Unit 3 Flashcards
Destination & directional signs
Black text on yellow background
Location signs
yellow text on black background
What color are runway markings?
What color are taxiway markings?
Nonmovement area boundary marking: under ATC
Vehicle roadway markings
Runway holding
location where you have to stop and don’t have clearance to proceed
Holding position markings for ILS critical areas
What color are mandatory instruction signs?
white characters on red background
Runway edge lights
Taxiway edge lights
Pilot control of lighting (PCL)
radio controlled lighting system
no operating control tower of FSS
What are airport rotating beacons used for?
identify location of airports at night
Airport rotating beacons:
- White & green:
- 2 white & 1 green:
- Green, yellow, & white:
- White & green: lighted land airport for civil use
- 2 white & 1 green: military airport
- Green, yellow, & white: heliport
What is the basic pattern elevation?
1,000ft above airport elevation
What is the recommended entry into pattern?
45º to downwind leg at approx runway midpoint
What should you do when landing at an airport with no control tower?
- observe other aircrafts and conform to their pattern
- overfly airport 500 - 1000ft above traffic pattern altitude to oberseve wind sock
What is a landing stip indicator
- Long leg: runway direction
- Short leg: direction of turn from base
When are Visual approach slope indicator (VASI) visible?
3-5 miles day
+20miles at night
Precision approach path indicator (PAPI)
single row of 2 or 4 lights
Tri-color approach indicator
single light (3 diff colors)
Pulsating visual approach slope indicator
single light (red & white)
Visual approach slope indicator (VASI)
Wake turbulence
phenomenon due to passage of aircraft through atmosphere
When do wingtip vortices occur?
when plane develops lift
(pressure diff between upper & lower wing surface)
What increases the strength of wingtip vortices?
greater AOA →
(greater weight, retracted flaps, lower airspeed)
What are trailing vortices?
by-product of wing lift during rotating (ie. takeoff)
Vortex avoidance tips
landing/taking off with other bigger planes
- land farther away than larger plane
- cross above large plane’s path
- at least 2min seperation
Any plane that appears to have no relative motion & stays in one quadrant is likely to be ____
Any plane that appears to have no relative motion & stays in one quadrant is likely to be on collision course.
Near midair collisions (NMAC)
accidents that occur during good VFR weather conditions
(ie. clear daylight)
What do navigation lights consist of?
red, green, and white light
Navigation lights
Red light:
plane is crossing in front of you from right → left
Navigation lights
Green light:
plane is crossing in front of you from left → right
Navigation lights
White light:
plane flying away from you
Navigation lights
Red & green:
plane is approaching you head on
Active traffic detection system
emits interrogation signals & doesn’t need ground radar
Passive traffic detection system
relies on transponder replied triggered by ground & airborne components
technology allows air traffic controllers to precisely see traffic using GPS signals
What are the benefits of ADS-B?
- works where radars cannot
- works at low altitude
- provides weather info
Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)
continuous broadcast of weather
Class A:
from 18,000 ft MSL up to FL 600, including airspace over water within 12 NM of coast
Class B:
airspace from surface to 10,000 ft MSL surrounding nation’s busiest airports
Class C:
surrounds airports with operational control tower
Class D:
surrounds airports that have operational control tower & weather services available
Class E:
controlled airspace that is not A, B, C, D
Class G:
uncontrolled airspace
What are the VFR weather minimums?
- May not operate plane if ceiling < 1,000ft (class B, C, D, E)
- May not land/take off unless ground visibility > 3 SM
create positional relationship between controller & traffic
Mode C on transponder
automatic altitude reporting
Mode C on transponder
automatic altitude reporting
special code for hijacking:
special code for lost radio communications
special code for emergency
special code for military interceptor operations
ATC light signals
used in absence of radio communications so the tower can communicate with radio silent aircraft
ATC light signals
used in absence of radio communications so the tower can communicate with radio silent aircraft
How can you acknowledge ATC light signals when in a radio silent aircraft?
- rock wings in daylight
- blink lights a night
What is the emergency radio frequency?
121.5 Mhz
Land and hold short operations (LAHSO):
land & hold short of an intersection runway/taxiway
(student pilots should NOT)
A lighted helicopter may be identified by?
green, yellow, and white rotating beacon.
A military air station can be identified by a rotating beacon that emits?
B two quick, white flashes between green flashes.
To set the high intensity runway lights on medium intensity, the pilot should click the microphone seven times, and then click it
5x within 5 sec
The arrows that appear on the end of the north/south runway indicate that the area
cannot be used for landing, but may be used for taxiing and takeoff.
A slightly high glide slope indication from a precision approach path indicator is
3 white lights and 1 red light.
Wingtip vortices created by large aircraft tend to
sink below the aircraft generating turbulence.
