Unit 9 Flashcards
parallel to the equator (0º - 90ª)
connect north pole → south pole
(mark direction of true north & south) (0º - 180º)
What is another name for longitude lines?
time required for Earth to make 1 revolution of 360º
(Earth revolved at 15º/hour)
What are meridians used for?
Used to measure direction from one point to another in degrees from true north
Draw a line from departure point to destination & measure angle that line forms with meridian (at midpoint of course)
True course
course measure on sectional chart
angle between true north and magnetic north
Other than hard surface runway
Hard surface runway 1500’ to 8069’
Hard-surfaced runways greater than 8096’ or multiple runways
Seaplane bases
MIlitary airports
Other than hard surface runway
Dual-lame divided highway
Primary road
Railroads: single track & double track
Power transmission lines
VFR checkpoints
Underground pipeline
Maximum elevation figure (MEF)
Over congested areas pilots must maintain
Over national wildlife refuges
2,000 ft AGL
Class B Airspace
Class C
Class D
Class E begining at surface
Class E airspace beginning at 700 ft AGL
Class E airspace beginning at 1,200 ft AGL
Class E airspace begins at the altitude defined by zipper line
Federal Airways
(Class E begins at 1,200 ft AGL)
Which airspaces are not depicted on sectional charts?
A & G
Restricted areas (R)
unusual, often invisible, hazards exist
Flying not prohibited but subject to restrictions (must get permission to fly)
Warning areas (W):
activity that be hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft (aerial gunnery)
Military operations (MOAs)
airspace established to separate certain military training activities from IFR traffic
(Contact FSS within 100 mi of area)
Alert area
high volume of pilot training or unusual type of aerial activity
Airports with fuel service
small solid squares at top & bottom of airport symbol
Advisory circulars (ACs)
provide systematic means for issuing non-regulatory material of interest to aviation public
FAA circulars
FAA circulars
FAA circulars
Air traffic
Chart supplement
directory of all airports, seaplane bases, and helicopters open to public
provides automated weather, radio check capabilities, & airport advisory information (by microphone clicks)
provides automated weather, radio check capabilities, & airport advisory information (by microphone clicks)
time critical aeronautical info of temporary nature
aeronautical facility, civil airports, en route NAVAIDs, services, procedures, hazards
flight restrictions, changes to airspace use, changes to air traffic service routes, changes to instrument flight procedures
Pointer NOTAMs
logically direct research by highlighting specific keywords
issued when special activity airspace (SAA) will be active outside published schedule times
Military NOTAMs
military NOTAMs are different format
Which sources of aeronautical information, when used collectively, provide the latest status of airport conditions (e.g., runway closures, runway lighting, snow conditions)?
Chart supplements and (D) NOTAMs