Unit 2 - Personality & Physical Activity Flashcards
What is one of the most popular topics in Exercise & Sport Psychology?
Certain personality attributes are important ___________ to PA participation.
Certain personality attributes developed as a _____________ of PA.
Personality psychology underlies much of __________ psychology.
Personality could account for ___% of variance in PA behavior.
___________ is the underlying, relatively stable, psychological structures & processes that organize human experience & shape a person’s actions & reactions to the environment.
Personality is moderately-to-highly __________.
Personality is shown to have significant, but small, effects on ________ & __________ through health behaviors, reactivity to stress, and responses to illness.
health, longevity
______ is developed from early environmental interactions and includes self-concept.
________ is at the center of your core; the “real you”
_________ are predictable behaviors, ways of reacting to environment that can be modified or learned.
typical responses
____________ are variable, daily behaviors most easily changed and most influenced by environment.
role-related behaviors
The early theory of personality proposed by ______________ stated that there are 4 basic body fluids (blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm).
ancient Greeks
The early theory of personality proposed by ___________ (“Constitutional Theory”) stated that individuals possess certain body types that are largely genetically determined and predispose individuals toward behavioral consistency.
Sheldon proposed that there are significant associations between ___________ and personality.
________ approaches of personality propose a biological/genetic foundation and emphasize consistency in behavior over time & across situations.
According to Hollander, what makes up the structure of personality?
core, typical responses, and role-related behaviors
What part of your personality is most affected by your environment?
role-related behaviors
The emphasis in the trait theories is on ____, not the environment.
relatively enduring, highly consistent internal attributes
___________ traits are made up of specific, facet traits.
_________ was one of the most prominent personality psychologists during the mid-to-late twentieth century.
_________ proposed relationships between traits generate 2nd order trait dimensions.
What are the 3 personality dimensions of Eysenck’s model?
Extraversion-introversion, neuroticism-stability, psychoticism-superego
________ are relatively enduring, highly consistent internal attributes.
Trait theories have emphasis on __________ vs situation.
Trait theories reflect motivational systems which increase ____________ to positive/negative stimuli.
__________ traits include extraversion and conscientiousness.
___________ traits include excitement-seeking, anxiety, orderliness and are subsumed within general traits.
specific, facet
Tendency to be outgoing, sociable, optimistic, active vs. tendency to be reserved, unsociable, quiet, and passive.
extraversion vs introversion
__________ mediates cortical arousal.
reticular formation
If the individual’s cortical arousal is functioning at a high level, they feel _______. If it is functioning at a low level, they feel ________.
alert, drowsy
Reticular formation is sometimes referred to as _____________ system.
reticular activating
___________ have higher, base levels of activation and low sensory threshold (augmentation); they avoid further stimulation