Unit 3 Flashcards
Reinforcement that occurs independent of the social mediation of others (for example, scratching an insect bite relieves the itch).
Automatic reinforcement
A stimulus change or condition that functions to evoke a behavior that has terminated it in the past, as a punisher when presented following behavior, and/or as a reinforcer when withdrawn following behavior.
Aversive stimulus
A behavior that prevents an aversive event.
Avoidance behavior
A contingency in which a response prevents or postpones the presentation of a stimulus.
Avoidance contingency
A previously neutral stimulus that has been paired a number of times with an established reinforcer and consequently functions as a reinforcer itself.
Conditioned reinforcer
Refers to dependent and/or temporal relations between operant behavior and its controlling variables.
The assumption that the universe is a lawful and orderly place in which phenomena occur in relation to other events and not in a willy-nilly, accidental fashion.
Behavior that results in the termination of an aversive stimulus.
Escape behavior
A contingency in which a response terminates (produces escape from) an ongoing stimulus.
Escape contingency
A hypothetical variable that often takes the form of another name for the observed phenomenon it claims to explain and contributes nothing to a functional account or understanding of the phenomenon.
Explanatory fiction
An extensive interview protocol that explores (a) the topography, frequency, and intensity of challenging behaviors; (b) environmental conditions related to behavior; (c) contextual variables that may be related to challenging behaviors such as the student’s history and biological or physiological status; (d) functional alternative behaviors and communication skills exhibited by the student; and (e) potential reinforcers and interventions.
Functional analysis interview
The process of generating information on the events preceding and following the behavior in an attempt to determine which antecedents and consequences are reliably associated with the occurrence of the behavior.
Functional assessment
Interventions that decrease problem behaviors without the use of punishment by modifying the antecedents and consequences that control the behaviors.
Functional interventions
Any measurement of a learner’s performance of a target behavior in a setting and/or stimulus situation in which direct training has not been provided.
Generalization probe
Any place or stimulus situation that differs in some meaningful way from the instructional setting and in which performance of the target behavior is desired.
Generalization setting
A self-management strategy in which the person decides on and writes down the desired level of the target behavior he or she hopes to achieve as a result of self-management procedures.
Goal setting
Assessment that relies on information from others.
Indirect assessment
Structured interviews, checklists, rating scales, or questionnaires used to obtain information from people who are familiar with the person exhibiting the problem behavior.
Indirect functional assessment
Occurs when the behavior that is measured is in some way different from the behavior of interest.
Indirect measurement
The environment where instruction occurs; includes all aspects of the environment, planned and unplanned, that may influence the learner’s acquisition and generalization of the target behavior.
Instructional setting
A type of reinforcement in which the occurrence of the behavior is followed by the removal or avoidance of an aversive stimulus.
Negative reinforcement
A type of reinforcement in which, contingent on the behavior, a stimulus or event is presented and the probability of the behavior increases in the future.
Positive reinforcement
Holds that only behaviors likely to produce reinforcement in that person’s natural environment should be targeted for change.
Relevance of behavior rule
Refers to the extent to which target behaviors are appropriate, intervention procedures are acceptable, and important and significant changes in target and collateral behaviors are produced.
Social validity
The response class selected for intervention.
Target behavior
Defines instances of the targeted response class by the shape or form of the behavior.
Topography-based definition