Unit 02 Flashcards
A _____________________ is any situation that could affect the ability of a professional to remain objective towards his or her clients such as a financial interest, personal relationship, or strong emotional feelings. In these situations, RBTs should avoid providing services and ask that the client be assigned to another technician.
conflict of interest
RBTs do not use ___________________, or statements made by an individual including former clients, to advertise or support the services they provide. Instead, RBTs rely on scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of their services.
__________________ occurs when someone with authority uses their power over others inappropriately, including engaging in sexual relationships with clients, borrowing or using a client’s money or personal property by force, deception, or intimidation.
RBTs provide services only within the boundaries of their ___________, which is defined as having appropriate relevant education, training, and supervised experience with the services being provided.
RBTs maintain ____________ by being truthful, honest, abiding by legal and ethical guidelines, and following through on obligations and contractual commitments.
RBTs must be careful to avoid _______________, which are defined as having both a professional relationship as an RBT as well as some form of personal or other business relationship with a client or colleague including accepting or giving gifts or establishing romantic or physical relationships.
dual relationships
RBTs maintain professional relationships through the use of understandable and appropriate language and avoiding any form of discrimination or _______________.
___________________________ includes any information about a person’s health status, treatment, or payments for care that can be traced back to the individual, such as medical or treatment records.
Protected Health Information
In the case of any actual or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a client, RBTs may be required to submit a complaint under state _________________ laws.
mandatory reporting
RBTs do not engage in _______________, which is defined as the uninvited offer of services to potential clients who because of their circumstances may be vulnerable to influence.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is the law that among other things requires service providers to maintain the _____________ of protected health information.
Confidentiality rules apply to creating, storing, accessing, ______________, and disposing of any records in any medium under the control of the RBT.
When speaking in public, RBTs must be cautious to avoid making any false or ____________ statements that are misleading, exaggerated, or fraudulent.
RBTs must be sensitive to issues of __________________ by minimizing intrusions of privacy, preventing the release of any identifying information, treatment information, or other reports unless given explicit permission.
RBTs support and protect their clients’ legal and _____________________ at all times. These include the right to own property, to be free from cruel or inhumane treatment, and to be treated as an equal.
basic human rights
One recommendation made by the Blue Ribbon Committee (Bailey & Burch, 2005) was that behavioral programs undergo ________________, such as by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). Review of planned interventions by qualified peers is designed to reduce the selection and use of inappropriate methods.
peer review
______________ is any harm inflicted on any person including physical, sexual, or emotional harm that is non-accidental.
An RBT has ________________ to all parties affected by the services he or she provides.
______________ is the failure of a caretaker to provide for a person’s needs, including physical, medical, educational, or emotional needs.
RBTs never disclose confidential information without the _______________ of the client except where required by law or for another valid purpose.