Unit 5 Flashcards
What is the most important factor that affects airplane performance?
Air density
As density altitude increases & air density decreases, does performance improve or worsen?
As air temp increases, air density?
As altitude increases, air density?
As barometric pressure increases, air density?
As humidity increases, air density?
Density altitude
measurement of air density expressed in terms of altitude
(theoretical value)
What is density altitude used for?
determining plane’s performance capabilities
amount of water vapor in the air
(affects engine power)
Relationship between humidity & engine performance?
Increase humidity = decrease performance
(less air enters cylinders)
What is the general rule for takeoff distance in humid environments?
add 10% to takeoff distance
What should you do if density altitude is above 5,000ft or power setting is less than 75%?
lean out engine for max power
Minimum takeoff distance
min safe speed that allows for sufficient safety margin above stall speed, provides control, & initial rate of climb
What is the affect of gross weight on takeoff performance?
increase gross weight = decrease in takeoff performance
(more takeoff speed, mass to accelerate, drag)
requires longer takeoff distance
Takeoff speed
min speed at which plane can become airborne
What would happen if takeoff speed were too low?
plane stalls & very low initial rate of climb
What would happen if takeoff speed were too high?
initial rate of climb better, but require LONGER takeoff distance
What does a plane’s climb performance depend on?
reserve thrust & reserve power