unit 6 - hackman oldham job design Flashcards
Whats the idea of this model
teh better hte job design the more motivaitng potential of a job
if this potential becomes a reality i.r lead to higher productiivty, higher ouptu, lower absenteeism more staff retention less turnover
what are the 5 chararestics that make up job design
skill Variety
task Identity
task Signficance
what does skill variety mean
does job offer a range of tasks or is it very repertitive/moonotomous
what does task identity mean
is ther a clear focus to the job
and if it has a process - does worker own process from start to finish
what does task significnace mena
does job have design in the sens that the worker understands why it simportant and significant to org
what is usually the cuase
task variety
task significane
task identity
theyre often bunched togehter
why are task vairty identitiy and signiicance bunched together
if you identitfy them together work becomes more meaningful which increases motivation
what does autonomy mean
does job allow for independence to worker
how does autonomy increase motivation potentia
worekr feels responsiblity for outocomes it will lead to higher quaity of final outcomes
what does feedback mean
does job design offer a sustem in which feedback is given to teh worker
why is feedback important
if they understnad hwo well theri performing motivat ethem to go harder
as well as how they can imporve in future as get better as ttime goes on leads to more expeirence and therfore higher satisfaction
the more core charactresitic hit in a job
the more motivaitng potential of a job
we have to appreciate individuals are so what did h&C do
so included a growth needs strenght dimension
how do we appreacitae indiviudals are different
pick indidividuals appropriatey in terms of which characteristic they more liekly to be repsonive to which increases benefits in terms of motivating potential
even ig a indi has a gns score low `
still lead to more motivaitng potetial just not as much
in terms og gns the job needs to ebdesigned well but
nedt o pic an appropriate indiivusla
the better the individual the more beneit you get in terms of motivating potential
even if low gns score we get a +ve
+Ve correlation between job desging and motivating potential
how do we remeber hackam oldham job design model
very important seagulls ate fish
and chips
what does chips relate to
consider herzberg intrinsic factors as they very mch relate