Unit 6 Flashcards
not learned
you don’t need prior experience
lasting change in behavior that is as a result of practice or past experience
decrease response
Classical Conditioning
Neutral Stimulus
something by that doesn’t mean anything by itself (ex: bell)
Unconditioned Stimulus
thing that leads you to react without previous training
(ex: food)
Unconditioned Response
A response to the thing
(ex: dogs salivating to food)
Conditioned Response
Thing that leads you to reach with/after training
(ex: bell)
Conditioned Responses
response that is learned
(ex: dogs salivating to bell)
Not being able to distinguish the difference to things
(ex: scared of anything white and small)
when you can tell the difference
must be learned
behavior is gone
Spontaneous Recovery
getting the behavior back for no reason
Conditioned Emotional Response
emotional response
fear or prejudice- pre judge - learned
Conditioned Taste Aversion
The Garcia effect
aversion to taste but not the sight or sound
Trace Conditioning
the condition stimulus is presented and terminated before the unconditioned stimulus (1/2 second)
Delay Condition
the conditioned stimulus is presented and continues at least until unconditioned stimulus is present
Simultaneous Conditioning
conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are present and terminated at the same time
John Watson
Baby Albert
Mary Cover Jobes
Watsons assistant
if you associate something pleasant with a fear object fear decreases
Rescoria + Wagner
the contingency model
key concept: prediction + cognition (thinking invaded)
Operant Conditioning
learning through the consequences of your actions
E.L Thorndike
cats and fish
originally known as instrumental conditioning
Law of Effect
you learn what to do and what not to do depending on the result
B.F Skinner
Operant Conditioning vs Classical Conditioning
OC - voluntary, active < reinforcement after response
CC - involuntary, passive
Extinction - Classical Conditioning
Conditioned response decreases when conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented alone
Extinction - Operational Conditioning
responding decreases when reinforcement stops
(ex: stop giving a child attention when they misbehave)
(do it again)
goal is to strengthen the response
Primary Reinforcement
naturally rewarding
(ex: food)
Secondary Reinforcements
associated with primary
(ex: money to get food)
Positive reinforcement
giving a positive
+ +
Negative reinforcement
takes a negative
(ex: Tylenol, takes away headache)
(don’t do it again)
goal is to decrease behavior
Positive punishment
giving a negative
(ex: spanking, grounding)
Negative punishment
taking away something you want
(ex: taking away phone)
Reinforcement Schedule
not the most effective but you learn the fastest
(reward for everything)
Fixed Ratio
Variable Ratio
Fixed Interval
Variable Interval
Fixed Ratio
reinforcement occurs after a fix # of responses
(ex: you can reach tv until you pick up 5 toys)
Variable Ratio
of responses between reinforcement
(ex: gambling, lottery)
reinforcement comes after a #
Fixed interval
response is reinforced after a fixed period of time
(ex: paychecks)
Variable Interval
time between reinforcements varies
(ex: you wait days for a wave)
Behavior Modification
form of operant conditioning to change behavior
Baseline data
how many times do they do that behavior in a day
what you observe + measure
seeing any changes
Premack Princepal
reward yourself after doing something undesirable
(ex: using your phone after studying)
the closer you are to the goal it gets reinforced
(skinner + pigeons)
Superstitious learning
ex: wearing you’re lucky socks
Cognitive Learning Theories
mental activity including thinking + memory
insight learning
Insight learning
sudden appearance of answers
(ex: taking a test and then realizing the right answer)
Latent learning
Latent learning
learning that is revealed when an incentive is provided
(ex: raising hand after candy is provided)
Cognitive/mental nap
visual image of how to get from point A to point B
Observational Learning
observe + imatiating
not modeling
Albert Bandura
Bobo Doll
Mirror Neurons
provide neural basis for observational learning
(ex: when baby imitates an adult )
you get feedback on biological responses and you learn to control these biological responses