Unit 3 Flashcards
a law limiting legal recognition of American Indians to those who have at least a certain level of documented indigenous ancestry
blood quantum rule
people who are assigned male at birth who identify as men, as well as people assigned female at birth who identify as female
a research method that uses computers to extract and analyze data
computational sociology
spending elaborately on items and services with the sole purpose of displaying one’s wealth
conspicuous consumption
the use of wages to purchase goods and services
a research method that involves counting and describing patterns in media
content analysis
pervasive negative stereotypes that serve to justify or uphold inequality
controlling images
active efforts to affirm identity categories and place ourselves and others into their categories
the active performance of social identities
doing identity
an identity based on collective memories of a shared history and distinctive
the ideas, traits, interests, and skills that we associate with being biologically male or female
the idea that people come in two and only two types, males who are masculine, and females who are feminine
gender binary
the recognition that our lives are shaped by multiple interacting identities
preferential treatment of members of our own group and mistreatment of others
in-group bias
people with physical characteristics typical of both people assigned male and and people assigned female at birth
the tendency of people to form groups and actively distinguish themselves from others for the most trivial of reasons
minimal group paradigm
people who identify as both man and woman or neither man nor woman
the idea that anyone with any trace of black ancestry should be considered black
one-drop rule
the claim that members of our own group are superior to members of other groups
positive distinction
attitudinal bias against individuals based on their membership in a social group
a noneconomic good given to one group as a measure of superiority over other groups
psychological wage
a socially meaningful set of artificial distinctions falsely based on superficial and imagined biological differences
a reference to physical traits related to sexual reproduction
people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or otherwise non-heterosexual
sexual minorities
the socially constructed categories and subcategories of people in which we place ourselves or are treated by others
social identities
the idea that people are inclined to form social groups incorporate group membership into their identity, take steps to enforce group boundaries
social identity theory
high or low esteem
clusters of ideas attached by social convention to people with specific social identities