Unit 5: Lower Extremity Joints Flashcards
-coxa articulates with contralateral cola anteriorly
-cartilaginous (amphiarthrotic) joint
-allows for minimal movement
pubic symphysis
-ilium articulates with sacrum posteriorly
-nearly immoveable joints on there lateral aspect of the sacrum
sacroiliac joint
-acetabulum articulates with femoral head laterally
-ball and socket joint
-ligaments provide most support for joint
-acetabular labrum and musculature also provide stability
coxofemoral joint
anterior sacroiliac ligament
posterior sacroiliac ligament
sacrotuberous ligament
sacrospinous ligament
-also called ligamentum capitus or round ligament
-travels from fovea capitus to the acetabulum
-conduit for nutrient vessels to the head
ligamentum teres
-forms inferior aspect of labrum
-helps maintain position of the femoral head in the acetabulum
transverse acetabular ligament
-enhances joint stability by deepening the acetabulum and acts as a seal to maintain negative intra-articular pressure
-strongest ligament in the body, y-shaped
-helps stabilize joint in the upright position
-limits hyperextension
iliofemoral ligament
-ischium to edge of greater trochanter
-sets femur head into acetabulum
-limits medial rotation
ischiofemoral ligament
limits abduction
pubofemoral ligament
-articulation between patella and patellar surface of femur
-contact point between undersurface of patella and femoral condyle changes depending on angle of knee flexion
-malalignment can lead to osteoarthritis
patellofemoral joint
tibiofemoral joint
-attachments are lateral epicondyle of femur and head of fibula
-prevents adduction of lower leg
lateral collateral ligament
-attachments are medial epicondyle of femur and medial tibia
-prevents abduction of lower leg
medial collateral ligament
-attachments are anterior intercondylar area of tibia and the lateral condyle of the femur
-contains two bundles
-prevents anterior displacement of tibia
-prevents knee hyperextension
-primary restraint to dynamic values of knee
anterior cruciate ligament
-attachments are posterior intercondylar area of tibia and medial condyle of the femur
-contains two bundles
-prevents posterior displacement of tibia on femur
-limits varus, valgus, and external rotation
posterior cruciate ligament
-formed by the articulation between the tibia and fibula
-near the knee
proximal tibiofemoral joint
-formed by the articulation between the tibia and fibula
-near the ankle
-syndesmosis formed by interosseous/syndesmotic membrane
distal tibiofibular joint
interosseous membrane
-referred to as “ankle mortise”
-modified hinge joint
-articulation of tibia, fibula, and talus
talocrural joint
-3 plane joints
-articulation of talus and calcaneus
talocalcaneal/subtalar joint
very strong complex
deltoid ligament
spring ligament
plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
commonly sprained in ankle sprains
anterior talofibular ligament
posterior talofibular ligament
commonly sprained in ankle sprains
calcaneofibular ligament
anterior tibiofibular ligament
posterior tibiofibular ligament
intertarsal joint
lisfranc joint
tarsometatarsal joint
metatarsophalangeal joint
-proximal and distal
-highlighted in green and red
interphalangeal joint
looking at #1
medial longitudinal arch
looking at #3
lateral longitudinal arch
looking at #2
transverse metatarsal arch