Unit 5 Discussion Questions (Zoom) Flashcards
How is replication similar in bacteria & eukaryotes?
Direction of replication: 5’ to 3’
Name of Enzymes needed:
- DNA polymerase (4)
- Primase (gyrase/helicase)
- Helicase
- DNA ligase
- Topoisomerase
Anything else needed: RNA primer
Both have Lagging and leading strands
How is replication different in bacteria and eukaryotes?
Prokaryotes: cytoplasm
Eukaryotes: nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast
# of Origins:
Prokaryotes: 1
Eukaryotes: more than 1
How is transcription similar in bacteria & eukaryotes?
Both use RNA polymerase enzymes to synthesize RNA from a DNA template during transcription
How is transcription different in bacteria and eukaryotes?
Prokaryotes: cytoplasm
Eukaryotes: nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast
How it works:
Prokaryotes: more than 1 gene -> 1mRNA
Eukaryotes: 1 gene -> 1mRNA
Post transcriptional modification of mRNA:
Prokaryotes: None
Eukaryotes: 5’ cap, 3’ poly A tail, and slicing of introns
Types of RNA polymerases:
Prokaryotes: 1
Eukaryotes: 3
What binds RNA polymerase to promoter:
Prokaryotes: sigma factors
Eukaryotes: transcription factors
Are there operons:
Prokaryotes: Yes
Eukaryotes: No
How is translation similar in bacteria & eukaryotes?
Prokaryotes: cytoplasm
Eukaryotes: cytoplasm (+)
Direction mRNA is read:
5’ to 3’
How is translation different in bacteria and eukaryotes?
Eukaryotes also have it in RER, mitochondria and chloroplast
1 mRNA codes for how many proteins:
Prokaryotes: more than 1
Eukaryotes: 1
Type of ribosome:
Prokaryotes: 70s
Eukaryotes: 80s (except mitochondria)
1st Amino acid in polypeptide:
Prokaryotes: formyl-Methionine
Eukaryotes: Methionine
Can if occur while transcription is ongoing:
Prokaryotes: Yes
Eukaryotes: No
How does ribosome find the beginning of the mRNA:
Prokaryotes: Shine-Dalgarno sequence
Eukaryotes: 5’ cap initiation factors
Can we use differences between bacterial & eukaryotic processes of replication, transcription and/or translation to develop antibacterial drugs? Explain.
Yes, the differences in bacterial and eukaryotic processes of replication, transcription, and translation are key targets for antibacterial drugs;
For example, antibiotics like (rifampicin) target bacterial RNA polymerase without affecting eukaryotic polymerases
Drugs like (tetracyclines and macrolides) specifically bind to bacterial ribosomes, inhibiting protein synthesis while leaving eukaryotic ribosomes unaffected.
A scientist uses a molecule of DNA composed of nucleotides containing radioactive deoxyribose as a template for replication and transcription in a nonradioactive environment. What percentage of DNA strands will be radioactive after three DNA replication cycles? What percentage of RNA molecules will be radioactive?
(Start at 50%)
After 3 replication cycles 12.5% of the DNA strands will be radioactive (because replication is semiconservative)
0% of the RNA molecules will be radioactive (because transcription requires ribonucleotide not deoxyribonucleotide & only uses DNA as a template to make RNA)
What is semiconservative in regards to replication?
Semiconservative means that one strand of DNA is the parental and the newly synthesized one is complementary to it
Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the causative agent of diphtheria, secretes a toxin that enzymatically inactivates all molecules of elongation factor in a eukaryotic cell. What immediate and long-term effects does this have on cellular metabolism?
- Elongation factors are used in translation
Inhibit elongation -> no new proteins can be made
- No new proteins -> the cell will eventually lose its ability to maintain structures, repair damage, and conduct essential metabolic processes.
- Proteins have a “shelf-life” so eventually existing proteins degrade
Hydrogen bonds between complementary nucleotides are crucial to the structure of dsDNA because they hold the two strands together. Why couldn’t the two strands be effectively linked by covalent bonds?
Remember that replication and transcription require that the two strands of DNA separate before these processes can occur
To break a covalent bond, requires lots of energy
On average, RNA polymerase makes one error for every 10,000 nucleotides it incorporates into RNA. In contrast, only one base pair error remains for every 10 billion nucleotides during DNA replication. Explain why the accuracy of RNA transcription is not as critical as the accuracy of DNA replication.
The accuracy of RNA transcription is less critical than DNA replication because RNA errors are temporary and only affect individual protein molecules
DNA replication errors are permanent and can be passed down to future generations, potentially causing harmful mutations
1) The lactose (lac) operon is an _________operon which is always ______.
