Unit 2 - Social, Physical, & Policy Influences on Physical Activity and Behavior Flashcards
What characteristics of environment may influence PA participation and exercise.
Built environment and natural environment
__________ environment includes physical form of communities and how land is used.
There is little known about features of __________ environment on PA behavior.
The functional, structural and safety aspects of built environment influence the ________ to which environment can be used for PA.
What are the features of built environment?
aesthetics, destination
Characteristic that makes the built environment interesting and pleasing (flowers, trees, air quality, architecture)
Availability of places/destinations that people could walk, bike to in neighborhood.
What is the most common type of environment measure?
interview or self-reports
__________ are not necessarily accurate reflections of their environment because 2 people could perceive same environment very differently.
systems designed to provide objective data on environmental characteristics dispersed across large areas
geographical information systems (GIS)
GIS is useful for _______ measuring aspects of the environment that might influence PA.
How can the built environment be measured?
direct observation
Direction observation of built environment allows researchers to directly assess features of environment and can be useful for ____________ environment, but it is often very ____________
changing, time-consuming
Correlational studies of the built environment study factors correlated with ______ PA participation and with objectively measured environmental attributes to _______ PA.
adult, youth
________ involve participants being exposed to some type of intervention outside the control of the investigator.
QES often lacks any _________ condition.
Changes to built environment lead to changes in __________.
Informal & formal rules, regulations, and practices developed and implemented by governments, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations.
Policies can regulate ________ environment and _________.
built, behavior
Policies can improve access to PA ___________.
_________ can influence relatively small groups of people and large groups of people, even populations.
Majority of the research on policies has been done in __________ countries.
Polices and curricula for school-based PE provide __________ to increase activity levels in younger segments of the population.
valuable opportunity
The number of students attending daily PE classes has __________ significantly increased over the past 20 years.
To ensure school-based policy and curriculum changes to help the decline in PA for children we can implement appropriate teacher __________, increase the frequency of duration of PE classes, increase the amount of time performing _________ in PE classes, and develop classes that appeal to more students.
training, MVPA
Changes to policy have been shown to lead to ________ in time spent engaged in MVPA, student fitness.
Policies can promote physical activity by allocating resources to make _________ more convenient and accessible.
public transit
Policies can promote PA by facilitating ________ forms of transportation.
Policies can promote PA by advocating _________ land development and walkable communities.
The WHO policy aims to establish a national vision that prioritizes the __________ of PA and the reduction of sedentary behavior.
WHO policy recommends engaging key stakeholders to provide __________ and actively promote and advocate for policy changes.
The ___________ model is derived from Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological systems theory research in the 1970s and 1980s.
social ecological
The social ecological model states that ____________ factors are only one of the multiple levels of influence on behaviors.
Social ecological models allow organization of ____________ and ____________.
correlates and determinants
factors with a reliable association with PA behavior; do NOT cause changes in PA
factors related to PA behavior, but also directly INFLUENCE behavior
The _____________ model of PA is made up of the individual, 4 PA domains, intrapersonal influences, physical environment, and policy environment.
Preliminary social ecological
Social ecological models support ________ transportation.
real or imagined pressure to change one’s behavior, attitudes, or beliefs
social influence
perceived comfort, caring, assistance, and information that a person receives from others
social support
What are the two ways to define and measure social support?
size of social network and amount/type of support
Provision of tangible, practical assistance; helps individual achieve exercise goals
intrumental support
expression of encouragement, caring, empathy, and concern toward a person; can help reduce anxiety/fear, provide reassurance
emotional support
directions, advice, or suggestions about how to exercise
informational support
provision of feedback regarding progress; confirmation/validation that one’s thoughts, feelings, problems, and experiences are “normal”
appraisal support
What is one of the most visible, important social institutions?
Parents with dependent children are at an _____________ risk for physical INactivity.
There is a _________ relationship between parenthood & PA level.
Spouses/partners have a _____________ effect on exercise behavior.
relationships between behaviors of parents and their children
familial resemblance
parents communicate belief in child’s success in performing activity
people increase effort and performance when others are watching
social faciliation
myths & stereotypes about what is appropriate at specific life stages
sedentary image of aging is seen as normal
self-fulfilling prophecy