Unit 2 - Muscular System Flashcards
Function of muscular system
Support Stabilization Protection Movement Regulate body temp Contraction assists in movement within the lymphatic system
What are muscles made up of?
Cells called Fibers
Tissue, blood vessels and nerve fibers
What is the cytoplasm of the muscle cell called?
What is myglobin
Stores oxygen in muscle fiber cells
What is stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
Stores Ca++
Stored in the terminal cisternae
Protein fibers within muscle cell
Repeating structural and functional unit
Thin protein filament composing I band
Contains tropomyosin and troponin
Calcium binds to troponin and causes troponin to change shape
Thick protein filament composing A band
Forms cross bridges
What is the sarcomere made up of?
Alternating light and dark bands called I and A bands
Muscle contraction
Muscles get shorter and pull on bone
H zone disappears when contracted
Describe contraction
- Action potential gets to axonal terminal
- Ca++ enters axonal
- Causes release of acetylcholine
- then binds to receptors
- Na+ channels open
- Action occurs on sarcolemma muscle
Single stimulus and contraction
Increased muscle tension due to increased stimulus frequency
Increased muscle tension due to increased number of motor units
Maximum muscle tension due to large stimulation
Sustained contraction
Lag phase
Occurs just after the action potential reaches sarcolemma
Contraction phase
Occurs when the actin and myosin bind and the sarcomere shortens and pulls the Z discs toward the M line
Relaxation phase
The actin and myosin complex releases and the calcium is actively transported back into sarcoplasmic reticulum
Isometric contractions
The length of the muscle does not change but the amount of tension increases during contraction
Think holding a position under tension
Isotonic contraction
Length and tension during contraction does not change
Concentric phase
Tension increases as the muscle shortens
Bicep curl
Eccentric phase
Maintain tension but muscle lengthens
Lowering ten pound dumbbell
Type I muscle fibers
Slow twitch - more myoglobin
Oxidative/aerobic respiration
Type IIa muscle fibers
Fast twitch
Both aerobic and anaerobic
Mostly in lower limbs
Type IIb muscle fibers
Fast twitch - Respond quickly to stimulus
Mostly in upper limbs
Cells form of energy and is needed for contraction to energize the cross bridges
Creatine phosphate
Can give a phosphate group to ADP to creat ATP
Cab only do it for a few secs at a time
Aerobic metabolism
Make ATP using oxygen
In mitochondria and yields 36 ATP per molecule of glucose
Anaerobic metabolism
Can make ATP quickly but is inefficient
Used during a 50 meter dash
Oxygen debt
Occurs during anaerobic metabolism
Need oxygen to oxidize lactic acid build up
Muscle fatigue
Eventually muscle cells run out of ATP
No sources of stored oxygen
Muscle returns to relaxed configuration
Muscles never….
Push they pull
Muscles are attached to bone via…
Muscle attachment vis tendon to a relatively immovable body part
Muscle attachment via tendon to a relatively moveable body part
Prime mover
Provide major force to move body part
Opposite direction of prime mover
Assists prime mover
Keeps origin stationary
Covers forehead
Raises eyebrows and wrinkles forehead
Orbicularis oris
Circular muscle around the mouth
Pursing of lips and kissing
Orbicularis oculi
Circular muscle around each eye
Squinting snd blinking
Cheek to corners of mouth
from deltoid and pectoralis major and inserts in the skin
Tenses skin of neck and depresses the mandible
Under jaw near neck (double chin area)
Originates at the mandible and maxilla and inserts at the orbicularis oris
Sucking and flattening of cheeks
Elevates the mandible
Fan shaped muscle originating from the lateral skull
Helps retract jaw and keep mouth closed during rest
V shaped muscle originating from sternum behind ear
Moves/flexes head side to side and rotates it
Muscles that help with swallowing and speech
Suprahyoid muscles depresses mandible
Infrahyoid muscles- Elevate larynx during swallowing
Pectoralis major
Fab shaped muscle covering the upper and anterior thorax
Climbing throwing pushing
Pectoralis minor
Originates on the third to fifth rib
Elevates ribs
External intercostals
Inferior margin of each rib and insert into the superior border of the next rib below
Internal intercostals
Superior margin of each rib and inserts on the inferior birder of the next rub
Used during forced expiration
Serrates anterior
On the first 8-9 ribs and attaches to medial border of scapula
Linea alba
Whiteboine of connective tissue that runs in a sagittal plane in center of rectus abdominis
Tendinous intersections
Transects rectus abdominis at 3 or more locations
Six pack
Muscles part of the rotator cuff
Teres minor
All in the back shoulder area
Extends the neck
Flexes the trunk
Rectus abdominis
Elevates the mandible for chewing
Adducts the arm and flexes the shoulder
Flexes elbow
Abducts and rotates the upper arm
Biceps brachii
Flexes forearm
Triceps brachii
Extends forearm
Pronator teres
Pronates forearm and hand
Flexor carpi radialis
Flexes and abducts wrist
Palmaris longus
Works to flex the wrist
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Flexes and adducts the wrist
Extensor carpi radialis
Extends and abducts wrist
Extensor digitorium
Extends fingers snd wrists
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extends and adducts wrist
Flexor vs Extensir
Flexor - anterior surface of wrist
Extensor- posterior surface of the wrist
Quadriceps femoris
Extends lower leg at the knee
Biceps femoris
Lateral muscle of the posterior thigh
Flexes lower leg
Muscular dystrophy
- Genetic defect
- Includes duchennes and myotonic
- Curve in spine and belly sticks out
- Muscles lose function
Generalized pain from muscles associated with connective tissues
Fatigue, headache and lack of sleep
Myasthenia gravis
Autoimmune disease causing muscle weakness
Muscle and facial expressions are effected
Twisting of neck to one side