Unit 2 - Personality & Physical Activity Flashcards
What is one of the most popular topics in Exercise & Sport Psychology?
Certain personality attributes are important ___________ to PA participation.
Certain personality attributes developed as a _____________ of PA.
Personality psychology underlies much of __________ psychology.
Personality could account for ___% of variance in PA behavior.
___________ is the underlying, relatively stable, psychological structures & processes that organize human experience & shape a person’s actions & reactions to the environment.
Personality is moderately-to-highly __________.
Personality is shown to have significant, but small, effects on ________ & __________ through health behaviors, reactivity to stress, and responses to illness.
health, longevity
______ is developed from early environmental interactions and includes self-concept.
________ is at the center of your core; the “real you”
_________ are predictable behaviors, ways of reacting to environment that can be modified or learned.
typical responses
____________ are variable, daily behaviors most easily changed and most influenced by environment.
role-related behaviors
The early theory of personality proposed by ______________ stated that there are 4 basic body fluids (blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm).
ancient Greeks
The early theory of personality proposed by ___________ (“Constitutional Theory”) stated that individuals possess certain body types that are largely genetically determined and predispose individuals toward behavioral consistency.
Sheldon proposed that there are significant associations between ___________ and personality.
________ approaches of personality propose a biological/genetic foundation and emphasize consistency in behavior over time & across situations.
According to Hollander, what makes up the structure of personality?
core, typical responses, and role-related behaviors
What part of your personality is most affected by your environment?
role-related behaviors
The emphasis in the trait theories is on ____, not the environment.
relatively enduring, highly consistent internal attributes
___________ traits are made up of specific, facet traits.
_________ was one of the most prominent personality psychologists during the mid-to-late twentieth century.
_________ proposed relationships between traits generate 2nd order trait dimensions.
What are the 3 personality dimensions of Eysenck’s model?
Extraversion-introversion, neuroticism-stability, psychoticism-superego
________ are relatively enduring, highly consistent internal attributes.
Trait theories have emphasis on __________ vs situation.
Trait theories reflect motivational systems which increase ____________ to positive/negative stimuli.
__________ traits include extraversion and conscientiousness.
___________ traits include excitement-seeking, anxiety, orderliness and are subsumed within general traits.
specific, facet
Tendency to be outgoing, sociable, optimistic, active vs. tendency to be reserved, unsociable, quiet, and passive.
extraversion vs introversion
__________ mediates cortical arousal.
reticular formation
If the individual’s cortical arousal is functioning at a high level, they feel _______. If it is functioning at a low level, they feel ________.
alert, drowsy
Reticular formation is sometimes referred to as _____________ system.
reticular activating
___________ have higher, base levels of activation and low sensory threshold (augmentation); they avoid further stimulation
__________ have lower levels of activation and high sensory threshold (reduction); they seek additional stimulation
__________ is associated with greater blood flow in certain brain regions, differently than blood flow associated with ___________.
introversion, extraversion
Tendency to be tense, anxious, moody, excitable, worried vs. emotional stability, tendency to be calm, even-tempered, easygoing, controlled.
neuroticism vs. stability
Neuroticism vs. stability is associated with the activity of the __________ (emotional brain) and __________ system.
limbic system, autonomic nervous
_________ neuroticism individuals have more rapidly changing and longer lasting autonomic reactions than ________ neuroticism individuals.
high, low
Longer lasting and more rapidly changing autonomic reactions in high N individuals reflects increased reactivity in the __________ (includes amygdala), which then predisposes them to react strongly to emotionally arousing experiences and take longer to return pre-arousal states.
limbic system
Amygdala activity does not predict neuroticism, but slower amygdala _________ from negative images after their offset predicted ________ neuroticism.
recovery, greater
Tendency to be impulsive, aggressive, hostile, impersonal vs. tendency to be empathetic, cooperative, conforming
psychoticism vs. superego
Psychoticism-superego is associated with _________ function, specifically elevated androgens and relative absence of serotonin metabolites.
Aspects like lack of _________ may work against physical activity behavior in psychoticism-superego individuals.
