Fire Detection And Suppression Flashcards
What type of release is required with the pneumatically
operated deluge sprinkler system
If same diameter of hose is used the FL varies
With the square of the increase in velocity
What are the 3 E’s of prevention
What color is used to indicate sprinklers rated for
temperatures between 250 degrees Fahrenheit to 300 degrees
Fahrenheit (121 degrees Celsius to 149 degrees Celsius)?
Which is designed to prevent the pump from overheating
when operating at churn against a closed system?
Circulation relief valves
Which class of standpipes are designed for use by trained
building occupants or by fire department personnel being
equipped with a 1 1/2-inch (38 mm) hose and nozzle?
Class 2
Which detector only works in lighted areas
Pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted:
Equally in all directions
Left over pressure while water is flowing
When hoses or pipes are the same diameter, same length, and have the same flow:
FL varies inversely with approximately the square of the coefficient of roughness for the pipe or hose
Per NFPA standards what pressure does Pressure Regulating devices limit 1 1/2 connections to
100 psi
Which system can tell the FACU specifically which device activated
Who owns and operates the receiving point in a proprietary
Facility owner
1 ATM equals
14.7 psi
4 basic categories of alarm systems
Automatic Protection, detection alarm
Automatic Fire Suppression system
Manual Fire alarm
Manual fire suppression
Which NFPA standard applies to the fire alarm and
signaling code?
What is stack effect a function of?
Which type of deflector is designed to deflect the spray
of water downward in a hemispherical pattern and is
usually used in dry systems
What should the water supply for Class I and Class III
standpipe systems be able to provide for at least 30
minutes with a residual pressure of 100 psi (700 kPa) at
the hydraulically remote 2 1/2 inch (65 mm) outlet?
500 gpm
How should control be provided when practical of the
firefighters’ smoke-control station?
By zone
What does NOT factor into determining
the minimum water flow requirements?
Fire department reflex times
According to ISO what is the minimum pressure hydrants
must deliver at 20 psi (140 kPa) residual pressure for a
duration of 2 hours for credit?
250 gpm
What is the effort of smoke control?
Change the pressure in areas adjacent to the fire
What is the most effective method of fire control?
Automatic sprinklers
Who called together the 1947 Fire Prevention Conference
President Harry Truman
Where are the manual start and stop buttons for the
electric motor-driven pumps located?
Outside of the controller enclosures
What is the minimum flow requirement from an individual
sprinkler for residential protection?
18 gpm
Where does the exhaust method of smoke control concentrate
the smoke in a large area?
Highest point
What is the minimum permitted pressure rating of a
standard fire pump?
40 psi
Which smoke control method is typically used for openings
in a vertical surface where the opening is relatively
small compared to the size of the surface?
Opposed airflow
How many BTUs to raise temp of 1 pound of water
What is normally the minimum rated fire pump that will be
How often should the supervisory air pressure be checked
in the preaction system?
How far apart does ISO recommend hydrants be located in
more congested areas and high fire risk areas?
300 feet
Weight of a material when compared to water
Specific Gravity, less than 1 floats, more than 1 sinks
What size building must have a zoned system
22,500 square feet
What was the cause of the fire at the Iroquois Theater in
Hot stage light
Grid pipe system that water comes to a hydrant from 2 directions
Circulating feed
Sprinkler is an example of what type of fire protection device
What refers to the height that a pressure can lift a
column of liquid?
Head pressure
What is the recommended minimum diameter of fire hydrant
supply mains?
6 inch main
What hour rating must fire pump enclosures have
2 hour
Which smoke control method is most often used during
postfire cleanup?
Which type of system is used to protect large commercial
and industrial buildings?
A roof less than what degree incline must have a standpipe access’s
33 degrees
Which is produced in the combustion of materials
containing nitrogen?
Hydrogen Cyanide
When was The President’s Conference on Fire Prevention
Who is alerted first when a presignal alarm system is in
Emergency personnel
What kind of standard is established when a group of
experts have agreed upon it before it is adopted?
What is the most common hydrant in the US
Which type of alarm uses radioactive particulars to electrify air inside the detector
Ionization device
At which fire were building occupants unable to return to
their floor due to automatic locking doors in the
MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1980
Which type of detectors are good for dusty environments
Air sampling
What does the friction loss vary approximately with when
hoses or pipes are the same size?
