Unit 2 Research Method Flashcards
What’s “Proximity”?
Physically close together
What’s the “Mere Exposure Effect”?
The more you see it the more you like it.
What’s “Hindsight Bias”?
gathering past info & overestimating themselves to predict current event. “I knew it all along”
What’s “illusory correlation”?
“coincidence” 2 things unrelated
What’s “Theory”?
Set of ideas that have been tested w/ explanations
What’s a “Hypothesis” & “Replication”?
a scientific prediction.
Redo your study
What are the 4 Types of Research?
What are the 2 categories of Research?
- Case Study, Natural Observation, Survey, Experiment.
- Descriptive/correlational Studies (no cause/effect) & Experiments (cause/effect)
What’s a “Case Study”?
Good & Bad?
studying one person/small group.
-Learn about one person, but can’t generalize
What’s “Natural Observation”?
Good & Bad?
studying a subject in their natural surrounding.
- Results are authentic & Realistic.
- Hawthorne Effect, Confirmation Bias
What’s the “Hawthorne Effect” & “Confirmation Bias”?
- Subjects act differently when they know they’re being observed.
- We tend to see what we want to see.
What’s a “Survey”?
Good & Bad?
- Answering Q/A about a particular subject.
- Cheap & quick
- Social Desirability Bias & Response Set
What’s “Social Desirability Bias” & “Response Set”?
- People often lie in order to look good
- Answering in some sort of pattern.
What an “Experiment”?
Good & Bad?
the investigation in which hypotheses are scientifically tested. (Cause & Effect)
- More info & non-descriptive
- takes money, time, participants, can be unethical
Experimental vs. Control Group.
Ex G. has the Independent v. while Con G. stays the same
Independent vs. Dependent v.
In= being manipulated De= affected by the change (results)
What’s an “Operational Definition”?
make variables measurable so they can be replicated.
What are the Ethics of an Experiment?
subjects/participants = volunteers, need informed consent, Confidential
Debrief(explain) especially if they use deception(lie)
What’s a “Placebo Effect”?
expecting that something might happen/follow.
What’s “Random assignment”?
randomly assign participants into different groups
What’s a “Single-blind Procedure”?
Participants don’t know who in what group.
What’s a “Double-blind Procedure”?
Both Participants and Experimenters don’t know who’s in what group.
What’s “Experimenter Bias”?
Experimenters sometimes give unintentional cues that affect the subject’s behavior.
What’s “Sampling Bias”?
when sample doesn’t represent your population.
What’s “Random Selection”
Survey where you need samples