Unit 6 Flashcards
A functional assessment method involving direct observation of the antecedents, the target behavior, and the consequences of the behavior.
ABC observation
A dimension of ABA that means that analysts work to demonstrate experimental control over the occurrence and nonoccurrence of the behavior, or functional relations.
A stimulus or event that precedes the target behavior.
A technologically consistent behavior modification method that possesses sufficient generality across subjects, settings, and/or behaviors to warrant its codification and dissemination.
Behavior change tactic
The likelihood that a given behavior will occur in a given circumstance.
Conditional probability
A learned stimulus-response functional relation consisting of an antecedent stimulus and the response it elicits.
Conditioned reflex
A stimulus change that follows a behavior of interest.
Refers to dependent and/or temporal relations between operant behavior and its controlling variables.
Exchanging the two reinforcement contingencies for two topographically different responses.
Contingency reversal
The state of an organism with respect to how much time has elapsed since it has consumed or contacted a particular type of reinforcer.
Direct observation of problem behavior and the antecedent and consequent events under naturally occurring conditions.
Descriptive functional behavior assessment
A stimulus in the presence of which responses of some type have been reinforced and in the absence of which the same type of responses have occurred and not been reinforced.
Discriminative stimulus
The conglomerate of real circumstances in which the organism or referred part of an organism exists.
The process by which, when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer followed by the reinforcing consequences, the frequency of the behavior decreases in the future.
A functional assessment method in which environmental events (antecedents and consequences of the behavior) are manipulated to demonstrate a functional relationship between the environmental events and the behavior.
Functional analysis
A systemic method of assessment for obtaining information about the purposes a problem behavior serves for a person.
Functional behavior assessment
A response that results in the same reinforcing outcome as an alternative response. The response serves the same function as the alternative response.
Functionally equivalent
A decrease in responsiveness to repeated presentations of a stimulus.
Structured interviews, checklists, rating scales, or questionnaires used to obtain information from people who are familiar with the person exhibiting the problem behavior.
Indirect functional assessment
All of the behaviors that a person can do, or a set of behaviors relevant to a particular setting or task.
Behavior that is elicited, or induced, by antecedent stimuli.
Respondent behavior
A single instance of an occurrence of a specific class or type of behavior.