Lesson 19 Review Flashcards
Augustus’ cruel stepson; ruled after his death
members of a 3-man ruling body
Identify the starred location on the map:
Danube River
next emperors after Tiberius; cruel tyrants
Caligula and Claudius
Describe the manner in which Nero lived.
Nero lived grandly. He had a splendid marble palace in Rome and had several houses on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. He traveled in chariots. He would have performers put on shows at the end of his grand dinners.
Identify the starred location on the map:
Euphrates River
What was the purpose of the Catiline conpsiracy?
The conspirators led by Catiline wanted to overthrow the Republic and install their own government.
Identify the starred location on the map:
Po River
He fiddled while Rome burned*
10,000 guards; protected authority of emperor
Praetorian Guards
Name several terrible cruel things Nero did as emperor.
He had his mother and stepbrother killed, he watched a fire destroy parts of Rome without doing anything to help, and he persecuted many people, including leaders of the Christian church who were be headed and crucified.
the first Caesar who persecuted Christians; “fiddled while Rome burned”
Roman orator, scholar, statesman, soldier*
Julius Caesar
“In that young man there is many a Marius.”*