Unit 3 Flashcards
the function and structural unit of the kidney is ___
what hormone is a potent vasoconstrictor
angiotensin 2
John is 26 y/o man who begins to notices a progressive enlargement of his feet, hands, cranium, nose, and lower jaw bones. what is the most likely diagnosis?
which organ has both endocrine and exocrine function
how does the body digest a meal high in fat content
bile is released from the gallbladder to emulsify the fat in digestion
from the esophagus to the anal canal, the walls of every organ of the alimentary canal are made up of the same 4 basic layers. arrange them in order from the lumen
muscularis externa
the repolarization of the ventricles is recorded as the ___
T wave
blood within the pulmonary veins returns to the ___
left atrium
what is a function of the lymphatic system
transport of excess tissue fluid to the blood vascular system
small organs associated with lymphatic vessels are termed ___
lymph noes
quadratus lumborum is innervated by ___
ventral rami of spinal nerves
patient performs abdominal curls with left shoulder to touch right knee in hooklying. what muscles are working for this movement?
left external oblique and right internal oblique
motor support for cremaster muscles is from ___
genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
patient complains of constipation due to lost hindgut parasympathetic innervation. which nerve is involved?
pelvic splanchnic nerve
foregut sympathetic innervation is provided by ___
greater splanchnic nerve
nerves supporting abdominal wall run between which layers of muscle
internal oblique and transverse abdominis
caudate lobe of liver is ____ to the inferior vena cava
inferior mesenteric artery can provide blood supply to which of the following structures
transverse colon
which of the following internal organs belongs to the foregut?
a. 4th part of duodenum
b. jejunum
c. ileum
d. pancreas
superior gluteal artery runs between which structures?
lumbosacral trunk and S1 ventral ramus
main branches on the arch of aorta include ____
right brachiocephalic trunk
left common carotid
left subclavian
left pulmonary artery is ___ to the primary bronchus
what artery contains deoxygenated blood?
pulmonary artery
thoracic vein drainage is mainly through
azygos vein
patient has a heart attack with complete right anterior papillary muscle impaired. what area of circulation will be compromised directly?
pulmonary circulation
where can you auscultate the pulmonic valve?
left 2nd intercostal space
the base of the heart is mainly formed by which heart chamber?
left atrium
when you breath in deeply, which of the following muscles contract to expand the lungs?
external intercostal
interchondral internal intercostal
the curve impression around medial right lung is formed by what structure?
azygos vein
what muscles are included in the levator ani
patient fractured sacrum with right S2 ventral ramus severed, what nerve will be compromised?
pudendal nerve
greater splanchnic nerve contains what nerve roots?
patient complains of left shoulder/neck pain and difficulty with speaking due to hoarse voice. which of the following nerves is the most likely impaired to demonstrate these symptoms?
left recurrent laryngeal nerve
patient has be diagnosed with portal hypertension due to hepatic cirrhosis, what venous anastomoses can help the blood flow back to the right atrium?
gastric and esophageal veins, inferior mesenteric vein and rectal veins, paraumbilical vein and superficial epigastric vein
the stomach secretes an important protein called intrinsic factor to transport what vitamins in the digestive tract to facilitate its absorption in distal ileum
vitamin B12
anterior intercostal arteries are branches from which arteries?
internal throacic artery
what veins drain directly into the right atrium
coronary sinus
anterior cardiac vein
what is the function of the moderator band
shortcut of electrical signal to anterior papillary muscle
normal alignment of the 3 pulmonic valves in the thorax is __
anterior, left, right
patient has fractured right 3rd rib anterior to the mid-axillary line with the branch of intercostal nerve severed at the inferior border of the rib. what symptoms would you expect to observe?
numbness along T3 spinal nerve dermatome on the right anterior thorax with compromised sweating
patient has an infection spreading from the retropharyngeal space to the superior mediastinum. where is the possible referral shoulder pain coming from and which nerve preform the nociception (pain sensation)?
mediastinal parietal pleura, phrenic nerve