__________ proposed personality is composed of 16 factors and predicted relations in terms of exercise.
_________ are more likely to adopt/adhere to physical activity/exercise regimen
Low __________ for extroverts leads them to seek sensory stimulation through physical activity.
Extraverts tolerate ________ better.
For N individuals, higher fitness means ___________ anxiety.
Lower N individuals would respond favorably to intense training, generally predicting a ____________ relationship between PA/exercise & N.
____________ examined effects of 4 months of fitness training on middle-aged men on personality using 16PF, EPQ.
Ismail & Young
Ismail & Young proved relationships between fitness and ______________. They found that lack of fitness associated with emotional instability, especially at pre-program.
emotional instability
_________ means someone is organized, thorough, efficient, responsible, dependable, practical, and deliberate.
___________ means someone is imaginative, curious, intellectual, logical insightful, artistic, clever, and intentive.
openness to experience
_________ means someone is sympathetic, kind, affectionate, warm, generous, trusting, forgiving, good-natured, cooperative, unselfish, and sensitive.
__________ stability typically remains relatively constant across adult lifespan.
__________ extraversion, __________ neuroticism, is linked to higher self-reported PA levels, but accelerometer-measured PA studies are lacking.
higher, lower
In middle-aged women, ___________ is negatively associated with accelerometer-measured leisure time MVPA and self-reported PA
In middle-aged women, __________ is positively associated with self-reported PA.
In older men and women, those who scored high in _________ reported less PA than what was measured by accelerometers and _________ was not associated with either measure of PA.
neuroticism, extraversion
The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging found that __________ was negatively correlated with strength while __________ was positively correlated with strength.
neuroticism, extraversion
Rhodes & Wilson found that there are small relationships for extraversion, _________, neuroticism, and _____________.
conscientiousness, openness
Rhodes & Wilson’s study implies that longevity is associated with being conscientious, emotionally stable, and active, which are all associated with _________.
physical activity
Moor et al. found that _________ exercised more among adolescents and among older adults, _________ exercised more.
males, females
Sutin et al. found that _______ neuroticism with __________ conscientiousness was associated with more physical activity and less inactivity and sedentary behavior.
lower, higher
Sutin et al. found that extraversion and openness were also associated with _______ physical activity and _______ inactivity.
more, less
_________ is associated with quantity and frequency of MVPA
amount of statistical variability accounted for by genes
heritability index
_________ in human studies tend to be somewhat higher for more vigorous forms of physical activty.
heritability indices
Genetic factors may become more relevant when the activity stimulus is ________ demanding.
Butkovic et al. found that those with higher extraversion and lower neuroticism reported exercising ________ frequently at _______ intensities.
more, higher
Schutte et al. found that heritability in exercise __________ partially derives from genetic variants.
Factors influencing interoceptive stimuli are distinct from those influencing ___________ stimuli.
Ekkekakis et al. found that preference for exercise intensity and tolerance of exercise intensity are manifestations of individual differences in ____________ modulation and having a ________ basis.
somatosensory, genetic
A preference for exercise ____________ suggests a predisposition to select a particular exercise intensity when given the opportunity.
__________ of exercise intensity suggests there is a trait that influences one’s ability to continue exercising at an imposed level of intensity even when the activity becomes uncomfortable or unpleasant.
Ekkekakis et al. found that we don’t have a high capacity for ________ activty.
____________ to high intensity exercise predicted more positive/less negative affect during high intensity circuit of PA.
Tolerance and preference reflect predisposition to tolerate and/or prefer _________ aspects of higher intensity exercise.
Type ____ personality people are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors.
important to keep trying to influence outcome, no matter how bad things get, rather than become passive
belief that when stresses mount, important to stay involved with events/people as to enhance meaning, rather than sink into alienation or become isolated.
see stress as normal aspect of living and opportunity to grow through the disruption, rather than be naively insistent on comfort and security
The three C’s are protective against ________ effects of stress.
Hardiness is ________ associated with exercise behavior.
Animal research shows that exercise training leads to increased _________.
PA and self-perceived resilience are positively associated. There is a stronger association among individuals with high trait __________.