Unit 5 - 1920s League of Nations and International Relations Flashcards
What are the political conditions in Europe post-WW1?
No stable government east of the Rhine.
Germany in shambles.
Revolutions in Russia.
Dissolution of the Austria-Hungary empire.
What event has also happened in 1920 that caused millions of deaths?
The Influenza pandemic.
Who are the ‘Big 3’ at the Paris Peace Conference?
Delegates from how many states attended the Paris Peace Conference?
Who were excluded from the Paris Peace Conference?
What British aims were already met before the Paris Peace Conference?
The surrender of the German fleet, the defeat of the German trade rivalry, and the surrendering of German territories.
What further aims did Britain hope to accomplish at the Paris Peace Conference?
Germany as barrier against Bolshevik/Communist Russia.
Kaiser tried for war crimes.
What did the USA hope to achieve at the Paris Peace Conference?
14 points.
Long lasting, fair peace.
What did France want out of the Paris Peace Conference?
Security against Germany.
Loss of territory.
Anglo-American guarantee.
(all against Germany).
Who was the Prime Minister of Italy at the time of the Paris Peace Conference?
What did Italy want out of the Paris Peace Conference?
Convince Italians that Italy benefitted from the war.
Territories promised in the 1915 agreement.
What were Japan’s aims in the Paris Peace Conference?
Racial equity clause.
Acknowledgement of territories gained in East Asia during the war.
How were the treaties at the Paris Peace Conference made?
What were the four main terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
War guilt.
Territorial settlements.
What did the War Guilt clause in the treaties entail?
Germany and allies had to take full responsibility for starting the war.
Needed for all the other terms to be applicable.
What were some of the concerns with making Germany pay large reparations?
How can Germany repay without a significant export trade?
Will Germany’s reparations limit the global economy too much?
Who was the French Finance Minister?
Louis Klotz.
Who was the French Minister of Reconstruction?
Louis Loucheur.
What did Klotz want for German reparations?
He wanted Germany to pay.
What was Loucheur’s view on German reparations?
Gentler. He encouraged Germany to sell bonds in order to pay for their reparations, but Germany thought that this was France’s attempt to separate Germany and the USA.
What were Britain’s initial reparation demands towards Germany?
They wanted high reparations.
Why would Britain want high reparations from Germany?
Would prevent Germany from spending money on an army and would help Britain with their pension costs.
Why does David Lloyd George change his mind on high reparations from Germany?
Severely limits German economy and also the global economy.
What is decided about for reparations?
A Reparations Committee will be set up in 1921, but until then, Germany has to make an interim payment of 20 billion gold marks and raise 60 billion through bonds.
What percentages of the German reparations will each country get?
Britain - 25%
France - 55%
Belgium - Full compensation
What do Britain and the USA want for disarmament?
Conscription gone and a small standing army left.
Who is against conscription being abolished in Germany?
French General Ferdinand Foch.
What does the Council of Ten decide about disarmament?
Overrule Foch and accept inter-allied commission.
What was the Inter-Allied Commission supposed to monitor?
Pace of German disarmament.
Abolition of general staff.
Creation of regular army (100,000 max).
Dissolution of air force.
Reduction of navy.
What is France’s aim regarding territorial disputes?
Weaken Germany at all costs.
What is Britain’s aim regarding territorial settlements?
Leave Germany strong enough to be a barrier against communism.
What is the USA’s aim regarding territorial settlements?
Fair and even. Okay giving territories away if majority of population is of that country.
What territory does Poland get through the Treaty of Versailles?
Upper Silesia
Most provinces of West Prussia
How does Poland receive territory?
What territory does Denmark receive in the Treaty of Versailles?
North Schleswig
What is the verdict on Danzig?
Gets to be its own free city.
What is the verdict on Marienwerder?
Has a plebiscite and chooses to remain with Germany.
What happens to the Alsace-Lorraine after WW1?
Consensus that it should be returned to France.
Who gets Eupen and Malmedy and how?
Belgium through a plebiscite.
Does the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg remain a monarchy after the war?
What is the history and ethnicity of the Saarland?
Ethnically German.
Part of it was French before 1814.
Why does France want the Saarland?
Lots of coal mines and Germany had destroyed French coal mines during the war.
What does Clemenceau want with the Saarland?
Make the north industrial region an independent state.
French control of the coal mines.
What does Wilson want with the Saarland?
Is okay with temporary French access to the mines.
How long will the Saarland mines be French for?
15 years.
Who negotiates the Saarland controversy between France and the USA?
David Lloyd George.
Who is the Government of the Saar entrusted to?
After the 15 years of French control, what happens to the Saarland mines?
A plebiscite is held in 1935 and the people vote to become part of Germany again.
Which countries have disputes over the Rhineland?
France and Britain.
What is Clemenceau’s goal with the Rhineland?
Weaken Germany
Gain influence
What is Lloyd George’s concerns with Clemenceau’s goals with the Rhineland?
Sows seeds for future war.
How is the Rhineland controversy decided?
Divided into 3 zones.
Which nation(s) are already interested in African colonization?
Which nations get most of the German territory in Africa?
South Africa.
Which nations are most interested in the Pacific?
Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.
Which nations get most of the territory in the Pacific?
Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.
When did Japan seize German lease-hold Shandong?
When did China recognize Japanese rights in Shandong?
When did China declare war against Germany?
What does China argue about German territories in China?
They should all belong to China.
Why does the USA support China in the Shandong conflict?
Want to block Japan’s growing influence in the Pacific.
Why do France and Britain support Japan in the Shandong conflict?
Want to protect their own concessions in China.
What does Japan verbally promise China regarding Shandong?
China would regain control in 1922.
What happens to the US Senate after the Shandong conflict?
They largely turn away from the Treaty of Versailles.
How does China feel about the Japanese compromise concerning Shandong?
Very mad.
May 4th movement.
Refuses to sign Treaty of Versailles.
When is Germany presented with a draft of the ToV?
May 7, 1919
How does Germany feel about the draft of the ToV?
Extremely disappointed.
Why is Germany disappointed with the draft of the ToV?
It does not conform to Wilson’s 14 points.
What three changes does Germany demand are added to the ToV?
- Immediate membership to the LoN
- Austria and ethnic Germans in Sudentenland could choose if they wanted to join Germany
- Create neutral commission to examine War Guilt