Square the increase in velocity of the flow
What is used to monitor fire protection control valves
that supply the sprinkler and other fire protection
Supervisory devices
Minimum riser size in Class 1 and 3 standpipe buildings over 100 feet
6 inch
Which is considered the most commonly encountered product
of combustion at structure fires?
Carbon monoxide
ISO recommends hydrants should be spaced minimum what distance in congested areas
300 ft
What is used to stabilize the pressure on a water system
when demand is high?
Elevated Tanks
What kind of fire alarm signal is one that is used to
indicate off-normal condition of the complete fire
protection system?
Hose stations for type 2 and 3 standpipes for unsprinklered buildings must be how far from anywhere on the floor
150 feet
What does water weigh per gallon
8.34 pounds
What is the most common size of FDC?
4 inch
Within what distance from every exit does NFPA 72 require
pull stations be placed to allow occupants to activate the
alarm while exiting the building?
5 feet
Sprinklers are effective what percent of the time when they operate
96 %
For a 1,000 gpm pump at 100 psi what horse power is needed
Who convened the National commission on fire prevention and control in the 1970s
President Richard Nixon
Since what time has the NFPA published a variety of
standards and other documents dealing with fire prevention
and building safety?
At which fire did smoke vent through the stage roof, which
was credited with the prevention of any loss of life?
Palace Theatre
Pressure created by a column of water
How much pressure at the base does 1 square inch column of
water that is 1 foot high exert?
0.4333 psi
How far from the sprinklered facility does the 2009
edition of the International Fire Code require the hydrant
be located?
600 feet
How much does 1 cubic feet of h20 weigh
62.4 pounds
How long should the standpipe system be hydrostatically
tested at a minimum pressure of 200 psi (1 400 kPa) to
ensure tightness and integrity of fittings when
installation is complete?
2 hours
If all conditions are the same, FL varies:
Directly with the length of the hose
Which detector type is good for colder climate and rarely has false alarms
Rate of rise heat detector
Where did the deadliest hotel fire in United States
history occur in 1946?
Winecoff Hotel, Atlanta, GA
Ball valves need to be closed how slowly to avoid a water hammer
5 seconds
Stored potential energy available in water
Static pressure
What is the current minimum residual pressure set by NFPA
14 for 1 1/2 inch (38 mm) hose connections on the
Most common type of fire pump is
What is the minimum clearance under the sprinkler that
should be maintained and verified during inspection?
18 inches
Collection of rules and regs enacted by a legislative body to become a law
The pressure of a liquid on the bottom of a vessel is _________ of the_______ of the vessel
Independent of the shape
Which type of sprinkler is useful in corridors, offices,
and hotel rooms?
Which type of alarm system is connected to a municipal
fire alarm system?
What must be done to restore the wire-type continuous line
heat detector?
Replace the wire
What is the quantity of heat absorbed by a substance at the point that it changes from a liquid to a vapor
Law of latent heat of vaporization
Approximately how much more heat does each pound of water
require to convert into steam once the boiling point has
been reached?
970 btu
Which is faster, photoelectric smoke detector or ionization detector
What type of threads are on FDC connections
National Hose Standard threads, female
Within what amount of time after activation of the
dry-pipe sprinkler system must water be provided to the
most remote sprinkler if the system capacity is over 750
gallons (2 800 L)?
15-60 seconds
About what percentage of fire deaths are attributed to
smoke inhalation?
65 percent
How many deaths are attributed to smoke inhalation
Sprinkler for ordinary room temps have a sprinkler of what range
135-170 degrees
Standpipe hose connections must be what distance high
Not less than 3 feet and not greater than 5 feet high
How much pressure is required to raise water 1 foot
0.434 psi
What alarm system is unable to tell the FACU which head alerted
Conventional Alarm System
What do codes and ordinances normally require the
containment volume around the diesel fuel storage be as a
Same as the volume on the tank
Hose stations for class 2 and 3 standpipes must be within how many feet of anywhere on a highrise floor for sprinklered buildings
200 feet
How often should a service test be done on detection systems
At least annually
What is the minimum amount of time the running period
timer should be set on the Diesel engine for testing each week
30 minutes
Property loss is _____ less with sprinklers
What signal is received when power failure or other system malfunctions occur
Trouble Alarm
What do you divide the amount of head by to convert it to head pressure (customary/metric)?
