Exam 2 Study Guide Flashcards
___________ reinforcement increases the likelihood that the person will repeat the behavior in the future; involves giving a reward or some form of positive feedback
Exercise adherence, skill acquisition, dietary changes, and rehabilitation are all forms of __________ reinforcement.
___________ reinforcement involves the removal or reduction of an unpleasant stimulus in order to encourage the continuation of a desired behavior.
Exercise and pain relief, weight lost, improved breathing, reduction of stress, and avoidance of chronic disease are all examples of _________ reinforcement.
___________ involves applying an unpleasant stimulus or removing a desired one in response to an unwanted behavior, with the goal of decreasing the likelihood of the behavior continuing.
Examples of __________ include injury, overeating and physical discomfort, and loss of progress.
___________ refers to the gradual weakening and disappearance of a behavior when it is no longer reinforced.
Examples of ___________ include ignoring attention-seeking behaviors, sedentary lifestyle, and bad habits.
____________ combines traditional economic principles and psychological theory.
behavioral economics
Behavioral economics integrates _________ theory with cognitive psychology & _______________ to help explain why unhealthy options may be chosen over health-promoting alternatives.
S-R, decision-making
Behavioral economics suggests that individuals are likely to engage in a behavior if it is ________ reinforcing & readily available.
___________ is a behavioral economic principle stating that people choose options that, through previous experiences, have been linked to pleasure; people avoid options that have been linked to displeasure.
affect heuristic
__________ is a principle of behavioral economics stating that individuals have a desire for immediate gratification and over-value of short-term pleasure rather than under-value of long-term benefits.
short-term preference
___________ is a principle of behavioral economics stating that people prefer to avoid loos rather than acquire gains.
loss aversion
___________ is a principle of behavioral economics stating that mental exhaustion by days end could result in giving into temptation.
decision fatigue
___________ is a principle of behavioral economics stating that too many options can lead to no decision being made.
choice overload
Information about reinforcing aspects of ____________ activities could help in identifying __________ activities that provide similar reinforcement.
sedentary, physical
_____________ theory of physical activity & exercise focuses on implications of momentary affective evaluations for exercise-related actions and choices.
The ___________ of the ART of PIE explains how people make decisions about engaging in physical activity through affective process and reflective process.
dual-process model
Type 1 of the dual process model is __________ affective valuation; effortless
Type 2 of the dual process model is ___________ evaluation; effortful
_________ is assigning value to a stimulus
_________ implies cognitive appraisal and input from higher brain centers; can result in action planning
Action ___________ is a result of type-1 processing (effortless).
Action __________ is a result of type-2 processing (effortful)
Action impulse and plan can be __________ or ____________.
concordant, discordant
Automatic affective valuations are connected to an action __________.
Associations of physical inactivity and exercise with positive or negative feelings are a consequence of _____________ learning.
____________ models (derived from Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory) state that individual-level factors are only one of multiple levels of influence on behaviors.
social ecological
Social ecological models allow organization of ____________ and ___________.
correlates, determinants
factors with a reliable association with PA behavior; do NOT cause changes in PA
factors related to PA behavior, but also directly influence behavior
real or imagined pressure to change one’s behavior, attitudes, or beliefs
social influence
perceived comfort, caring, assistance, and information that a person received from others
social support
What are the 4 main types of social support?
instrumental, emotional, informational, appraisal
__________ social support provides provision of tangible, practical assistance; helps individual achieve exercise goals
instrumental support
__________ social support is the expression of encouragement, caring, empathy, and concern toward a person; can help reduce anxiety/fear and provide reassurance
__________ social support involved directions, advice, or suggestions about how to exericse.
___________ social support is the provision of feedback regarding process; confirmation/validation that one’s thoughts, feelings, problems, and experiences are “normal”
_____________ suggests that children learn behaviors by observing and imitating the actions of others, especially those they view as important or authoritative figures, like their parents.
role modeling
___________ theory digs deeper into the cognitive and motivational factors that influence physical activity. It explains how parents help build their children’s self-confidence in being physically active and influence the perceived importance and enjoyment of exercise.
