Unit 3: somatic Flashcards
interpretation of sensation into meaningful forms occurs in the cerebrum
how much sensory information is consciously perceived
very little, most is not processed at all
somatic sensation
sensory information from skin and musculoskeletal
information from skin examples
superficial: touch, pain, temperature, pressure and vibration; also deep cutateous
information from musculoskeletal
proprioception, tension on muscles, joints, position, deep vibration and pain
differences in system
unevenly distribution of receptors, responsiveness, different diameters of nerves
types of receptors
mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, thermoreceptors
mechanical deformations touch, pressure, stretch, vibration
released by cells, injury or infection
hot, cold
parts of body loaded with receptors
hands and face
differences in architecture
encapsulated or uncapsulated
free nerve endings, primarily sensitive to tissue damage: pain receptors, temperature fluxes
encapsulated sensory cells
touch, vibration
Differences in receptors
architecture, receptive fields, type of innervation, attenuation properties
pacinian corpuscles
deep vibration
ruffinis endings
deep, stretch, joint deformation, warmth, how much force is put on joint
meissners corpuscles
shallow, light touch vibration
Merkel’s disks
shallow, light touch
krause end bulbs
shallow, cold
nerve endings
Some nerve endings respond to
touch, tickle, or itch
What has small receptive fields
meissners and merkel
what has large receptive fields
pacinian and ruffini
test for receptive field
two point test, whether two points can be distinguished; high resolution vs low resolution
2 types of fine touch
superficial and subcutaneous
coarse touch
uses free nerve ending, pleasant touch tickle, itch
what uses meissners and merkles touch
superficial fine touch
types of innervation
Large myelinated, medium myelinated, small myelinated and small unmyelinated
4 types of axons
Aa, AB, Ad, C
what do C fibers do
mediate pain and temperature
what is largest fiber
Aa, tell your brain where your muscles are