Unit 1 Review (Lessons 1-5) Flashcards
legistlative assembly
Why are Romans called a “she-wolf’s litter”?
they descended from me so fierce and courageous that they were raised by a wolf rather than a human mother.
Lucumo; built the Capitol, Temple of Jupiter, Circus
King Tarquin
“You killed our mother and you shall die for it”
Romulus and Remus
the “holy books” (ritual books) of the Romans
Sibylline Books
Name the 7 Kings of Rome in order.
Numa Pompilius
Tullus Hostilius
Ancus Marcius
Servius Tullius
Tarquin Superbus
Trojan Chief; early king of Latins; hero of the Aeneid*
Identify the starred location on the map:

Black Sea
third King of Rome; known for military aggression
Tullus Hostilus
“Down with Tarquin the tyrant! No more kings!”
Junius Brutus
What events took place in the Circus Maximus and in the Forum?
Circus Maximus: horse races, games, and shows
Forum: public meetings, major building for public business, such as temples, law courts, and assembly halls
three brothers; champions of Rome
Tarquin the Proud; killed Servius, last monarch
King Tarquin Superbus
Identify the starred location on the map:

Caspian Sea
Identify the starred location on the map.

“So perish the Roman maiden who weeps for her country’s enemy”
Rome is on this river
Tiber River
where Rome was founded
Palatine Hill
The second king of Rome
Numa Pompilius
three brothers; champions of Alba
the common people
state ruled by an assembly of elected officials
What is the significance of the doors of the Temple of Janus?
When the doors are opened, there is war so Janus must help. When the doors are closed, there is peace and Janus is not needed.
Identify the starred location on the map:

North Sea
paraded as a simpleton
Junius Brutus
What arrangement did Tullus and Mettius make to avoid a large, deadly battle?
They decided to choo their best three soldiers to fight to represent their countries rather than sacrifice many soldiers in battle. The country with the losing team would submit in defeat.
state ruled by a king
fourth king; built the harbor city Ostia
King Ancus Marcius
Identify the starred location on the map:

Baltic Sea
four pillars of Roman culture
family, faith, farming, fighting
son-in-law of Tarquin; first to take census
King Servius Tullius
Identify the starred location on the map:

Mediterranean Sea
founders of Rome, twin brothers*
Romulus and Remus
first consul of Rome who watch this sons be executed
Junius Brutus
most honored reward for bravery
laurel wreath of victory
racetrack built by Tarquin; could seat 250,000
Circus Maximus
nobles; ruling class
“field of Mars (god of war)”; where soldiers trained
Campus Martius
tribe from which Romans took their wives*
What title did the rulers who replaced the king receive? Who were the first two selected?
The two highest positions int he Republic were called consuls. The first two were Junius Brutus and Lucius Collatinus
a female prophetess
A male seer or prophet
fortunetellers who gave advice to Roman leaders
harbor and port of Rome at the the mouth of the Tiber, means “mouths” in Latin
“It is the will of the gods that Rome shall be the greatest city of the world”
apparition of Romulus