Unit 9 "Development Psychology" Flashcards
What is development Psychology?
A study of growing & changing we do from zygote to death.
Difference between embryo, fetus, and Zygote?
Embryo: first 8 weeks
Zygote: fertilized egg
fetus: 9 weeks until birth
What’s the poison that harms the development or the baby in general when taken by the mom?
show examples
Alcohol, drugs
____ is when a child is physically and mentally damaged due to exposure of alcohol while in the womb
Fetal Alcohol syndrome
____ corrolated when baby dies due to being faced down
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
What do you call it when baby’s genital is not clear whether it (male or female)
____ the physical development, growing into the genetical body
____ the mood, activity level, alertness. Basically the different personalities and physical attributions of each person
A specific time to learn develop a certain behavior or skill
Critical period
What are the 2 kinds of study In Development Psych?
Describe each
Cross-sectional Study and Longitudinal study
Cross-sectional: taking different groups and studying them at the same time
Longitudinal: Taking the same groups (same characteristics) and studying them for a long time
Explain Habituation.
It’s the decrease of respond/interest when the stimuli is being repeated simultaneously
Explain Dishabituation
When u see something new you tend to stare at it longer/ become more curious/ fascinated about it
An object that researcher’s used to observing a baby’s perspective of height and correlating to danger
Visual cliff
Explain “Stage theory”
The steps we need to take have to be in order. Skill learned in order
_____ tells us that each person develops differently by paces or order.
Continous development model
What are the “3 stage theories” and who made it?
and what’s another 1 development theory?
Jean Piagnet: cognitive development
Erik Eriksons: Psychosocial development
Lawrence Kohlberg: Moral development
Lev Vygotsky: Socioculture Theory
What are the stages in “Cognitive development”
And explain each like what troubles during that stage
(in order)
Sensorimotor Stage: (0-2) learns to explore their environment and having trouble object permanence
Preoperational Stage: (2-7) having trouble w/
conservation, empathy, theory of mind, and egocentrism
Operational Stage: Kids start to become more logical & understand conservation. But have trouble w/ abstract ideas
Formal Operational Stage: symbolic thoughts and starts to be hypothetical
Describe Assimilation and Accommodation?
Ass: Taking new info & putting it into an existing schema which was a totally different concept
Acc: Making a new schema for new info w/ different concept
___ is when we recognize that objects continue to exist even though they’re not visible.
Object Permanence
____ is an awareness that physical quantities remain constant in spite of changes in their shape? appearance
____limited abilities to share another person’s view point
____ the ability to infer other’s mental states
theory of mind
What did the socioculture theory believe on?
That we learn to from others and talking to yourself gives a huge benefit in learning more
____ is a framework to help kids learn by supporting them into higher levels of thinking
_______ the best place to instruct kids is between what they can do “by themselves” and what they can do w/ the “help of advanced people”
Zone proximal development (ZPD)
How many stages are there in Psychosocial Development & what are they?
State all of them in order
1: Trust v. Mistrust
2: Autonomy v. Shame& doubt
3: Initiative v. guilt
4: Industry v. Inferiority
5: Identity v. Role Confusion
6: Intimacy v. Isolation
7: Generativity v. Stagnation
8: Integrity v. Despair
what the stages of “Moral Development” and explain them w/ definitions
Pre- Conventional: behavior based on doing good for reinforcements and avoiding punishments
Conventional: behavior is based on “being normal” just following the norms for social approval.
Post- Conventional: doesn’t follow the rules when they know they’re right & the rules are harming/unfair to others
What are the 4 types of Parenting Styles? Explain each (little summary)
Authoritarian: Very strict & control towards their children using threats which affects their social behaviors
Permissive: Allows kids to do whatever they want NOT STRICT
Negligence: Doesn’t care about the child AT ALL
Authoritative: Balance of Strict and letting the children express their feelings
Explain “Sex v. Gender”
Sex: Biological
Gender: Social
Explain “Social Learning Theory”
We learn from watching/imitating others & through Punishments and Reinforcements
“Gender role” vs “ Gender identity”
gr: SOCIETY expected behavior/ attitude for male/female
gi: OUR sense of being a male or female
Adolescence vs. Puberty
A: transition period from childhood to adulthood
P: the period of sexual maturation
Spermarche vs. Menarche definition
S: first ejaculation
M: first menstruation
Identity vs. Social Identity
I: a sense of self
SI: self concept in different groups
____ is an emotional bond between 2 people who seek closeness and security
A child experiences _____ when separated from its primary caregiver or in an unfamiliar environment
Separation Anxiety
____ is when certain animals form a strong attachment during early life (ex. geese)
ANd who created it?
Konrad Lorenz
____ a study of how much/ quality of attachment
and who created it?
Strange situation
Mary Ainsworth
Explain “Secure Attachment” vs “Insecure Attachment” provide examples
SA: strong attachment between child & caregiver. When left in an unfamiliar place by CG child will cry at first but can easily find comfort afterward
IA: weak attachment between child & caregiver.
When left in an unfamiliar place by CG child will keep crying or not even notice