Union Contract Flashcards
How long must an employee remain employed after a doctorate degree to not have to reimburse the city if they leave
6 years
If failure to return to work ____ days after a leave of absence then:
3 calendar days, terminated
ARFF requires what course
40 hour ARFF course
Where does time come from for unapproved course work while on shift
Deducted from annual leave time
After the list of “passed” people from a promotional exam is released how many days to claim error
1 day
In a conflict between the rules and union contract which shall control
Union contract/agreement
What is not considered productive work at the station
Electrical wiring, plumbing, roofing, and station painting
Post-Retirement Pay Steps require retirement for:
Retired for 3 years
How many days does an employee have to submit a written rebuttal to disciplinary action
5 days
You cannot report for duty or remain if blood alcohol level is above
Employees are afforded how many opportunities to take in house ACLS/BLS Recertification Classes
2 Opportunities
How many affirmative action certifications can a fire chief request for a fire captain and fire safety captain promo class
Eligibility for BC Test
2 or more years as a captain
Bachelor degree or higher
If an employee charged with a crime has those charges dropped, city has how long to reinstate or discipline the employee
20 days
How long does an employee have to notify the Fire Chief of criminal charges
24 hours
BC approval is needed for a captain to have an informal holdin/early relief between what hours
When should an employee notify the department of a change in off duty employment
14 days
How long does the department have to recommend an action to the city manager after a hearing on suspension, demotion, or dismissal
10 days
How many union reps may process/investigate a grievance during working hours UNLESS it proceeds to step 3 or above
1 Rep unless step 3 or above, then 2
When is an individual moved to the bottom of the overtime list
12 hours or more of OT
If an employee reports 1 hour or more late for a detail=
No details for 1 year
Who can access the excel overtime computer program
Principal union officers
Authorized personnel
Captains at station 2
What is the max accrued vacation hours
Seniority points
1/4 point per year put to 20 years
If jury duty is the morning coming off shift then:
Employee relieved at 5pm the night before
You can report to duty and avoid an AWOL IF
Call supervisor before 9am and report before 1200 hours, city docks vacation time and charged a late
How many steps in the grievance process
If an employee reports 1 hour or less late for a detail twice=
No details for 1 year
Eligibility requirements for DE Test
2 or more years
Training program sign off
FL Apparatus and pump Op Cert
If you move shifts where are you inserted into the new shift OT list
What is step 2 of the grievance process
Submit grievance in writing
If you are promoted or probationary added to a new shift where are you placed on the overtime list
If a BC is assigned to Fire Prevention what is the deadline to get the certifications
6 months
How many group test sessions are held for promotional exams
2, can only attend 1
OT calls will not be made after
2300 hours
On the job injuries can be off for how long
2 years
The only records used for official action are:
How many vacation hours are used for a 24 hour shift
Max family sick per calendar year
48 hours
Minimum sick hours before allowed to conver to vacation
240 to max of 48 hours after anniversary date
Max sick time accruable
What is the operations point schedule based on a 12 month period
1 point= written reprimand
2 point= 1/2 shift suspension
3 point= full shift suspension with final warning
4 point= Termination.
