Unit 5 - Lower Limb: Bones of the Lower Limb (Ex. IV) Flashcards
What are the articulations of the hip joint?
head of the femur w/ the acetabulum of the hip bone
What connects the head of the femur w/ its shaft?
its I-L angled neck
What separates the greater and lesser trochanters of the femur?
P - intertrochanteric crest
A - intertrochanteric line
What are the angles of the shaft?
A - slightly bowed
angled M in anatomic position
What landmarks arise distally from the linea aspera?
M and L supracondylar lines
What is the significance of the M and L epicondyles of the femur?
they are attachment sites for ligaments of the knee
adductor tubercle - attachment site for muscle
What are the distal articulations of the femur?
tibia @ the M and L condyles
What separates the M and L epicondyles?
intercondylar notch
What is the distal A articulation of the femur?
w/ the patella @ the patellar surface
What is the S articulation of the base of the patella?
w/ the quadriceps tendon
What is the I articulation of the apex of the patella?
w/ the patellar liament
What are the articulations of the tibia?
proximal - w/ the femur @ the tibial plateau
- flat M and L condyles separated by an intercondylar eminence
w/ the fibula proximally at the tibiofibular joint and distally at the tibiofibular syndesmosis
What is the tibial tuberosity?
located on the A surface below the tibial plateau and is an attachment site for thigh muscles
What does the M malleolus form distally?
part of the mortise of the ankle joint
What connects the shaft of the tibia and fibula?
interosseous membrane
What are the articulations of the fibula?
proximally - head w/ L condyle of tibia @ proximal tibiofibular joint
narrow neck connects head to shaft
distal tibiofibular syndesmosis bonds fibula to distal tibia
distally - L malleolus forms L wall of mortise of ankle joint
tarsal bones (7)
talus calcaneus navicular cuboid M cuneiform intermediate cuneiform L cuneiform
most S tarsal bone
body articulates w/ tibia and fibula @ ankle joint
head articulates w/ navicular bone –> highest part of M arch of foot
I surface articulates w/ calcaneus
large tarsal bone
articulates S w/ talus and A w/ cuboid
sustentaculum tali - M process that forms part of M arch of foot
A to talus
forms part of M arch of foot
A to calcaneus on L side of foot
M, intermediate, and L cuneiform bones
A to navicular
articulate distally w/ metatarsals
5 metatarsals
1st (M) –> 5th (L)
bases articulate w/ tarsals proximally
heads articulate w/ proximal phalanges distally
shaft connects head to base
paired sesamoid bones on I surface of head of 1st metatarsal
prominent tuberosity @ base of 5th metatarsal - attachment site for muscles of the leg
2nd-5th have proximal, middle, and distal phalanx
1st: hallux –> only proximal and distal phalanx
What forms the L part of the pelvic girdle?
hip (coxal) bone