Unit 4: Joints of the Upper Extremity Flashcards
-plane joint
-stabilized by the costoclavicular ligament, sternoclavicular ligament, and interclavicular ligament
sternoclavicular joint
-plane joint
-stabilized by the acromioclavicular ligament, coracoacromial ligament, and coracoclavicular ligament
acromioclavicular joint
-junction of the humeral head and glenoid cavity
-stabilized by the capsular ligament, glenohumeral ligament, and coracohumeral ligament
glenohumeral joint
-only joint of the shoulder that is not a true synovial joint
-does not have a bony articulation with the thorax
-lacks a capsule
-dynamic stabilization provided by muscles to form sound “foundation” for the upper extremity
scapulothoracic joint
costoclavicular ligament
(looking at A)
sternoclavicular ligament
interclavicular ligament
acromioclavicular ligament
coracoacromial ligament
coracoclavicular ligament
glenohumeral ligament
coracohumeral ligament
articulation between trochlea and trochlear notch
humeroulnar joint
articulation between capitulum and radial head
humeroradial joint
articulation between radial head and radial notch of ulna
proximal radioulnar joint
capsular ligament
radial collateral ligament
ulnar collateral ligament
annular ligament
radiocarpal joint
intercarpal joint
carpometacarpal joint
metacarpophalangeal joint
proximal interphalangeal joint
distal interphalangeal joint