U4 AOS1 Health & wellbeing in a global context (3) Flashcards
Antenatal care
Care given to a pregnant woman before birth or during the prenatal period.
Affect of religious descrimination
Religious discrimination can lead to increased rates of stress, anxiety, substance abuse and violence due to a limited access to education and healthcare, arrest or even death that results from their religious beliefs.
Affect of sexual orientation and gender identity descrimination
Rates of poverty, homelessness, joblessness, food insecurity, depression and suicide have been found to be far higher among LGBTIQ people than the rest of the population. Between half and two-thirds of LGBTIQ youth experience bullying during childhood, resulting in them skipping or dropping out of school. Experiences of bullying, violence, isolation and rejection all contribute to significantly reduced mental health and wellbeing and increase mortality due to suicide and self-harm.
Unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or society.
How is poverty measured?
This can be measured by the proportion of the population living on less than US$1.90 per day, by those living beneath 50 per cent of the countries GNI or by the proportion of the population living below a poverty line set by the government of that county.
Extreme weather event
Extreme weather event: A weather related natural disaster such as a drought, flood, or cyclone excluding tsunamis and earthquakes that are not classified as weather events.
Global marketing
Advertising and selling of goods and services across the world.
Stagnant water
Water that sits in a place without having any area to drain in a timely manner.
Salinisation of water supply
The accumulation of salt in land and water that damages the natural and built environment.
Climate change
The change in weather patterns due to increased carbon dioxide emissions. Climate change often results in extremes in weather, rising sea levels and natural disasters.
High income countries and tobacco
Many high-income countries have banned tobacco advertising on billboards, radio and television and they have stopped cigarettes from appearing as products and films and legalized the age at which a person can purchase tobacco products.
Low-and-middle income countries and tobacco
Low-and middle-income countries are easy to target because the governments often do not have or enforce laws to govern or regulate the sale of tobacco as the government often earn money from the sale of tobacco; Cigarettes are the only ingested substance not governed by laws on content in low- and middle-income countries which means tobacco companies can add ammonia to cigarettes to help the nicotine reach the brain faster.
Describe the effect of tobacco use
When money is spent on tobacco less money is spent on food leading to undernutrition, the wood needed to cure the tobacco is leading to deforestation and the land corporations are using to grow tobacco in low- and middle-income countries is depleting the soil of nutrients and occupying land that could be used to grow food.
Health promotion and tobacco
High-income country governments allocate some of the revenue gained from tobacco taxes to health promotion as means of discouraging people from taking up smoking; Low- and middle-income countries do not have health promotion organizations to advocate against or educate people about the risk of tobacco smoking because they lack appropriate regulations and have little funding available for public initiatives.
Low-and-middle income countries and alcohol
The sale of alcohol creates employment and generates income and tax for governments therefore public health measures to reduce harmful use of alcohol are sometimes judged to be in conflict with other goals such as consumer choice and can be seen as harmful to the economy.
Describe the effect of alcohol use
Alcohol limits the amount of money available due purchase life sustaining resources such as food, healthcare, and safe water; Consumption of alcohol is far beyond the physical health and well-being of the drinker because an intoxicated person can harm others.
Low-and-middle income countries and processed foods
Children in low- and middle-income countries are more vulnerable to inadequate nutrition as they are exposed to foods that are energy dense high in trans fats saturated fats sugar salt and energy and are low in fiber and micronutrients.
High-income countries and processed foods
High income countries have seen a significant increase in adult and childhood obesity where one and four children are either overweight or obese.
Describe the effect of rising sea levels
More than 50% of the world lives within 60 kilometers of the sea therefore with rising sea levels people are being forced to leave their homes, land for crop and livestock production is lost, salinisation of water supply occurs which reduces the availability of safe drinking water and food supply because many crops cannot grow due to poor quality of the water.
Rising sea levels
An increase in greenhouse gases has caused the world to warm by almost 1 degree Celsius and is predicted to continue up to another 4 degrees Celsius resulting in oceans becoming warmer, expanding and taking up more area due to glaciers melting producing more water and consequently sea levels rising.
Floodwater contaminates freshwater supply, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases such as diarrhea. Stagnant water creates the ideal breeding conditions for disease carrying insects such as mosquitoes increasing the risk of malaria.
Extreme heat conditions
Associated with increased obesity levels due to reduced physical activity and a reduction in affordable fruit and vegetables leading to increased consumption of processed, energy dense foods. Air pollutants a higher in extreme heat which can trigger asthma and exacerbate cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Ongoing temperature increases will lead to an increase in infectious diseases from mosquitoes such as dengue as insects thrive in warm humid conditions. Heat waves reduce the body’s natural ability to effectively control its internal temperature contributing to heat stress.
Changing rainfall patterns
Variable rain patterns impact the supply of freshwater, impact food production and diversity in crops with water scarcity leading to drought and famine. This can increase the rate of malnutrition particularly in low- and middle-income countries. As water scarcity increases people may need to purchase water reducing income for any other resource.
A clash between individuals arising out of a difference in thought process, attitudes, understanding, interests, requirements, and even sometimes perceptions. A conflict results in heated arguments, physical abuses and indefinite loss of peace and harmony.
Mass migration
The movement of large numbers of people from one geographical area to another.
Negative impact of conflict
Directly impacts life expectancy as people are more likely to experience premature death and increased morbidity due to injury and communicable diseases; the presence of land mines following times of conflict increased risks of both death and injury particularly for women who are responsible for farming land and children who play in the areas with unexploded land mines.
Negative impact of mass migration
Migrants spent years living in crowded refugee camps sharing tents and basic resources which places an increased demand on water, sanitation, medicines, and health services; the conditions under which migrants travel can lead to death due to drownings and accidents.
World trade
The international exchange of goods and services between countries.
A social, cultural, and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes.
Positive effects of world trade
Provides development of new technologies, innovation and productivity which generates increased incomes, increases employment and education opportunities; advance gender equality because many small businesses can be started by women.
Negative impacts of world trade
Children have also been used to working in these factories for cheap labor for multinational companies to make as much profit as possible. As a child is working in a factory is unable to attend school, they are unable to develop relationships; in low- and middle-income countries there is use of pesticides throughout farms. The countries ignore the costly environmental standards, increasing environmental degradation. This decreases a farmers resilience level as they are constantly unable to grow crops.
Positive effects of tourism
Low- and middle-income countries have benefited from tourism because an increased flow of people brings income to their economies, revenue to governments, provides employment opportunities and creates new markets for goods and services especially traditional products; economic benefits because of tourism in low- and middle-income countries provides ability to develop infrastructure such as roads, sewage systems, education, and healthcare facilities to be made within these countries.
Negative impacts of tourism
Impact on biodiversity and environmental ecosystem from increased pollution, transportation and increased human interaction reducing their land for agricultural purposes; increase transmission of communicable diseases due to global interconnectedness and the ability from people to travel from one country or region to another spreading disease such as Ebola virus, on measles.
Positive impact of digital technology
Assist global health organizations such as the WHO to coordinate and respond during a crisis; people will have the ability to increase their own health knowledge through the internet; clear health-promotion messages to be shared among populations in order to increase health knowledge and improve understanding of health and health behaviours such as handwashing education programs.
Negative impacts of digital technology
Misinformation being spread through digital technologies, by people attempting to diagnose their symptoms on the internet, digital technologies increase sedentary behaviours, as individuals are sitting down for longer whilst on electronic devices. This reduces levels of physical activity, leading to weight gain. This can cause an individual to have lower levels of self-esteem and not wanting to participate with friends.