Unit 3 Week 10 Pulmonary Rehab Intervention Flashcards
What effects does immobilization have on the MSK system?
decreased strength, girth, and efficiency of contraction, joint contractures, and decubitus ulcers
what effects does immobilization have on the CNS?
emotional and behavioral disturbances, cognitive deficits, altered sensation and decreased balance
what effects does immobilization have on the metabolic system?
hypercalcemia and osteoporosis
what effects does immobilization have on the CV system?
increased basal HR and venous thrombosis risk, decreased max HR, max oxygen uptake, total blood volume, and hemoglobin concentration, and orthostatic hypotension
what effects does immobilization have on the respiratory system?
decreased vital capacity, decreased residual volume, decreased PaO2, impaired ability to clear secretions, and increased ventilation-perfusion mismatch
what is an acute cardiopulmonary condition?
diseases or states in which the pt’s oxygen transport system fails to meet immediate demands
What is the primary focus for PT for acute cardiopulmonary conditions?
promoting independence and functional mobility, maximizing gas exchange with ventilation and airway clearance, increasing aerobic capacity, respiratory muscle endurance and pt’s knowledge of condition
Therapeutic positioning techniques and paired breathing strategies are indicated for:
pts who have weakness or inhibition of the diaphragm
what is an example of stable positioning? what is the benefit?
Seated: feet flat, chair with no wheels and fixed back, arms supports, upright posture
decreases the amount of energy needed to breathe and can increase function and endurance
what does the side-lying position assist with?
lung expansion and secretion removal
what does the prone position assist with?
mobilizing secretions, greater volumes of ventilation, increased arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2)
what does the Trendelenburg position assist with?
facilitating secretion drainage from the lower lobes of the lungs
If pairing breathing strategies and UE exercises, what should be paired with inhalation? exhalation?
inhalation: shoulder flexion, abduction, and ER along with upward eye gaze
exhalation: shoulder extension, adduction, and IR with downward eye gaze
what does a posterior pelvic tilt encourage?
diaphragmatic breathing pattern
what positions help with dyspnea relief? why?
tripoding: when pt leans forward on supported hands the intraabdominal pressure rises and pushes the diaphragm up in a lengthened position
arms supported: accessory breathing muscles can help with expansion for inspiration
stabilizing chest against the wall: decreases work of breathing and of keeping upright posture
what are the indications for pursed-lip breathing?
dyspnea at rest and/or with exertion, wheezing
what are the effects of pursed-lip breathing?
decreased symptoms of dyspnea, slowed respiratory rate, improved activity tolerance, and reduced wheezing
keeps airways from collapsing
creates a positive pressure splinting open the airways allowing for more gas exchange and increased time for exhale helping to promote prolonged expiration
what is paced breathing?
volitional coordination of breathing during activity
exhale slowly and comfortably, not forcibly, breathing out twice as long as your breathe in
what are the effects of paced breathing?
increased activity tolerance, reduced dyspnea, reduced fatigue, lower anxiety, and normal breathing
energy conservation techniques should be included for individuals with heart failure in order to __? chronic respiratory issues?
heart: decrease workload on the heart without loss of function
respiratory: minimize dyspnea and maximize endurance and ability to perform ADLs
what patient population is inspiratory muscle training indicated for?
pts with decreased strength or endurance of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles
what is the goal of inspiratory muscle training?
to increase ventilatory capacity and decrease dyspnea
what can an incentive spirometer be used for?
to practice diaphragmatic breathing, prevent or reverse atelectasis, and stimulate a cough
why use incentive spirometry?
to prevent atelectasis and promote diaphragmatic breathing