Lesson 13 Review Flashcards
Identify the starred location on the map:

great Carthaginian general of ancient times*
Identify the starred location on the map:

a plan of extreme delay or caution*
Fabian policy
Identify the starred location on the map:


Roman general loyal to his country and word*
Marcus Regulus
Tiberius and Caius; defended the plebieans
The Gracchi
strict senator; restored discipline to Rome
Cato the Censor
3-year war between Rome and Italian states
Social War
Identify the starred location on the map:

“Delenda est Carthago… And my opinion is that Carthage must be destroyed.”*
What was the Social War? Who gained fame during the war?
The Social War was the struggle by the people of the Italian states conquered by Rome to gain Roman citzenship and voting rights. The italian states had aided Rome during the war with Carthage and now wanted to be rewareded with full citizenship. Sulla bacame famouse for his success as a general in the Social War.
won fame for victories over Africa and Hannibal*
Scipio Africanus
three wars between Rome and Carthage*
Punic Wars
Identify the starred location on the map:

Roman general; fought against Hannibal*
Quintus Fabius
Champion of plebeians; enemy of Sulla*
Caius Marius
What does Cunctator mean: Why was Quintus Fabius given that name?
Cunctator means ‘delayer.’ Fabius was very slow and caustious in his movements. Extreme delar or causion in any undertaking is now called a ‘Fabian’ tactic.
Identify the starred location on the map:

Identify the starred location on the map:

What were the terms Rome imposed on Carthage at the end of the Second Punic War?
In addition to demanding hostages from Carthage, Rome demanded that Carthage disarm, that the city itself be destroyed, and that the people be moved ten miles inland.
What law did Tiberius Gracchus get passed that caused the nobles to hate him?
Each noble could have 500 acres of public land for his own use and 350 more for each son. However, the reamainder of the land would be equally divided among poor citizens, as it had been in earlier times.
How did Cato end every speech he ever gave in the Senate? Why was he so insistent?
Cato always ended his speech with, “And my opinion is that Carthage must be destroyed.” After visiting Masinissa, the king of Numidia, to investigate the situation, Cato discovered that the city had also become rich and prosperous and thus a challeng to Rome.
“These are my jewels.”*
“When the proper time comes, we will give these savages all the fighting they want.”*
legislative body of all the Roman tribes
Assembly of Tribes
“Take your sweetheart and go. I set you both free. Go and be happy, and in the future be friends of Rome.”*
Scipio Africanus
“I have given my word of honor to return, and I cannot break it.”*
“I should then have said that I was greater than Alexander, greater than Pyrrhus, and Greater than all other generals.”*
in celebration of a victory
“Go to your governor, and tell him that you saw Caius Marius sitting on the ruins of Carthage*
highest elected officials of Rome
magistrate in charge of the census