Boys have more _________ aspects of Pa due to favorable peer relations and higher levels of ____________.
exertional, perceived competence
__________ barriers and social expectations that one should be less physically active as one grows older are causing a decline in PA as we age.
social structural
The _________ environment (sidewalks, greenspaces) involves how land is used.
The __________ environment includes lakes, mountains, and forests.
What built environment features have social influences on PA?
aesthetics, destination, functional, safety
What are 2 methods for measuring the built environment?
perceptions (self-report), direct observation
__________ studies investigate the relationship between two or more variable to determine whether they are statistically associated with one another.
A ________ study seeks to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between variable, but lack random assignment to groups.
A ________ is a statistical technique used to combine and analyze data from multiple intendent studies on the same topic.
Meta-analysis is primarily used in _________ fields to summarize research findings, increase statistical power, identify patterns and relationships, resolve conflicting findings, and test subgroup effects.
Certain personality attributes are important _____________ to PA participation.
Certain personality attributes developed as ___________ of PA.
Personality psychology underlies much of ________ psychology.
Underlying, relatively stable, psychological structures, & processes that organize human experience & shape a person’s actions & reactions to the environment
What is the structure of personality?
core, typical responses, role-related behaviors
Part of the structure of personality developed from early environmental interactions; self-concept is at the center
Part of the structure of personality that includes predictable behaviors and ways of reacting to the environment
typical responses
Part of the structure of personality that involves variable, daily behaviors influenced by environment and is most easily changed
role-related behaviors
___________ theory of body humors stated that personality was determined by blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm.
Ancient Greeks’
_____________ theory states that individuals possess certain body types (somatotypes) that are largely genetically determined.
Sheldon’s consitutional
Relatively enduring, highly consistent internal attributes
___________ stated that relationships between traits generate 2nd order (superordinate) trait dimensions (ENP)
Eysenckian theory provided biological bases for what 3 dimensions?
extraversion-introversion, neuroticism-stability, psychoticism-superego
Tendency to be outgoing, sociable, optimistic active (E) vs. tendency to be reserved, unsociable, quiet, and passive (I)
Extraversion-introversion is associated with level of ____________ and sensory threshold
cortical arousal
mediates cortical arousal
reticular formation
Introversion is associated with ____________ blood flow in certain brain regions, differently than blood flow associated with extraversion.
Tendency to be tense, anxious, moody, excitable worried (N) vs emotional stability, a tendency to be calm, even-tempered, easygoing, controlled (S)
Neuroticism-stability is associated with activity in the ___________ (emotional brain) and ____________ nervous system.
limbic system, autonomic
________ ‘N’ individuals have more rapidly changing & longer lasting autonomic reactions than __________ ‘N’ individuals.
high, low
Tendency to be impulsive, aggressive, hostile, impersonal vs tendency to be empathetic, cooperative, conforming
Psychoticism-superego is associated with __________ function, specifically elevated androgens & relative absence of serotonin metabolites.
________ hypothesized that personality is composed of 16 factors associated with traits.
___________ are more likely to adopt/adhere to physical activity/exercise regimen because low arousal leads them to seek sensory stimulation through physical activity.
Higher fitness is associated with lower anxiety/_____
Lower N individuals would respond favorably to _________ training.
The ___________ model predicts relationship to PA behavior is organized by openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
Five Factor Model
organized, thorough, efficient, responsible, dependable, practical, deliberate
imaginative, curious, intellectual, logical, insightful, artistic, clever, inventive
openness to experience
sympathetic, kind, affectionate, warm, generous, trusting, forgiving, good-natured, cooperative, unselfish, sensitive
Higher extraversion and lower neuroticism is linked to _________ self-reported PA levels.
