Unit 2 Flashcards
A functional assessment method involving direct observation of the antecedents, the target behavior, and the consequences of the behavior.
ABC observation
A form of direct, continuous observation in which the observer records a descriptive, temporally sequenced account of all behavior(s) of interest and the antecedent conditions and consequences for those behaviors as those events occur in the client’s natural environment.
ABC recording
A form of direct, continuous observation in which the observer records a descriptive, temporally sequenced account of all behaviors of interest and the antecedent conditions and consequences and consequences for those behaviors as those events occur in the client’s natural environment.
Anecdotal observation
An inventory that provides descriptions of different skills (usually in hierarchical order) and the conditions under which each skill should be observed.
Behavior checklist
A form of evaluation that involves a full range of inquiry methods to identify problematic antecedent and consequent controlling variables.
Behavioral assessment
An action that has sudden and dramatic consequences that extend well beyond the idiosyncratic change itself, because it exposes the person to new environments, reinforcers, contingencies, responses, and stimulus controls.
Behavioral cusp
An assessment protocol that acknowledges complex interrelationships between environment and behavior.
Ecological assessment
Designates responses as members of the targeted response class solely in terms of their common effect on the environment.
Function-based definition
Any measurement of a learner’s performance of a target behavior in a setting and/or stimulus situation in which direct training has not been provided.
Generalization probe
Any place or stimulus situation that differs in some meaningful way from the instructional setting and in which performance of the target behavior is desired.
Generalization setting
A self-management strategy in which the person decides on and writes down the desired level of the target behavior he or she hopes to achieve as a result of self-management procedures.
Goal setting
An adjustment that occurs when a person’s repertoire has been changed such that short- and long-term reinforcers are maximized, and long- and short-term punishers are minimized.
The environment where instruction occurs; includes all aspects of the environment, planned and unplanned, that may influence the learner’s acquisition and generalization of the target behavior.
Instructional setting
An action that, when learned, produces corresponding modifications or covariation in other untrained behavior.
Pivotal behavior
Effects of an observation and measurement procedure on the behavior being measured.
Holds that only behaviors likely to produce reinforcement in that person’s natural environment should be targeted for change.
Relevance of behavior rule
The extent to which a learner emits untrained responses that are functionally equivalent to the trained target behavior.
Response generalization
The extent to which a learner continues to perform the target behavior after a portion or all of the intervention responsible for the behavior’s initial appearance in the learner’s repertoire has been terminated.
Response maintenance
A type of prompt in which the trainer engages in a behavior to induce the client to engage in the target behavior in the presence of the discriminative stimulus.
Response prompt
A procedure in which a person compares his performance of a target behavior with a predetermined goal or standard; often a component of self-management.
A behavior that makes it more likely that one will perform the target behavior at the right time.
Self-generated mediator of generalization
A type of cognitive behavior modification procedure in which the client learns to make specific self-statements that increase the likelihood that a target behavior will occur in a specific situation.
Self-instructional training
The extent to which a learner emits the target behavior in a setting or stimulus situation that is different from the instructional setting.
Setting generalization
Refers to the extent to which target behaviors are appropriate, intervention procedures are acceptable, and important and significant changes in target and collateral behaviors are produced.
Social validity
The response class selected for intervention.
Target behavior
Defines instances of the targeted response class by the shape or form of the behavior.
Topography-based definition