The lactose (lac) operon is an inducible operon which is always off.
2) The regulatory gene produces a _______________ that binds to the DNA region of the operon called the _________________.
Once bound at this region, _________________________ is blocked from __________________ the genes of the operon thus no mRNA is made.
The regulatory gene produces a repressor that binds to the DNA region of the operon called the operator.
Once bound at this region, RNA polymerase is blocked from transcribing the genes of the operon thus no mRNA is made.
3) When lactose is present, the bacterium converts it to allolactose that binds to the ___________________ inactivating it by changing the 3D structure of the protein so that it can’t bind to the DNA anymore.
Now, __________________can bind to the promoter region and _____________________ can occur.
Ribosomes then translate the mRNA making the enzymes that
When lactose is present, the bacterium converts it to allolactose that binds to the repressor inactivating it by changing the 3D structure of the protein so that it can’t bind to the DNA anymore.
Now, RNA polymerase can bind to the promoter region and transcription can occur.
Ribosomes then translate the mRNA making the enzymes that catabolize lactose.
1) The tryptophan (trp) operon is a ____________operon that is always ________.
The tryptophan (trp) operon is a repressible operon that is always on.
2) In contrast to the lac operon, in the Trp operon the regulatory gene makes a __________________ but in this case this protein is inactive and can’t bind to the DNA region of the operon.
___________________ can bind to the promoter & mRNA is made.
In contrast to the lac operon, in the Trp operon the regulatory gene makes a repressor but in this case this protein is inactive and can’t bind to the DNA region of the operon.
RNA polymerase can bind to the promoter & mRNA is made.
3) The mRNA is translated by the cell’s free ribosomes into the enzymes that synthesize tryptophan. When tryptophan levels rise, tryptophan binds to the ____________________activating it by changing its 3D structure.
The mRNA is translated by the cell’s free ribosomes into the enzymes that synthesize tryptophan. When tryptophan levels rise, tryptophan binds to the repressor activating it by changing its 3D structure.
4) Now, the __________________can bind to the DNA region known as ________________ thus preventing ______________________ from binding to the promoter region.
__________________ no longer occurs.
Now, the repressor can bind to the DNA region known as the operator thus preventing RNA polymerase from binding to the promoter region.
Transcription no longer occurs.
If a mutation occurred in the regulatory gene of the lac operon producing a protein that doesn’t recognize lactose (allolactose) then what would be a likely outcome?
Can’t bind to lactose -> repressor is active and continues to bind on operator -> block RNA polymerase -> no transcription
If a stop codon is inserted into the middle of the regulatory gene of the trp operon producing a very short nonfunctional protein, then what would be a likely outcome?
Regulatory gene make repressor -> stop codon creates non-functional repressor -> repressor inactive so doesn’t bind to to operator -> continuous transcription
Lactose levels low, Glucose levels high
Operon off
- No transcription; repressor active blocks operator
Lactose levels low, Glucose levels low
Operon off
-No transcription; repressor active blocks operator
-CAP active bound to promoter; RNA polymerase finds promoter
Lactose levels high, Glucose levels high
Operon off
- No transcription; repressor inactive but CAP inactive not bound to promoter to aid RNA polymerase
Lactose levels high, Glucose levels low
Operon on
- Transcription occurs; repressor inactive;
- CAP active bound to promoter; RNA polymerase functions
Explain why an insertion of three nucleotides is less likely to result in a deleterious effect than an insertion of a single nucleotide.
Missense occurs when 3 nucleotides are added
3 new nucleotides just adds one amino acid to the chain
Inserting one base creates a frameshift
1 changes the whole chain because it shifts
What is siRNA?
siRNA (small interfering RNA) is a double-stranded RNA molecule that mediates RNA interference by degrading specific mRNA molecules to prevent translation, thereby regulating gene expression.
What is miRNA?
miRNA (microRNA) is a small, single-stranded RNA molecule that binds to complementary sequences on mRNA, usually resulting in translational repression or mRNA degradation, which fine-tunes gene expression.
How could scientists use siRNA to turn off a cancer-inducing gene?
- siRNA targets specific sequences in DNA
- They can block creation or growth
- Scientists can synthesize synthetic RNA
Compare & contrast transduction, transformation, and conjugation
Similar all 3:
- Horizontal gene transfer
- Genetic diversity
- Change phenotype
- Can possibly incorporate DNA into host chromosome
Obtain DNA from the environment
Must be competent (able to do this)
Uses bacteriophage
Uses pilus
Has fertility plasmid (F plasmid)
- Describe how you think Biorad scientist made pGlo (based upon your knowledge of recombinant DNA technology.