Higher extraversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness are associated with _________ levels of PA.
Lower extraversion, conscientiousness and higher neuroticism associated with greater __________ behavior.
The ____________ states that high neuroticism and low extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness are associated with higher disease burden.
maladaptive personality trajectory
Amount of statistical variability accounted for by genes
heritability index
Heritability indices in human studies tend to be somewhat ________ for more vigorous forms of physical activity.
___________ is composed of control, commitment, and challenges and related to the tendency to engage in more healthful behaviors.
hardiness/dispositional resilience
important to keep trying to influence outcome, no matter how bad things get, rather than become passive
belief that when stresses mount, important to stay involved with events/people so as to enhance meaning, rather than sink to alienation or become isolated
see stress as normal aspect of living & opportunity to grow through the disruption, rather than be naively insistent on comfort & security
a state of disharmony or threatened homeostasis
negative stress
positive stress
This is the initial evaluation of the situation.
primary appraisal
After the primary appraisal, a __________ appraisal occurs, where the individual assesses their ability to cope with the stressor.
The cost of coping/adaptation; ongoing stress means that the stress response never “turns of,” which ultimately leads to illness and disease.
allostatic load
The __________ hypothesis states that a stressor of sufficient intensity and/or duration will induce adaptation of stress response systems.
cross-stressor hypothesis
The _____________ variable is the variable that is manipulated or changed by the researcher to observe its effect on another variable.
The _____________ variable is the variable that is measured or observed in response to the changes made to the independent variable.
A ___________ is used to compare the means of two groups or conditions to determine if they are statistically different from each other.
The t test tells us whether the difference between the means of two samples is ______________
A ______________ (often denoted as “r”) measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two continuous variables.
correlation coefficient
A _____________ is a specific, testable prediction or educated guess about the relationship between two or more variables
The stress response involves the secretion of what 2 kind of hormones from the adrenal glands?
catecholamines and cortisol
ability of an organism to change and stabilize its internal environment despite constant changes to external environment
a wide range of functioning of the coping/adaptation systems, depending on a variety of factors
Research from _______ helps explain how social factors can shape physical activity behaviors in children.
___________ proposed that people with high levels of hardiness are more resilient to stress and are better able to cope with difficult situations, which helps protect them from the negative health effects of stress.
_____________ focused on how psychological factors such as team cohesion, motivation, and leadership styles influence athletic performance and group functioning in competitive sports environments.
_______ developed GAS to highlight how prolonged exposure to stress can lead to physical and psychological health issues.
___________ classified people into three body types (ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs) that linked them to personality traits.
____________ involves the integration of stimulus-response theory with basic research on cognitive psychology and decision making.
behavioral economics
The Affective-Reflective Theory of Physical Inactivity and Exercise (ART of PIE) is a dual process model that attempts to explain _____________ and is ___________.
automatic affective valuation, effortless
____________ reinforcement would increase exercise behavior.
_____________ is defined as real or imagined pressure to change one’s behaviors, attitudes, or beliefs.
social influence
The phenomenon in which people increase their effort and performance when others are watching them is called ___________.
social facilitation
_____________’s work examining expectations about physical activity at various ages showed that appropriateness of various physical activities decrease with increasing age and most physical activities are rated as more appropriate for males.
What would be considered a functional or structural aspect of the built environment that influences physical activity?
well-maintained sidewalks
One’s self-concept is thought to reside in the _____________.
psychological core
The tendency to be outgoing, sociable, optimistic, and active reflects which aspect of personality?
What has been associated, at least in part, with activity in the “emotional brain”?
Dimension N of Eysenck’s model
A predisposition to select a particular exercise intensity when given the opportunity would be the personality construct referred to as:
tolerance of exercise intensity
Hardiness/resilience is thought to be a stress-buffering personality construct. What is a primary characteristic of hardiness/resilience construct?
sense of commitment