City manager has how long to decide on a course of action for an employee challenging suspension, demotion, or dismissal
10 days
Union President must notify the Fire Chief how many days prior to contract negations of what number reps will attend
5 days, 5 reps
Off the job injury and cannot find coverage for an exchange
Docked 12 hour vacation time
How many people for a health and safety committee meeting
3 reps from the union and 3 from the city
If an employee is mandatoried OT they will be paid
Time and a half minimum of 4 hours
How many days does the union have to request an arbitration
10 days
Promotional test scores are rounded to
Nearest 10th of a point
Employee can purge a letter of reprimand IF how they have gone how many years without one
2 years
What age is the latest a member or family can retain the drop
70 1/2 years old
If transferred from prevention to operations:
Maintain the rank they last held, no schedule B pay
If a change happens to policy, SOP, R&R, city must give how many days notice to union
15 days
Who can a counseling slip be appealed to
Level above the issuer
Lateness is defined as
Reporting to work 1 hour or less after start time
What are the total light duty work days allowed unless FC decides otherwise
For employees who work holidays how many annual leave hours are added
What is the cutoff hire date to receive longevity
October 1st 2004
How long does an employee have to turn in a cert after the class and how long for city to pay
30 days, 90 days to pay
When receiving discipline an employee must be informed of:
Penalty assessed
Effective Date
What years is from Pay Step F to G
10 years
How much money is allocated to the labor management committee from the city
Kelly day every ____ shifts
7 shifts
If a captain is transferred to prevention
Must be on register for fire safety captain within 8 years
If you are caught on drugs on shift and are not fired you can be subjected to unlimited drug testing for how long
2 years
Changes to OT hiring procedures requires
A mutual written agreement between the union and the city
What is considered “productive work”
General cleanup and maintenance of stations and grounds
If the union and city cannot agree on an arbitrator
A panel is requested and each takes turns striking 1 by 1 until 1 is left
DROP stands for
Deferred Retirement Option Plan
City manager will believe a strike is in progress if ____
10% of employees fail to report
If receiving a suspension, demotion, or dismissal an employee can
Request a hearing within 10 days
What are the 7 cert pay levels if paid after 2014
EMT 5% Medic 15% EMS/Day Captain 5% First Responder 2% Preceptor 2% Fire Training Captain 5% Station 2 1%
All pay rate adjustments will be made first on the _____ rate
If suffered an on the job injury and cannot find coverage for an exchange
Docked 12 hours of sick time
How long as the BC/DC have to respond to a grievance
10 days
How many floating holiday hours are given
8 if no sick leave is used
Eligibility for LT test
4 or more years
3 or more years with an associate degree
ACLS, CPR, PALS instructor
Minimum CPI increase 2018 and 2019
1.25% to 3.75%
What is the grandfathered date for smoking and chewing tobacco
March 1, 1988
If work 8 minutes round up to
1/4 hour
What happens if an employee doesn’t respond within 10 days to the reply of a grievance step
Considered settled
Eligibility for Captains test
Passed DE Test/Promoted DE/Promoted LT with Pump Class Cert
FO 1
6 or more years, 5 or more with Assoc Degree, 4 or more with Bachelor degree or higher
If FF transferred from ops to prevention it will be as what rank
Inspector 1
If released from jury duty after 5pm on a shift day:
Excused from duty
OT can be hired prior to 0700 hours at who’s discretion
If deemed disabled by pension board, how long does member receive longevity pay for
2 years after
If a FF is moved to prevention without inspector Certs how long to acquire
2 years
What is the General Wage increase due to CPI
Min 1 % max 3.75%
Deadline for aggrieved employee to discuss grievance with the BC (or DC if doesn’t report to BC)
10 days of occurrence or 10 days from when through due diligence they should have known
When is Overtime paid
Over 159 hours in 21 days
When must captains be notified of Mandatory OT and when must it be hired by
0715, hired by 0745
What happens if the city doesn’t respond within 10 days of the grievance
Considered denied, move to the next step
Eligibility for Fire Safety captain
Inspector 2
5 or more years, 4 or more with FO1, 3 or more with Assoc Degree
How many pay steps in retirement
5 steps
FR Dept and individual members regard themselves as
Public Employees
If promoted within _____ of a pay raise then=
3 months, you get the step raise with promotion raise provided satisfactory eval
How long after returning to work can an employee have their sick and vacation time reinstated
20 working days
Union members are subject to and covered by what act
Fair Labor Standards Act
Labor Management Committee consists of
3 reps from the union and 3 from the city for 1 year
What pay steps are from G to H
15 years
When is the closing date of exam applications
Not less than 45 days from date of announcement
What are the cert pays if hired before 2014
EMT 10% Medic 15% Rescue 7% Crew Chief 3% Specialty/Miscellaneous 2-10% at FC discretion
AWOL is defined as
Reporting to work 1 hour or more after start time
What rating of an eval can you take before the rating review committee?
