Unit 2 - Social, Physical, & Policy Influences on Physical Activity and Behavior Flashcards
What characteristics of environment may influence PA participation and exercise.
Built environment and natural environment
__________ environment includes physical form of communities and how land is used.
There is little known about features of __________ environment on PA behavior.
The functional, structural and safety aspects of built environment influence the ________ to which environment can be used for PA.
What are the features of built environment?
aesthetics, destination
Characteristic that makes the built environment interesting and pleasing (flowers, trees, air quality, architecture)
Availability of places/destinations that people could walk, bike to in neighborhood.
What is the most common type of environment measure?
interview or self-reports
__________ are not necessarily accurate reflections of their environment because 2 people could perceive same environment very differently.
systems designed to provide objective data on environmental characteristics dispersed across large areas
geographical information systems (GIS)
GIS is useful for _______ measuring aspects of the environment that might influence PA.
How can the built environment be measured?
direct observation
Direction observation of built environment allows researchers to directly assess features of environment and can be useful for ____________ environment, but it is often very ____________
changing, time-consuming
Correlational studies of the built environment study factors correlated with ______ PA participation and with objectively measured environmental attributes to _______ PA.
adult, youth
________ involve participants being exposed to some type of intervention outside the control of the investigator.
QES often lacks any _________ condition.
Changes to built environment lead to changes in __________.
Informal & formal rules, regulations, and practices developed and implemented by governments, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations.
Policies can regulate ________ environment and _________.
built, behavior
Policies can improve access to PA ___________.
_________ can influence relatively small groups of people and large groups of people, even populations.