What does NFPA require at a hose outlet that exceeds 100
psi (700 kPa) for a 1 1/2 inch (38 mm) connection?
Pressure regulating device
How many BTUs for a gallon of water to reach 212 degrees
1268 btus
Which heat detector has 2 metals together that expand at different temps and creates a flexion to touch a contact point and set off the alarm
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a specified quantity of a material and the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of an identical amount of water by the same number of degrees (also known as the heat absorbing capacity of a substance)
Specific Heat
If same discharge, FL varies
Inversely to approximately the 5th power of the diameter of the hose
Approximately how many times its original volume will
water at 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius)
1700 times
How much heat can one gallon of water absorb if it is all
converted to steam?
9,358 BTU
What is the pipe that supplies the branch lines on a spinkler system
Cross mains
Fluid pressure is _______ to any surface on which it acts
Most common sized FDC with 2 x 2 1/2 inch connections is
4 inches
What is the minimum riser size for building heights over 100 feet (30 m)?
6 inches
In which location did the 2004 NIST study conclude more
smoke detectors needed to be installed in residences to
allow for adequate safe-egress time?
What supply for Class 1 and 3 standpipes should provide _______ for 30 minutes with residual of 100 psi and most remote 2 1/2 connection
500 gpm
Per NFPA standards what do Pressure Regulating devices limit 2 1/2 inch standpipe connections to
175 psi
Which organization coordinates the development and use of
voluntary consensus standards in the United States?
Which type of photoelectric smoke detectors are
particularly useful in buildings with large areas of
coverage are needed?
Projected beam application
Which type is directly connected to the municipal alarm system
Public emergency alarm reporting system
Which type of smoke detector will communicate the specific
location of the device that is activated to the FACP?
FACU means
Fire Alarm Control Unit
Which smoke control method is typically used for openings
in a vertical surface where the opening is relatively
small compared to the size of the surface?
Opposed airflow
Which class of standpipe system is primarily for use by fire-suppression personnel?
Class 1
Which system can tell the FACU which zone activated
Zoned conventional
What is the most commonly used method to activate a fire pump
Pressure switch
What system is continuously monitored remotely
Supervising Station Alarm system
Where did the fire at the Our Lady of Angels School in
Chicago, Illinois, 1958 begin?
Basement trash can in the stairwell
Building codes require standpipes be reachable within how much distance from everywhere on a highrise floor
130 feet
What type of valve is on drains and and test valves
Globe valve
What are the only 3 things that are released from ALL fires
Water, CO & CO2
Outside Stem and Yoke
What is the minimum amount of time that electric fire pump
motors should be allowed to run weekly?
10 minutes
The pressure of a liquid in an open vessel is directly ______ to its ____
Depth and density of the liquid
What is the pipe that supplies a single sprinkler?
What is in a liquid state between what temps
Which does the ionization smoke detector respond more
easily to?
Flaming fire
Minimum flow from a residential sprinkler
18 gpm
About when was the first fire alarm system installed?
How often should all sprinkler systems be visually
Which type of alarm system does not slow fire or smoke spread
Automatic protection, detection alarm
Fluid pressure at a point in a fluid at rest is:
The same intensity in all directions
Beyond what height will the fire engine normally not be
able to supply the upper zones of the standpipe system in
a high-rise building?
Which type of detector utilizes light beams
Which class of standpipe supplies two different hose connections?
Class 3
What is the pressure of a liquid in an open vessel
proportional to?
Its density
What type of fire pump is used for non pressurized sources
Vertical shaft turbine pump
What type of alarm system alerts and notifies only occupants on the premises
Protected premises system
When did the fire occur at the Coconut Grove Nightclub in
Boston, Massachusetts?
Where did a majority of the 85 deaths in the MGM Grand
Hotel fire in Las Vegas, Nevada (November, 1980) occur?
Upper floors
Where is residual pressure measured?
Where a static pressure reading is taken NOT at the point of water flow
When did George Andrew Darby patent the first heat
How much less are property losses in buildings that are
protected with fire sprinklers compared to those without
sprinklers according to the USFA?
85 percent
Which type of heat detector has a melting element that releases a spring to activate
Fusible elements