The wind condition that requires maximum caution when avoiding wake turbulence on landing is a
light, quartering tailwind.
How does the wake turbulence vortex circulate around each wingtip?
Outward, upward, and around each tip.
During a night flight, you observe a steady white light and a flashing red light ahead and at the same altitude. What is the general direction of movement of the other aircraft?
The other aircraft is flying away from you.
Eye movements during daytime collision avoidance scanning should
not exceed 10 degrees and view each sector at least 1 second.
It is the responsibility of the pilot and crew to report a near midair collision as a result of proximity of at least
500 feet or less to another aircraft.
Any airspace that requires the use of a transponder also requires aircraft to be
equipped with specific ADS-B Out equipment.
When should ADS-B equipment be operated on the ground while taxiing?
All the time when on airport surface
Absence of the sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast indicates that
C the ceiling is at least 5,000 feet and visibility is 5 miles or more.
Unless otherwise authorized, two-way radio communications with Air Traffic Control are required for landings or takeoffs at all towered airports
regardless of weather conditions
In which type of airspace are VFR flights prohibited?
Class A
The minimum distance from clouds required for VFR operations on an airway below 10,000 feet MSL is
500 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 2,000 feet horizontally.
If Air Traffic Control advises that radar service is terminated when the pilot is departing Class C airspace, the transponder should be set to code
If Air Traffic Control advises that radar service is terminated when the pilot is departing Class C airspace, the transponder should be set to code
Enhanced taxiway centerline markings are enhanced for a maximum of how many feet prior to the runway holding position markings?
The radius of the procedural outer area of Class C airspace is normally
20 NM
Under what condition may an aircraft operate from a satellite airport within Class C airspace?
The pilot must contact ATC as soon as practicable after takeoff.
The vertical limit of Class C airspace above the primary airport is normally
4,000 feet AGL.
For VFR flight operations above 10,000 feet MSL and more than 1,200 feet AGL, the minimum horizontal distance from clouds required is
1 mile
How can you determine if another aircraft is on a collision course with your aircraft?
There will be no apparent relative motion between your aircraft and the other aircraft.
At an altitude below 18,000 feet MSL, which transponder code should be selected?
Mode A/3, Code 1200.
Outside controlled airspace, the minimum flight visibility requirement for VFR flight above 1,200 feet AGL and below 10,000 feet MSL during daylight hours is
1 mile
What are the minimum requirements for airplane operations under special VFR in Class D airspace at night?
The pilot must be instrument rated, and the airplane must be IFR equipped.
The lateral dimensions of Class D airspace are based on
the instrument procedures for which the controlled airspace is established.
When turning onto a taxiway from another taxiway, what is the purpose of the taxiway directional sign?
Indicates designation and direction of taxiway leading out of an intersection.
A special VFR clearance authorizes the pilot of an aircraft to operate VFR while within Class D airspace when the visibility is
at least 1 mile and the aircraft can remain clear of clouds.
When activated, an emergency locator transmitter (ELT) transmits on
406 MHz.
Normal VFR operations in Class D airspace with an operating control tower require the visibility and ceiling to be at least
1,000 feet and 3 miles.
ADS-B equipment is not required for aircraft in flight above 10,000 ft. MSL
while that flight is still being conducted below 2,500 ft. AGL.
What minimum radio equipment is required for VFR operation within Class B airspace?
- Two-way radio communications equipment
- 4096-code transponder
- encoding altimeter
- ADS-B Out equipment.
For VFR flight operations above 10,000 feet MSL and more than 1,200 feet AGL, the minimum horizontal distance from clouds required is
1 mile
Your VFR flight will be conducted above 10,000 ft. MSL in Class E airspace. What is the minimum flight visibility?
5 SM
The Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) specifically encourages pilots to turn on their landing lights when operating below 10,000 feet, day or night, and especially when operating
in conditions of reduced visibility.
From whom should a departing VFR aircraft request radar traffic information during ground operations?
Ground control, on initial contact.
While on final approach for landing, an alternating green and red light followed by a flashing red light is received from the control tower. Under these circumstances, the pilot should
exercise extreme caution and abandon the approach, realizing the airport is unsafe for landing.
The correct method of stating 10,500 feet MSL to ATC is
A non-tower satellite airport, within the same Class D airspace as that designated for the primary airport, requires radio communications be established and maintained with the
primary airport’s control tower.
Which light signal from the control tower clears a pilot to taxi?
Flashing green
TRSA Service in the terminal radar program provides
sequencing and separation for participating VFR aircraft.
The greatest vortex strength occurs when the generating aircraft is
heavy, clean, and slow.
What is the purpose of the runway/runway hold position sign?
Denotes intersecting runways.
The numbers 9 and 27 on a runway indicate that the runway is oriented approximately
090° and 270° magnetic.