Tumors Flashcards
Most common epithelial Odontogenic tumor
Most common site for Ameloblastoma
Mandibular molar ramus area, can be associated with impacted teeth
Slow growing, painless and capable of causing large facial deformities
Types of Ameloblastoma
Peripheral or extraosseous
Multilocular radiolucencies with well defined sclerotic margins - soap bubble or honey comb
Multicystic Ameloblastoma
Superficial saucerization of cortical plate, cup shaped radiolucency beneath elevated nodule
Peripheral or extraosseous ameloblastoma
Most common microscopic patterns of ameloblastoma
Follicular and plexiform
Tx if ameloblastoma
Simple Enucleation or en bloc / marginal resection
True mixed tumor epithelium and connnective tissue
Ameloblastic Fibroma
Mixed tumor similar to ameloblastic fibroma but contains odontoma
Ameloblastic Fibroma-odontoma
Molar ramus region, slow painless swelling, impacted molars, unilocular or multilocular radiolucent lesions with scalloped margins may contain calcified opaque structures
Pindborg tumor/ calcifying epithelial Odontogenic tumor
Sheets of large polygonal epithelial cells within connective tissue stroma with areas of amyloid that have concentric deposits, Liesegang rings
Pindborg tumor/ calcifying epithelial Odontogenic tumor
Females, 10-19 in anterior maxilla, asymptomatic tumor
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
Unilocular radiolucency surrounding unerupted canine crown, extends past CEJ
Adenomatoid Odontogenic tumor
Completely radiolucent but with fine snowflake calcifications, ductlike structures surrounded by thick fibrous capsule
Adenomatoid Odontogenic tumor
Agressive intraosseous lesion arising from odontogenic mesenchyme from dental pulp or follicular connective tissue
Odontogenic myxoma
Painless, slowly enlarging swelling, cortical expansion, teeth displacemeny and root resorption
Odontogenic myxoma
Unilocular or multilocular, margins irregular or scalloped, thin wispy trabeculae which gives soap bubble or tennis racket appearance
Odontogenic myxoma
Haphazardly arranged stellate, spindle shaped, round cells, loose myxoid stroma only few collagen fibrils
Odontogenic myxoma
Odontogenic tumor, proliferation of cementoblasts that form large mass o cementum and cementum like tissue
Proliferation of cementum, pain and swelling, teeth vital, mand 1st molar, radiopaque mass with thin radiolucent rim
Most common Odontogenic mixed tumor
Hamartomatous lesion found over unerupted teeth containing enamel, dentin, pulp in either tooth shapes(compound) or solid, gnarled mass(complex)
Asymptomatic non neoplastic bony growth covered by normal mucosa
Tori mandibularis
Tumor like lesion, replacement of medullary bone by cellular fibrous connective tissue causing the bone to become fragile
Fibrous Dysplasia
Expansion of bone, displaces maxillary sinus and obliterate it
Fibrous dysplasia
Types of fibrous dysplasia
Alkaline phosphatase level increased in which type of fibrous dysplasia
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
Painless, unilateral swelling, ground glass, orange peel or finger print appearance
Fibrous dysplasia
Mandibular bucco lingual expansion, bulging of inferior border, ill defined lamina dura that blends with abnormal bone
Fibrous Dysplasia
Irregular shaped trabeculae of woven bone in fibrous connective tissue - Chinese characters
Fibrous dysplasia
Genetic disorder severe polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, unilateral cafe au lait spots, endocrine abnormalities
McCune Albright syndrome
Multiple, slow growing painless expansile bone lesions causes pathological fractures, premature puberty in females
McCune Albright syndrome
Connective tissue stroma with irregular woven immature bone. As ut matures more calcified structures
Ossifying fibroma
Benign fibro-osseous lesion of jaw arising from undifferentiated cells from PDL. Usually arise from tooth bearing areas
Ossifying fibroma
Reactive lesion to local factors, apex of vital teeth, mandibular anteriors periapical, asymptomatic, middle aged women, aftican. Osteolytic, cementoblastic, mature stage
Periapical cemento osseous dysplasia
Rare benign tumor of bone arising from osteoblasts, fast onset
Well or ill defined round to oval radiolucency with areas of remineralization
Colorectal polyps that become adenocarcinoma by fifth decade of life
Gardner’s syndrome
Multiple osteomas, Fibromas of skin, epidermal and trichilemmal cysts, abnormalities of the retina of eye
Gardener’s Syndrome
Multiple odontomas, multiple impacted and supernumerary teeth. Multiple jaw osteomas cotton wool appearance
Gardner’s syndrome
Benign, jaw, young females, anterior to molars, crosses midline, asymptomatic expansile
Central giant cell granuloma
Multilocular or Unilocular well demarcated but non corticated. Spindled fibroblasts and multinucleated giant cells in a stroma of collagen
Central giant cell granuloma
Tx of central giant cell granuloma
Curettage, steroid, calcitonin injections, interferon injections and bisphosphonates
Clonal proliferation of cells phenotypic characteristics of Langerhans cells
Langerhans cell disease
Floating in space. Most common form of landerhans cell disease
Eosinophilic granuloma/ chronic localized form
Solitary or multiple bone lesions without visceral involvement
Chronic disseminating form of Langerhans cell disease with bone, skin and visceral organ involvement
Hand-Schuller-Christian syndrome
Lytic bone lesions, exophthalmos, Diabetes Insipidus
Chronic disseminating form of langerhans cell disease/ Hand-Schuller-Christian syndrome
Multiple radiolucent lesions, punched out, scooped out, floating in air, severe bone destruction, loose teeth, premature exfoliation, multinucleated giant cells, birbeck granules
Langerhans cell disease