Unit 3 - Final Exam Flashcards
Fitness or exercise training can provide _______ recovery from the stressor once it is ____________.
faster, no longer present
Shorter duration of the stress response can reduce the ___________ and overall wear and tear of the body/brain.
allostatic load
According to the appraisal aspects of toughness, stressors are seen as __________, leading to reduced anxiety.
According to the neuroendocrine aspects of toughness, increase release of catecholamines leads to more __________, the reduced cortical response minimizes negative effects on _______, and there is quicker recovery post-stress due to the efficient __________ regulation.
energy mobilization, health, HPA axis
State of successful performance of mental function that results in productive activities, fulfilling relationships, and ability to adapt to change & cope with adversity (resilience)
mental health
Collectively, all diagnosable mental disorders, which are health conditions characterized by altered thought, mood, behavior associated with distress and/or impaired function.
Mental Illness
What percentage of US adults suffer from some type of mental health problem in a given year?
What percentage of US adults suffer from some type of anxiety disorder in a given year?
What is the prevalence of depression in US adults?
According to Stevens (1988), self-reported PA is associated with better ___________.
mental health
According to Goodwin (2003), greater self-reported PA is associated with reduced chances of having __________ disorder.
According to deMoor et al. (2006), exercisers in twin studies had lower trait ________ than non-exercisers.
Strohle et al. (2007) stated that physical activity is associated with long-term reduction of __________ symptoms .
Jonsdottir et al. (2010) found that physical activity is associated with long-term reduction of anxiety symptoms and lower risk of high ________-.
Allen et al. (2019) found that sedentary behavior is associated with increased risk of _______ symptoms, so decreasing sedentary behavior could prevent symptoms from becoming a _________.
anxiety, disorder
________ individuals are shown to have less anxiety.
physically fit
________ levels of anxiety decrease following chronic activity.
Evidence supports _________ as a buffer against anxiety symptoms and anxiety disorders.
physical activity
What is the “optimal” dosage in terms of type, frequency, intensity, and duration needed for anxiety reduction?
none; anything works
Initially low-fit, highly anxious individuals have the ________ to gain from physical activity.
Martinsen et al. (1989) found that ____ weeks of both anaerobic and aerobic training resulted in psychological improvements in patients with anxiety disorders.
Sexton et al. (1989) found that 8 weeks of aerobic training reduced anxiety & depression, indicating that __________ fitness levels are associated with __________ anxiety and vigorous exercise is not necessary for improvements.
greater, lower
Broocks et al. (1998) found that 10 weeks of aerobic training for patients with _______ disorders found to be as effective as drug treatments & placebo.
Merom et al. (2008) found that ______ and ________ combined are found to reduce anxiety and depression in those with social phobias.
CBT, exercise
Guadlitz et al. (2015) found that psychotherapy is more effective when combined with _________.
Broman-Fulks et al. (2008) found that exercise causes similar symptoms to __________, which shows individuals they shouldn’t be afraid.
Rosenbaum et al. (2014) found that regular exercisers had a reduced risk of developing _________.
Stein & Craske (2017) study “Stepped Care Should Be Stepped Up When Needed” found that physical activity is __________ and _________, so it should be the first intervention for anxiety.
cost-effective, accessible
Anxiety is _________ following aerobic exercise.
Anxiety seems to _________ slightly following resistance exercise, but this could be mistaken due to increased arousal.
State anxiety is improved by _______ exercise.
__________ anxiety is increased by chronic exercise.
deVries _________ effect of exercise explains that the effects of exercise seem to last longer than anxiety-reducing treatments.
The ________ effect states that 20 minutes of moderate intensity exercise leads to anxiety reduction and that higher intensities increase anxiety/tension.
The _________ hypothesis states that elevated body temperatures resulting from exercise can lead to reduced anxiety.
The __________ hypothesis exercise provides distraction from normal routine.
The _________ hypothesis states that those with elevated anxiety or anxiety disorders respond to PA with increased pleasantness.
Core Affect
How effective are pharmacological treatments for anxiety and depression?
Goodwin (2003) found that regularly active participants are _______ likely to be diagnosed with MDD.
Choi et al. (2019) found that exercise decreased the risk of developing depression for individuals with ________ risk.
Currier et al. (2020) found that 1 hour of _________ activity decreases depressive symptoms.
Galper et al. (2006) found that active participants had ________ symptoms of depression.
Mammen & Faulkner (2013) found that PA was at least 1-2 times a week had a ______% reduction in risk and that reducing PA caused an increasing risk.
Farmer et al. (1988) found that sedentary behavior caused a ____ times greater likelihood of depressive symptoms.
Mobily et al. (1996) found that older individuals had greater depressive symptoms, but ________ decreased depressive symptoms.
Gudmundsson et al. (2015) found that greater baseline depression reported was associated with ____ exercise behavior.