UNIT 5 - CH 14 Flashcards
Agricultural landscape
Landscape resulting from the interactions between farming activities and a locations natural environment
Ecosystem modified for agricultural use
Loss of forest land and soil erosion (wearing away of topsoil by wind, rain, and other phenomena)
Terrace farming
Farming where farmers carve parts of a hill or mountainside into small, level, growing plots
To supplement rainfall, water is brought from its natural sources to farm fields through canals and other means
Artificial lakes created by building dams across streams and rivers
Layers of underground sand, gravel, and rocks that contain and can release a useable amount of water
Areas of land that are covered by or saturates with water - such as swamps, marches, and bogs
Form of land degradation that occurs when soil deteriorates to a desert-like condition - can be the result of poor pastoral nomadism practices in arid or semiarid land
Variety of organisms living in a location
Water runoff from fields may contain chemicals and nutrients from pesticides and fertilizers, as well as bacteria and disease-carrying organisms - which damages the ecosystem
Land cover change
Refers to how the surface of land is altered by different land uses - especially by the way humans use the land
Soil salinization
In arid regions, irrigation water evaporates, leaving salts behind in the soil
Grazing so heavily that the vegetation is damaged and the ground erodes
Managing and protecting natural resources to prevent their depletion