U15 phrases Flashcards
Boleh tuan membuat pembayaran deposit kad kredit sebanyak RM1000.00?
Could you make a credit card deposit (payment) of RM1000.00?
I suggest Traders Hotel in KLCC and Boulevard Hotel in Mid Valley.
Saya cadangkan Hotel Traders di KLCC dan Hotel Boulevard di Mid Valley.
Is the room rate at this hotel expensive?
Adakah sewa bilik hotel ini mahal?
Puan ada pangsapuri untuk disewa?
Do you have any apartments for rent?
Apakah jenis bilik yang tuan hendak?
What type of rooms do you want?
Can we have a look at the apartment now?/Can we go and see the apartment now?
Boleh kita pergi melihat pangsapuri ini sekarang?
Di dalam bilik ada katil sebuah katil saiz sederhana atau dua buah katil bujang, peti sejuk, televisyen, bilik mandi besar dengan tab mandi dan jendela menghadap Menara Berkembar Petronas.
In each room there is a double bed or two single size beds, fridge, television, a large bathroom with a bath tub and a window facing the Petronas Twin Towers.
Hotel itu terletak di tingkat atas pusat beli-belah terpanjang di Malaysia yang dipanggil Mid Valley dengan panjangnya 1.3km.
That hotel is located above the longest shopping mall measuring 1.3 km in Malaysia called Mid Valley.
Boleh puan syorkan hotel di KL?
Can you recommend me a hotel in KL?
Is there anything else I need to know?
Ada apa-apa yang saya perlu tahu?
Apakah jenis pangsapuri yang tuan suka?
What type of apartment do you like?
Terdapat pelbagai jenis penginapan di Malaysia seperti hotel, pangsapuri servis, penginapan berkonsep rumah dan rumah peranginan, Airbnb dan banyak lagi.
There are many types of accommodation in Malaysia such as hotels, serviced apartments, home stay, chalets, Airbnb and many others.
Boleh saya bantu?
How can I help you?
This hotel is very nice and clean.
Hotel ini sangat bersih dan bagus.
What is the rental like?/How much is the rent?
Berapa sewanya?
Boleh kita pergi melihat pangsapuri ini sekarang?
Can we have a look at the apartment now?/Can we go and see the apartment now?
Ada kolam renang?
Do you have a swimming pool?
Kita ada hotel tiga bintang, empat bintang, lima bintang dan banyak lagi.
We have three star, four star, five star and many other hotels.
Apakah kata laluan untuk Wi-Fi?
What is the password for the Wi-Fi?
How can I help you?
Boleh saya bantu?
Traders Hotel has a four and a half star rating.
Hotel Traders bertaraf empat bintang setengah.
Di sini juga ada bilik Suite dan apartmen untuk keluarga. Layanan dan kemudahan di hotel ini juga sangat baik dan letaknya berdekatan stesen LRT.
Here they also have Suites and apartments for families. The service and facilities in this hotel is also excellent and it is located near the LRT station.
What type of rooms do you want?
Apakah jenis bilik yang tuan hendak?
Bergantung kepada hotel. Sesetengah hotel menyediakan sarapan tetapi sesetengahnya tidak kerana sarapan boleh didapati di mana-mana sahaja dan harganya murah.
It depends on the hotel. Some hotels prepare breakfast but some don’t as breakfast is available everywhere and is cheap.
What type of apartment do you like?
Apakah jenis pangsapuri yang tuan suka?
What facilities are available in this apartment?
Apakah kemudahan yang terdapat di pangsapuri ini?
Is the apartment air-conditioned?
Adakah pangsapuri ini berhawa dingin?
Bila waktu untuk mendaftar keluar?
What time is check-out?
Can I see the rooms first?
Boleh saya melihat bilik dahulu?
Boleh saya tahu apakah kemudahan yang ada di hotel ini, puan?
May I know the facilities you have in this hotel?
The room rates are usually between RM180 and RM260 for a standard room in a three star hotel.
Biasanya sewa antara RM180 hingga RM260 untuk bilik biasa di hotel tiga bintang.
Do you have laundry service here?
Puan ada perkhidmatan mendobi di sini?
Tuan hendak menginap di mana?
Where do you want to stay/put up?
May I know the facilities you have in this hotel?
Boleh saya tahu apakah kemudahan yang ada di hotel ini, puan?
Ada apa-apa yang saya perlu tahu?
Is there anything else I need to know?
Do you have any vacant rooms?
Puan ada bilik kosong?
Here they also have Suites and apartments for families. The service and facilities in this hotel is also excellent and it is located near the LRT station.
Di sini juga ada bilik Suite dan apartmen untuk keluarga. Layanan dan kemudahan di hotel ini juga sangat baik dan letaknya berdekatan stesen LRT.
There are many types of accommodation in Malaysia such as hotels, serviced apartments, home stay, chalets, Airbnb and many others.
Terdapat pelbagai jenis penginapan di Malaysia seperti hotel, pangsapuri servis, penginapan berkonsep rumah dan rumah peranginan, Airbnb dan banyak lagi.
Can I check-in to the apartment right away?
Bolehkah saya mendaftar masuk pangsapuri ini sekarang?
What’s the room rate for a three-star hotel?