- Then describe how your team proceeded to get the bacteria to take up this plasmid.
- In what way did you check to see if the bacteria were transformed?
- In what way did you check to see if the transformed bacteria were expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)?
- Bio-Rad scientists likely made pGLO by using recombinant DNA technology to insert the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene, along with an antibiotic resistance gene and a promoter, into a plasmid vector.
- To get the bacteria to take up the pGLO plasmid, our team treated the cells to make them competent, then performed a heat-shock transformation to encourage plasmid uptake.
- We checked if the bacteria were transformed by growing them on antibiotic-containing agar plates, as only transformed bacteria with the plasmid would survive.
- To verify if the transformed bacteria were expressing GFP, we observed the colonies under UV light, where successfully transformed bacteria would fluoresce green due to GFP expression.
Suppose you want to insert into your dog a gene that encodes a protein that protects dogs from heartworms. A dog’s cells are not competent, so they cannot take up the gene from the environment; but you have a plasmid, a competent bacterium, and a related (though incompetent) F+ bacterium that lives as an intracellular parasite in dogs. Describe a possible scenario by which you could use natural processes to genetically alter your dog to be heartworm resistant.
To genetically alter the dog to be heartworm-resistant, you could insert the protective gene into a plasmid and transform the competent bacterium with this plasmid.
Then, you could allow the transformed bacterium to conjugate with the F+ bacterium that can live inside dog cells.
During conjugation, the protective gene would be transferred from the competent bacterium to the F+ intracellular bacterium.
Once this modified F+ bacterium carries the protective gene, it could be introduced into the dog’s cells.
Inside the dog, the F+ bacterium could continually express the protective protein, potentially providing the dog with resistance to heartworm infection.
Draw the following TSI tubes with appropriate labels & colors:
No reaction (NR/NR)
Acid/Acid (A/A)
Alkaline/Acid (K/A)
Alkaline/Alkaline (K/K)
Alkaline/H2S Acid gas (K+H2S/A+H2S)
Alkaline/H2S (K/H2S)
Acid/H2S acid
Acid/Acid gas (A/A)
Identify which ones used lac operon
- No reaction (NR/NR): All orange
- Acid/Acid (A/A): All yellow
- Alkaline/Acid (K/A): Red slant, yellow butt
- Alkaline/Alkaline (K/K): All red
- Alkaline/H2S Acid gas (K+H2S/A+H2S): Red slant, black in it, yellow butt, bubbles or cracks
- Alkaline/H2S (K/H2S) : Red slant, black butt
- Acid/H2S acid: All yellow, little black on bottom
- Acid/Acid gas (A/A): Yellow slant, yellow butt, air bubbles or cracks
- Lac operon: any one with yellow slant and yellow butt
For Eukaryotes, in what process is RNA polymerase important?
For Eukaryotes, in what process is DNA polymerase important?
For Eukaryotes, in what process are ribosomes important?
For Eukaryotes, what process occurs in the cytoplasm?
For Eukaryotes, what 2 processes occur in the nucleus?
Transcription & Replication
For Eukaryotes, do chloroplasts and mitochondria replicate their DNA?
For Eukaryotes, where does transcription occur?
In the mitochondria and the chloroplast
For Eukaryotes, where does translation occur?
In the mitochondria and the chloroplast
How is The structure of Prokaryotic Genomes (genetic information) contained?
In two structures;
Chromosomes & Plasmids
Are prokaryotes haploid or diploid? Why?
because they usually have a single circular chromosome and lack paired homologous chromosomes
How is the structure of Eukaryotic Genomes contained?
In two structures;
Nuclear DNA & Extranuclear DNA (mitochondria, chloroplast)
Which organisms have plasmids and which ones don’t?
Fungi, algae, and protozoa have plasmids
Eukaryotes/animals don’t have plasmids
What are the 3 general steps that the processes have? (DNA replication, transcription, translation)
- Initiation
- Elongation
- Termination
DNA replication info:
- Elongation can only occur in the 5’ to 3’ direction
-Continuous strand: on top (leading strand)
-Discontinuous strand: on bottom (lagging strand)
-DNA ligase connects the fragments together
-Linear DNA
Bacterial DNA replication info:
-Circular DNA
-Has an origin and a termination sequence so it knows when to stop
-Replication forks and proceeds in both directions until the termination
-Breaks off at termination
What makes sure that the ends of the linear chromosomes in DNA replication are made?
