developed public schools
Seneca Falls Convention
launched the women suffrage movement
Dorothea Dix
spoke against inhumane treatment of insane prisoners
Lowell, MA
factory town (Lowell Girls)
Texas Revolution
war between Texas settlers who tried to crush the Texas revolt
James K. Polk
president who was an opponent of manifest destiny, democrat
Bear Flag Revolt
a small group of American settlers in CA rebelled against the Mexican government and proclaimed CA an independent republic, short lived
Mexican Cession
historical name for the region of the Southwestern US that was ceded to the US by Mexico
Gadsden Purchase
the land the US bought create AZ and NM and was wanted to build a railroad
Missouri Compromise
Missouri= slave state Maine= free state
Indian Removal Act
let Andrew Jackson negotiate land-exchange treaties w/ tribes living east of Miss.
American System
adoption of a high protective tariff and developing internal improvements to promote industry
Manifest Destiny
Americans felt that the US should expand from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean, god-given right to the land
favoring natives rather than immigrants
Know-Nothing Party
extend period of nationalization, keep illegal aliens out of the country