Unit 1 Key Area 4 Celluar Differentiation And Key Area 5 Structure Of The Genome Flashcards
What is cellular differentiation
It is the process by which a cell expresses a certain gene in order to produce proteins characteristics for that cell type
What are stem cells
They are unspecialsed cells in animals that can divide and or differentiate
Two types of stem cells
What genes do stem cells have switched on
All genes switched on
Do special cells have all the genes or only the ones they need
All genes
So specialised cells have all the gene switched on
No only the one they require at the time
Why do specialised cells have some genes switched off
So that they dont waste engery
What can embryonic stems cell differentiate too
All type of cells that make up the organism
Embryonic cells are referred to as
What are tissue stem cells involved in
Growth, repair and renewal
What cab tissue stem cells differentiate too
All cell types found in a particular tissue
Advantage and disadvantage of embryonic stem cells
Ad- can be differentiated unto any type of cell
Dis- involves killing an embryo
Advantage and disadvantage of tissue cells
Ad - they can be accessed easily as they can be taken from tissue
Dis- they can only used for their specialised tissue limiting their capability
Advantage and disadvantage of tissue cells
Ad - they can be accessed easily as they can be taken from tissue
Dis- they can only used for their specialised tissue limiting their capability
What are tissue cells reffered to as
What are tissue cells reffered to as
What does therapeutic use of stem cells
It involves the repair of damaged or diseased organs and tissues
What does therapeutic use of stem cells
It involves the repair of damaged or diseased organs and tissues
Example of therapeutic uses of stem cells
Corneal repair
Regeneration of damaged skin
Skin grafting
How can stem cells be used in research
Used as models cells yo study how diseased develop or xan be used for drugs testing
How can stem cells renew In research
Under the right conditions in the lab
What does the stem cell research allow us to know
How cell growth, differentiate and gene regulation work
What is the ethical issues with stem cells
It involves the distraction of an embryo
What is the ethical issues with stem cells
It involves the distraction of an embryo
What are meri stem
They are regions of unspealsied cells in plants that can divide and or differentiate
Where are apical mertistem cells found and what o they give rise too
In the root and shoot tip
Length and height
Where are apical mertistem cells found and what o they give rise too
In the root and shoot tip
What do apical mertistem give rise too
Where are the lateral found
In the vascular region between the xylem and phloem
What do lateral mertistem give rise too
Write notes on stem cells
- unspealised cells
- have the potential to divide and or differentiate
embryonic stem cells have the potential to divide or differentiate into any type of cell. They are known as pluripotent.
They have all genes within them but they have them all switched on so that they can become any type of cell
Tissue cells are involved in the growth repair and renewal of cells.
They can only differentiate into the particular type of tissue cell that they came from.
Tissue stem cells have gene switched on to produce protien characteristics for that cell type
Write notes on the uses of stem cells
Stem cells are used in therapeutic uses, research and ethical issues.
Therapeutic stem cells are used the the repair of damaged or diseased organs and tissues. Examples of this could be skin grafting or repairing of the cornea
Research in stem cells using a model cells to study how diseases develop in a cells and are used for drug testing.
It provides us with information in growth, differentiation and renewal of cells.
Under the right conditions embryonic stem cells can divide and br cultured in a lab. In terms of ethical issues embryonic stem cells are involved the destruction in potential life.
What is the genome
It is the organisms entire heredity information encoded in DNA
What does the genome make up
Made up of genes and other DNA sequences that do not code for protiens
What are genes
They are areas of the DNA sequence that codes for proteins
What are the roles of the DNA sequence that do not code for protiens
They regulate transcription
They are transcript but never translated- turn into RNA
What does the non translated non coding do
They are covered into RNA and brought to the Ribosome
Describe how how stem cells develop their specialised funtions
They express gene for that characteristic of that cell type