Unit 6 "Learning" Flashcards
What’s the reaction to Psychodynamic theory through observable behavior? And who started it?
why do we study observable behavior?
John B. Watson
because it can be tested
What’s the Psych term for “learning/teaching?
Explain “Observable Learning”? and what’s another term for it?
It's learning through watching others, w/o prior knowledge/ experience Another term (Social learning)
A process of observing and imitating specific behaviors.
Who was Albert Bandura?
Explain ALL about him) (what did he criticize and why?
Albert Bandura created the Social learning theory.
Did the bobo doll experiment
he criticized behaviorism because it left out thinking.
Explain Social Learning Theory
We learn behaviors from watching/ imitating other people or from being rewarded or punished.
Explain Social Cognitive Theory
behavior is determined by a combo of our traits and situation
What are the 2 conditionings? and who mostly contributed/ created them?
Classical conditioning: Ivan Pavlov
Operant conditioning: Edward Thorndike & B.F Skinner
Explain Classical Conditioning.
What does it? contain and example
it’s an involuntary behavior caused by 2 stimuli being paired and causing 1 response.
(UC+ Neutral Stimulus = CS)
training [bell(CS)+ meat(UCS)+ salvation (CR)]= dog thinks there’s meat whenever there’s a bell (CR)
Explain the components needed in a Classical Conditioning
Conditioned= learned
Unconditioned= instinct
Neural Stimuli= bell no effect until pared with UC
it’s an initial stage of learning (start)
it’s the loss of the condition response
When the lost conditioned response comes back
Spontaneous Recovery
____ organism respond to one stimulus but not the other
Stimulus discrimination
____ organism respond w/ CR to a similar stimulus to the CS
Stimulus generalization
____ adding a CS by associating it w/ previously learned CS
Higher-order learning
Stop eating a certain food due to a bad past experience (getting sick)
Taste- Aversion (Garcia effect)
Explain Operant Conditioning.
Who first founded then who continued
A voluntary behavior that’s gonna is either strengthened or weakened based on the consequences.
Edward Thorndike, B.F Skinner
What did Edward Thorndike contribute? and explain
Law of effect: satisfying effect= do it again
dissatisfying effect = not do it again
What experiment did B.F Skinner do?
He made an Operant Chamber (skinner box) and trapped the mouse and observed the responses when the mouse learns what’s gonna harm them.
Reinforcement V.s Punishment
Reinforcement: behavior is strengthened due to good consequences
Punishment: behavior is weakened due to bad consequences
Positive v.s Negative
P= something is added N= Something is removed
Positive Reinforcement v.s Negative Reinforcement
PR= behavior strengthened because something good is being added NR= behavior strengthened because something bad is removed
Positive Punishment v.s Negative Punishment
PP=behavior weakened because something bad is being added
NP= behavior weakened something good is removed
____reinforcement is bit by bit to achieve the desired response
Primary reinforcers v.s Secondary Reinforcers
P= Food/water S= anything else we value
What’s a type of reinforcement that reinforces you every time? What’s the good and bad?
Continuous Reinforcement
G= learn behavior fast
B= not realistic, because it’ll stop one day
What’s a type of reinforcement that reinforces you sometimes? What’s the good?
Intermittent reinforcement
G= maintaining a behavior
_____ means a long-lasting behavior
resistance to extinction (durable)
4 components of intermittent reinforcement and definition?
Interval: based on time
Ratio: based on work
Fixed: always the same
Variable: change based on the situation
Fixed Ratio & Variable Ratio
FR: reinforcement in a certain quantity
VR: Unpredictable reinforcement, but need to do work
Fixed Interval & Variable Interval
FI: Reinforcement in a certain time
VI: Unpredictable reinforcement no matter what effort
____ the belief that you control your own destiny/future
Internal locus of control
____ the belief that everything is fated and you can’t do anything about it
External locus of control
What are the 2 kinds of motivation? explain
Intrinsic Motivation: motivation comes within yourself
Extrinsic Motivation: motivation comes from external forces (influence parents, rewards)
____ is retaining info w/o reinforcement or motivation. Who created this?
Latent Learning by Edward Tolman
Image of the maze inside the rat’s head
Cognitive map
What did Robert Rescorla contribute?
Predictive value
____ is understanding immediately the problem/ sudden realization
Insight Learning
____ trying various ways/ theories to reach the goal
Trial and error
Every organism understand certain connection/ association because they make sense
___learns association quicker if they go w/ instincts (only animals)
Instinctive Drift
Giving up leads to a Lack of internal locus results in _____
Learned Helplessness
Explain “Behavior modification”
Process of changing one’s behavior by using reinforcement and punishment.
___- a stimulus that reveals a higher chance of something happening
discriminative stimulus