Unit 7 Vocab Flashcards
The belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military and be prepared to aggressively defend or promote national interests
-A formal agreement between two or more nations
-One of the causes leading up to the outbreak of WWI
The principle of the union of all Slavs or Slavic-speaking peoples into one political organization
A policy of avoiding political or military involvement with other countries
Trench warfare
Form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battlefield
Total war
A conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort
-The limiting of the amounts of goods people can purchase
-Often imposed by governments during wartime, when goods are in short supply
Information or material spread to advance a cause or to damage an opponent’s cause
An agreement to stop fighting
Collective security
-The cooperation of several countries in a league to strengthen the security of each other
-Aimed at preventing wars
The determining by the people of the form their government shall have, without reference to the wishes of any other nation, especially by people of a territory or former colony
After WWI a territory that was administered by a western power; primarily in the former Ottoman Empire
One of the local representative councils formed in Russia after the downfall of Czar Nicholas II
-The process of transferring ownership from individuals to the state or all the people collectively
-In agriculture, requiring farmers to work in the land as a group rather than as individual landowners
-An economic system in which all means of production are owned by the people
-Private property does not exist, and goods and services are shared equally
Command economy
An economic system in which the government makes all economic decisions
-A political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism
-A denial of individual rights and a dictatorial one-party rule
Government control over every aspect of public and private life
The making of concessions to an aggressor in order to avoid war
-“lightening war”
-A form of warfare in which surprise attacks with airplanes are followed by attacks with infantry
The systematic killing of an entire people
A reduction in a country’s ability to wage war, achieved by disbanding its armed forces and prohibiting it from acquiring weapons
-The action/policy of preventing the expansion of a hostile country/influence
-Policy aimed at controlling the spread of communism around the world
-Developed in administration of Truism