Marginal or unsatisfactory
Time can be donated in what increment
160 hours at a time
City contributes how much toward insurance premium costs per member
City will pay the difference between workers comp and regular pay for how many days after an on-duty injury
90 days
What is the mile radius for a fire prevention take home vehicle
25 miles
What year is the certification pay difference
Hazmat team requires what cert
160 hour class
Who can rescind a letter of reprimand
Any level in the chain of command
What happens if an employee terminates employment within 2 years of receiving tuition reimbursement
Refund the city
How many days to appeal a rating after its been reviewed by the rating and review committee
7 days
When does seniority and employment terminate
When an employee:
Voluntarily resigns
Hasn’t worked in 2 years after a LAY-OFF
What is the state standard for “under the influence”
0.05 or higher
How many points for a Late and an AWOL
1 for Late
2 for AWOL
What are max days and hours allowed to be donated
180 calendar days
1440 hours
How many days after a promotional test review session can a claim of errors or appeals be submitted
3 days
City must provide Union Due Payroll Deductions to Union Treasurer within ____ or _____ unless _____
15 days or 30 days upon written notice
City recognizes the right of the union to _______ rather than strike
Informational picketing
When a fire chief requests an expanded affirmative action certification list, how many candidates does the FC receive
Top 5 candidates and any from the list that are in the targeted demographic
Passing score of promotional exam
How many days after receiving a recall letter must an employee acknowledge receipt
5 days
What years are Captains, Safety Captains, BC Tests
Even years, effective on odd year following
If an employee reports 1 hour or less after the scheduled time for a detail they get
A counseling slip
How many sick hours accrued per hour worked
Maximum semester hours and quarter hours for tuition reimbursement in a 1 year period
24 semester hours, 32 quarter hours
What are automatic failures of the DE promo test
Hose line Supplying H20 to apparatus nozzle or other firefighting device is not under apparatus pump pressure or safety is jeopardized
Pay in what increments
1/4 hour increments
DE or LT preference points
OT is paid at how many hours
159 hours in a 21 day work cycle
How many days in a work period
21 days
Who is the neutral party above the Fire Chief
Human Resources Director with 7 days
Bumping is
When a layoff causes a demotion
An employee is not owed back pay after reinstated unless
Not guilty or arrested in the line of duty undertaken in good faith
Do both parties need to be present for evidence to be considered in an arbitration
What candidates are upgraded on a rotating basis
3 highest ranking
Degree points equal
Associate Degree 1 point
Bachelor Degree 2 points
Masters Degree 3 points
What are the two different grievance procedures for
One for discipline and one for contract
Mandatory Overtime hiring parameters
Lowest on the seniority list
Can’t be on vacation
Can’t have been mandatoried in the last 12 months
If a DE is transferred to prevention without inspector Certs how long to acquire and at what class level
Inspector 2, 5 years to acquire Certs
What is the annual hourly cap for exchange of duties
432 hours
City can suspend the CBA during a declared emergency provided:
Wage Rates, Insurance, and Pension benefits are not suspended
What does the contract consider working days
Monday through Friday without holidays 9am-5pm
DE and LT exams are on what years
Odd years, effective January 1 on even year following
When must an employee report for work after receiving a recall letter after a layoff
14 days of letter
How much money does the health and safety committee get per year
How many days to review final test papers by mail in request
10 days
How long does an employee have to meet the physical requirements
6 months
How much paid emergency leave per 12 month period is an employee allowed
1 hour
A take home vehicle can be used for personal work if it doesn’t add how many miles
6 miles
How long does the union have to meet and choose an arbitrator
1 week
What is the sole and exclusive method of interpreting and enforcing this contract agreement