Ulcerative Lesions Flashcards
Erythema surrounding central removable yellow fibrinpurulent membrane
Traumatic ulcer
Recurrent ulcer on nonkeratinized mucosa
Recurrent apthous/ canker sore
Ulcers related to T cell mediated immunologic reaction
Aphthous ulcer
Prodormal symptoms of aphthous ulcers
Tingling & burning
Main difference between Recurrent Aphthous ulcer & herpes
Non keratinized, keratinized
Not preceded by vesicles, herpes Vesiculobullous
Most common form of aphthous ulcer & its location
Minor, buccal and labial mucosa
Aphthous ulcer that heals with scar formation
Aphthous more common in HIV pts
Greatest number of aphthous ulcer lesions & most frequent recurrences
Tx for Reccurent Aphthous ulcer
Topical anesthetic
Topical corticosteroids
Small vessel vasculitis
Behcet’s syndrome
Most common in males, 30-40 years, in turkey,Japan and Eastern Mediterranean countries
Behcet’s syndrome
Recurrent oral and genital aphthous type ulcers, conjunctivitis, uveitis, CNS symptoms
Behcet’s syndrome
Tx for Behcet’s syndrome
Steroids & immunosuppressants
Strawberry Gingivitis
Wegener Granulomatosis
Bacteria responsible for Actinomycosis
Actinomyces israelli
Normal inhabitant bacteria of oral flora enter deep tissue through sources of trauma
55% of Actinomycosis are diagnosed in
Cervicofacial region
Inflammatory, woody hard, indurated swelling that forms central softer area of abscess
Sulfur granules present in discharge
Most affected site for Actinomycosis
Angle of mandible(lumpy jaw)
What is responsible for Syphilis
Trepenoma pallidum
Chancre, solitary painless ulcerations
Primary syphilis
Primary syphilis most common on
Snail’s tract ulcers, mucous patches, condylomata lata
Secondary syphilis
Syphilis with most serious complications of CNS & vascular system
Tertiary syphilis
Scattered foci, gumma
Tertiary syphilis
Common clinical pattern of congenital syphilis
Hutchinson’s triad
- Interstitial Keratitis(inflammed cornea)
- Eighth nerve deafness
- dental abnormalities (hutchinson teeth)
Diagnostic tests for syphilis
Biospy or dark field examination
Organism responsible for Tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Ziehl-Neelsen , acid fast bacilli
Indurated, chronic, non healing ulcer, painful
Central Caseous necrosis
Second most common fungal infection in pts having chemotherapy after candidiasis