Joint EMS Flashcards
When does the pt get taken to the OB facility
Over 20 weeks gestation
Where are the 4 heli landing zones on the Barrier Island
Zone 54: 3200 NE 3rd Ave: ST 54
Zone 13: Birch State Park
Zone 13A: Birch Road and Bayshore Drive
Zone 49: 551 South Ocean, Alexander Park
What distance should the tourniquet be from the wound
2 inches
Bradycardia is considered
HR under 60 bpm
When should burns be wet
Less than 20 percent 2nd degree or less than 5 percent of 3rd degree
Not dead until
Warm and dead
What is the most reliable indicator of serious injury
High Performance CPR
Treatment for jelly fish, man-o-war and anemone
Clean saltwater ONLY and vinegar
Non COPD pts should have a SpO2 of what
Greater than 94 percent
Lightning is what type of current
Position for Child Birth
Left lateral recumbent
What position is the only allowed under restraint protocol
5 seconds off the chest is how long without cerebral perfusion
30 seconds
When do chemicals require soap for decon
Solubility greater than 1%
How many priorities are there for Medcom
What is a significant cause of hypotension and recurrence of arrest in post ROSC
How far should you remain from the helicopter LZ until the air rescue crew member accompanies you
100 feet
What is considered an unstable pt vitals
BP less than 90, GCS less than 13
RPM is
Rapid triage for MCIs:
Mental Status
When is food needed at rehab
Incident is longer than 3 hours
How long is it safe to have a TQ on the limb
Up to 2 1/2 hours
What is considered unstable A-Fib
BP less than 90 with signs and symptoms
What are the basic required vital signs of any patient
Hypothermic body temp is
Less than 95 degrees
Florida Marchman Act is
Baker Act but for alcohol and substance abuse
Status epilepticus is
2 or more successive seizures without conciousness
In Adult Airway protocol what SpO2 level should supplemental O2 used to maintain
Greater than 94%
Dose for an epi autoinjector
0.3mg of 1:1000
What is required of all patients with inadequate respiratory function
Continuous pulse oximetry
What is the goal of CISM
Assess, Educate, and intervene
What is the initial O2 treatment for HP-CPR
2 large BVM breaths then NC at 15 LPM
Level 3 MCI is
21 or more victims
CISM Team has a max response time of
2 hours from the request
What are the keys to success with cardiac arrest
Adequate compressions with early defibrillation
Minimum of how many rescue personnel for rehab
When should stinger/barbs of lion fish, urchin, starfish not be removed
If they’re in the thorax or abdomen
When IC deems rehab necessary who is responsible for management and coordination
1st available EMS unit
What is the CPR rate with HP-CPR
At least 110 compressions per minute with full chest recoil
What type of med is ASA
Platelet Aggregator Inhibitor
Where should measuring the browselow bag begin
Red to Head
Spinal Cord Protection protocol is
N eurological Exam S ignificant Mechanism A lertness I ntoxication D istracting injury S pinal Exam
What exception is there to turning over a body to DLE
Hospice Care and/or Nursing facility
Level 4 MCI is
100 plus victims
A pediatric is defined as
Less than 12 OR less than 100 lbs/44kg
Incapacitated persons law is
Implied consent vs informed consent
Small group diffusing from a call should be within
12 hours
What color is a DNRO
Yellow Paper
What is the max time allowed to load a patient onto the Lucas device
5 seconds
What constitutes an MCI
When the number of patients/victims exceeds the capabilities of the 1st arriving units
How long do you flush your eyes during a chemical exposure
10-15 minutes
what are considered positive Orthostatic changes
Drop of BP greater than 20 mht or heart rate increase of 20 bpm at any time
What is the desired HR of a new born
Greater than 100 with respirations
What color triage strip means contaminated
How many breaths per minute to maintain 30-35 pCO2
A significant exposure must be reported within _____ and to where
2 hours and to the same hospital as the source
What Age requires a long spinal board
Greater than 65 years old or less than 5 years old with significant mechanism
what constitutes a HTN emergency
Systolic equal or greater than 220, Diastolic equal or greater than 120
what temp in altered mental status should be actively cooled
Greater than 102 degrees
An adult is defined in the Joint EMS protocols as
12 years or older
What is the minimum rest time at rehab
15 minutes
when should Medical control be contacted before using an epi autoinjector
Patient is over 50 years old
Hx of heart disease
HR greater than 150
When should burns be kept dry
Greater than 20 percent 2nd degree or greater than 5 percent 3rd degree
In an infant, a seizure may be the only sign of what
Closed head injury
Is epiglottitis bacterial or viral
Bacterial with fever
Level 5 MCI is
1,000 plus victims
BLS treatment of BGL less than 60
1-2 tubes of oral glucose
blood glucose ranges on monitor
Less than 60
Over 350
What 3 forms are needed for an exposure
Infectious Disease exposure report Form
Exposure information Form
Employer information form
What is an infectious exposure reference sheet
Disease Matrix, provides information for exposures
What contraction rate means birth is imminent
Less than 2 minutes apart lasting 90 seconds or longer
How often to swap CPR if no Lucan Device is available
Every 2 minutes
Lacerations must be evaluated within what time frame
6 hours
Weight requirement for epi pen JR
Less than 60 pounds
What level must air transport for diving accident victims be kept under
1000 feet
Level 1 MCI is
5-10 victims
What are the two types of restraints
Chemical and physical
What distance should the umbilical be clamped
2 inches from abdomen
What is the age of needle crich
Under 12 and unable to vent
What is level 4 for Medcom
Administration Traffic
Damage from lighting is often ______
How far and how tall should obstacles be from a helicopter LZ
40 feet tall and within 100 feet
Initial Defib for V-Fib is what
200 Joules then reassess and repeat every 2 minutes
What angle should the head be elevated to for a suspected stroke
30 degrees
What is the dose of aspirin
162-184 mg PO
Vitals for preeclampsia
Systolic over 140 Diastolic over 90
Relative increase of 30 systolic and 20 diastolic
When are influenza and TDAP shots available
Within 10 days of employment and October through February annually
If prolapsed umbilical cord or pulse is absent
Minimize pressure on the cord by pushing on head
Pediatric head traumas should be reassessed how often
Every 5 minutes
Level 2 MCI is
11-20 Victims
BLS treatment for Bites and Envenomations
Position pt supine, immobilize limb
How long should a pulse be checked for
5-10 seconds
What are the 5 colors and sizes of King tube
Green: 2 Orange: 2.5 Yellow: 3 (4-5ft) Red: 4 (5-6ft) Purple: 5 (6ft or taller)
What is the treatment for stingray, lion fish, urchin and starfish stings
Hot water over 110-114 degrees
Limit scene time for a suspected stroke to
10 minutes
What should BLS skill to be used if unable to intubate
BIAD= Blind Insertion Airway Device
What is the age limit on the Lucas device
12 years old
How often is APGAR performed
1 minute and 5 minute
Administer O2 to maintain the SP02 of COPD at what
92 percent