Unit 12 Flashcards
the social processes that are expanding and intensifying connections across nation-states
organizations that operate in more than one country
Transnational Organizations
a socially constructed in-group based on a shared planet
Global Imagined Community
the social processes that are expanding and intensifying connections across nation-states
a transnational economic process that involves extracting natural resources, transforming them into goods, and marketing and distributing them to consumers
Global Commodity Chains
a practice in which countries claim control over territories, the people in them, and their natural resources, then exploit them for economic gain
urban areas that act as key hubs in the world economy
Global Cities
a population constitutes a nation, united by a common descent, a common language and many forms of shared culture.
Nation State System
a global market organized by a capitalist economy
World System
the practice of kidnapping human beings, transporting them around the world, and selling them for profit
Global Slave Trade
the unequal distribution of wealth, power, prestige, resources, and influence among the world’s nations
Global Stratification
a relatively small group of interconnected people who occupy top positions in globally important social institutions
Global Power Elite
those that are less developed than the semi-periphery and core countries.
Peripheral Country
the industrializing, mostly capitalist countries which are positioned between the periphery and core countries
Semi-Peripheral Country
dominant, capitalist countries characterized by high levels of industrialization and urbanization
Core Country
a societal developmental goal that aspires to provide for the future by reaching an equilibrium between the consump- tion of resources and their conservation
the feeling of dissatisfaction and disconnection from the fruits of one’s labor
of, relating to, or resulting from the influence of human beings on nature
period of time during which human activities have impacted the environment enough to constitute a distinct geological change
the intentional siting of polluting and waste facilities in communities primarily populated by African Americans, Latines, Indigenous People, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, migrant farmworkers, and low-income workers
Institutional Global Environmental Racism
an individual, group, or formal organization that seeks to influence a group to adopt or maintain a norm; altering the boundaries of altruism, deviance, duty, or compassion
Moral Entrepreneurs
movements wherein members in at least two nations cooperatively engage in efforts to promote or resist change beyond the bounds of their nation
Transnational Social Movement
focuses on the globalization of society
shared activities widely recognized as expressions of dissatisfaction with social conditions
Repertoire of Contention
a society organized around the self-conscious production, distribution, and management of risk
Risk Society