Unit 1 Flashcards
What is Psychology?
A study in behavior
Personality = humps/ ident on head
Father of Psych?
Wilhelm Wunelt
the parts of the consciences
Whole consciousness (includes the study for perception, learning and problem solving)
Tendency to see patterns/Emphasis is organization/looking for things as a whole
Sir Francis Galton
Nature Vs Nuture
Dorothea Dix
advocated for mental hospitals
unconscious mind/free association
looks to understand mental and behavior that has been modified over the years
learned behavior
by JB Watson
reinforcement + punishment
free will/ humans are naturally good
Environmental/ study’s impact of the persons race, gender, social norms, etc
Evolutionary Approach
Natural selection
Biological Approach
Brain chemistry/genetics/hereditary
can prescribe
observable + measurable
how you define and measure a specific variable as it is used in a study
Independent Variable
Manipulated or controlled
The outcome
Confounding Variable
something that effects the dependent variable but shouldn’t
Demand Characteristics
Experimenter gives off clues
eliminating the confounding variables effects by present the variables in different order
a total from which sample may be drawn
selected group of people from the population (random and represented)
(equal chance of participation)
Experimental Group
Gets the independent variable
doesn’t get the independent variable
Stratified Sample
population is divided into different sub categories and a random sample is taken from each
Sampling Bias
a group in the same does not represent the population (tried to be avoided)
Random Assignment
A way to control
using random assignment this would eliminate confounding variables
Between subject
Totally different groups/people
Within subject
uses participant as his/her control
(does both experiments + under all the conditions)
observations in a control conditions to study a relationship between and independent and dependent variable
Can give insight to cause and effect
How to avoid experimental bias
Double blind!
Single Blind
Subject does not know whether they are experimental or control group
Double Blind?
subject and experimenter does not know the grouping (only solution to avoiding experimental bias)
Hindsight Bias
Idea ppl say they knew all along
Case Study
Technique gathers info
Con - Can be biased
Correlational Study
Goal - technique to detect naturally occuring relationships
extra: not cause and effect but about relationship between variables + relies on stats and used expost fact
Ex post facto
research that examines past occurrences in order to understand a current state
ex - talking to abused children to get info about abuse since you don’t wanna experiment that
Hawthorn effect
Subject adjusts their behavior when they know they being watched
shows how closely related 2 sets of scored are to each other
How do you know the strength of the correlation
strong weak no correlation
-1.0 0 +1.0
less than -1 = strong correlation
0 = weak correlation
mor than 1 = no correlation
What’s the difference between negative and positive correlation
Negative - One variable increases and another decreases
(opposite directions)
Positive - 2 variables are related and move in the same direction
Measures of Centeral Tendency
Mean : Average (add everything then divide by the # of things present)
Median : Middle #
Mode : Occurs the most
Range : measure of variation
How data spreads on the graph
distance between highest score + lowest score
Standard Deviation
how far are the scores from the mean
negative skew - down and then up tail
positive skew - up and then down tail
Statistical Significance
5% chance or less that result would occur by chance
Interrated Reliablity
Comparison of studies by other evaluator
Pros and Cons of select a human subject
Pros : people can communicate, you can see the effect
Cons: not representative of the whole population
Pros and Cons of choosing an animal subject
Pros : generations are easier to observe because they’re faster, control of the environment
Cons : giving animals human traits
What are the APA ethical guidelines
Informed Consent - informing the subject
Right to say no + withdraw - can’t force the subject to do things
Examine the risk - free of harm (emotionally, psychologically pain counts as harm too)
Psychologist VS Psychiatrist
Psychologist - No med school
Psychiatrist- Med school
What does experimental do
Explores cause an effect relationships
Variables are manipulated and used random assignment (extra : what is random assignment)
Eliminates confounding variables
Courtesy Bias
giving peoples the response they think is wanted to be heard
Series of true and false questions to get info quickly
Examine your own thoughts