Replication info:
Start site:
Fidelity mechanism:
Energy source for process:
Direction of polymerization:
Enzyme: DNA polymerases
Template: Both parental strands of DNA
Start site: Origin of replication
Fidelity mechanism: Polymerase proofreading, followed by mismatch repair systems
Termination: Termination sequences
Location: Prokaryotes: cytosol
Eukaryotes: nucleus
Product: 2 daughter DNA strands, each paired with one original strand (semiconservative replication)
Energy source for process: Deoxyribonucleotides
Direction of polymerization: 5’ to 3’
Transcription info:
Start site:
Fidelity mechanism:
Energy source for process:
Direction of polymerization:
Enzyme: RNA polymerases
Template: 1 strand of DNA
Start site: Promoter
Fidelity mechanism: None
Termination: Terminator
Location: Prokaryotes: cytosol (can be simultaneous w/replication
Eukaryotes: Nucleolus in nucleus
Product: RNA, single stranded
Energy source for process: Ribonucleotides
Direction of polymerization: 5’ to 3’
Translation info:
Start site:
Fidelity mechanism:
Energy source for process:
Direction of polymerization:
Enzyme: Ribosomes
Template: mRNA
Start site: AUG start codon
Fidelity mechanism: Specificity of enzymes that charge tRNAs
Termination: UAA, UAG, or UGA stop codons
Location: Prokaryotes: cytosol (can be simultaneous w/ transcription
Product: Polypeptides; some function alone as proteins, and others work together as a single protein
Energy source for process: GTP; also ATP for charging tRNAs
Direction of polymerization:
N terminus (end with amino group) to C terminus (end with carboxyl group)
Initiation of transcription
Consensus sequences in promoters
- Pribnow box (TATAAT): 10bp upstream of start
- 35bp upstream of start (TTGACA)
Bacterial RNA polymerase will recognize the promoter specifically
- Sigma factor helps RNA polymerase find the promoter
Eukaryotes will need transcription factors. These bind first to the promoter then RNA
- TATA box (TATAA): 25-30 bp upstream of start
Termination of trancription
Stops at the end of the termination signal
- Stem loop structure forms (hits and falls off)
- Rho dependent termination
; Requires the Rho protein which binds to the RNA
; RNA pol pauses at the termination site and Rho causes RNA to be released from DNA
Eukaryotes: Continues for 10-35 nucleotides past the termination signal (AAUAAA)
Prokaryotic mRNA
(off gene 3)
Organized as one big RNA encoding for many polypeptides (polycistronic)
Eukaryotic mRNA
One gene = one polypeptide (monocistronic)
- Starts at: 5’ cap
- Ends at: 3’ poly A tail
- Introns have to be cut out
What is alternative splicing?
When certain introns are retained or some exons are skipped in the final mRNA transcript;
It allows a single gene to produce multiple protein variants or genes by selectively including or excluding specific segments of RNA
- Finds Shine-Dalgarno sequence
- 5’ end of mRNA is complementary to 3’ end of 16S rRNA of ribosome.
This helps it find the Shine-Dalgarno sequence on a polycistronic mRNA
- Finds the 5’ cap
- Downstream of this is AUG, initiating codon, signaling the start of translation
; fMet (prokaryote)
; Met (eukaryote)
- Amino acids added one at a time
- Occurs in 3 steps
; Codon recognition
; Peptide bond formation (23s rRNA ribozyme activity)
; Translocation (5’ to 3’ direction)
What is the Polyribosome in prokaryotes?
In prokaryotes, a polyribosome (or polysome) refers to multiple ribosomes simultaneously translating a single mRNA strand;
While one mRNA molecule is being synthesized, many ribosomes attach to it in succession, each moving along the mRNA to produce its own polypeptide chain.
At what levels can gene regulation occur?
- DNA level
- Transcriptional level
- Post-transcriptional level
- Translational level
- Post-translational level
What happens if you don’t do 5’ cap, 3’ poly A tail, and splicing introns?
What happens to the mRNA?
The mRNA gets stuck in the nucleus
The Operon
Its parts
- Regulatory: gene that encodes for the repressor
- Promoter: sequence of DNA that tells the RNA polymerase where the beginning of the gene is
- Operator: sequence of DNA that is between the promoter and the genes of the operon that controls the access of the RNA polymerase to the genes
Can RNA molecules control translation?
Yes; The Regulatory RNA’s
microRNAs (miRNAs): only a portion bind complementary mRNA and inhibit its translation or cleaves mRNA
Small interfering RNA (siRNA): entire molecule complementary to a portion of mRNA, tRNA, or DNA that binds and renders the target inactive by cleaving it
Riboswitch: RNA molecule that changes shape to help regulate translation by blocking initiation or by terminating transcription