Berapa sewa untuk hotel tiga bintang?
Boleh saya melihat bilik dahulu?
Can I see the rooms first?
When do I need to check-out from the apartment?
Bila saya perlu mendaftar keluar dari pangsapuri ini?
Bolehkah saya mendaftar masuk pangsapuri ini sekarang?
Can I check-in to the apartment right away?
Adakah bayaran ini termasuk sarapan?
Does this include breakfast?
The service is excellent.
Layanannya sangat baik.
We have three star, four star, five star and many other hotels.
Kita ada hotel tiga bintang, empat bintang, lima bintang dan banyak lagi.
Hotel ini juga ada restoran, spa, bar, kolam renang, gimnasium dan surau serta kemudahan pusat perniagaan.
This hotel also has a restaurant, spa, bar, swimming pool, gymnasium and surau (Muslim prayer room) as well as business centre facilities.
Hotel Traders bertaraf empat bintang setengah.
Traders Hotel has a four and a half star rating.
What time is check-out?
Bila waktu untuk mendaftar keluar?
This hotel also has a restaurant, spa, bar, swimming pool, gymnasium and surau (Muslim prayer room) as well as business centre facilities.
Hotel ini juga ada restoran, spa, bar, kolam renang, gimnasium dan surau serta kemudahan pusat perniagaan.
What is the password for the Wi-Fi?
Apakah kata laluan untuk Wi-Fi?
The room rates are reasonable and the price includes breakfast.
Sewa hotel ini berpatutan dan harga ini termasuk sarapan.
Can I help you?
Boleh saya bantu?
That hotel is located above the longest shopping mall measuring 1.3 km in Malaysia called Mid Valley.
Hotel itu terletak di tingkat atas pusat beli-belah terpanjang di Malaysia yang dipanggil Mid Valley dengan panjangnya 1.3km.
Apakah kemudahan yang terdapat di pangsapuri ini?
What facilities are available in this apartment?
Adakah pangsapuri ini berdekatan kedai dan tempat-tempat menarik untuk dilawati?
Is this apartment close to shops and places of interest to visit?
Sewa hotel ini berpatutan dan harga ini termasuk sarapan.
The room rates are reasonable and the price includes breakfast.
If you want to stay in KL, I recommend Airbnb Regalia Spacious Modern Studio whereas in Malacca I recommend The Nature Balinese Lodge Malacca or Casugria
Kalau puan hendak menginap di KL, saya syorkan Airbnb Regalia Spacious Modern Studio manakala di Melaka saya syorkan The Nature Balinese Lodge Malacca
atau Casugria Melaka.
Could you make a credit card deposit (payment) of RM1000.00?
Boleh tuan membuat pembayaran deposit kad kredit sebanyak RM1000.00?
Bila pakaian berdobi dapat dikembalikan ke bilik saya?
When can laundry be returned to my room?
Biasanya sewa antara RM180 hingga RM260 untuk bilik biasa di hotel tiga bintang.
The room rates are usually between RM180 and RM260 for a standard room in a three star hotel.
Bila saya perlu mendaftar keluar dari pangsapuri ini?
When do I need to check-out from the apartment?
Adakah pangsapuri ini berhawa dingin?
Is the apartment air-conditioned?
It depends on the hotel. Some hotels prepare breakfast but some don’t as breakfast is available everywhere and is cheap.
Bergantung kepada hotel. Sesetengah hotel menyediakan sarapan tetapi sesetengahnya tidak kerana sarapan boleh didapati di mana-mana sahaja dan harganya murah.
Puan ada bilik kosong?
Do you have any vacant rooms?
How many types of hotel?
Berapa jenis hotel, Puan?
Can you recommend me a hotel in KL?
Boleh puan syorkan hotel di KL?
Berapa jenis hotel, Puan?
How many types of hotel?
Where do you want to stay/put up?
Tuan hendak menginap di mana?
Boleh saya tengok pasport tuan?
Can I have a look at your passport?
Adakah sewa bilik hotel ini mahal?
Is the room rate at this hotel expensive?
Does this include breakfast?
Adakah bayaran ini termasuk sarapan?
Do you have a swimming pool?
Ada kolam renang?
Berapa sewanya?
What is the rental like?/How much is the rent?
When can laundry be returned to my room?
Bila pakaian berdobi dapat dikembalikan ke bilik saya?
Is this apartment close to shops and places of interest to visit?
Adakah pangsapuri ini berdekatan kedai dan tempat-tempat menarik untuk dilawati?
Can I have a look at your passport?
Boleh saya tengok pasport tuan?
Do you have any apartments for rent?
Puan ada pangsapuri untuk disewa?
Hotel ini sangat bersih dan bagus.
This hotel is very nice and clean.
Bagaimana dengan Hotel Boulevard?
How about Boulevard Hotel?
Kalau puan hendak menginap di KL, saya syorkan Airbnb Regalia Spacious Modern Studio manakala di Melaka saya syorkan The Nature Balinese Lodge Malacca
atau Casugria Melaka.
If you want to stay in KL, I recommend Airbnb Regalia Spacious Modern Studio whereas in Malacca I recommend The Nature Balinese Lodge Malacca or Casugria
In each room there is a double bed or two single size beds, fridge, television, a large bathroom with a bath tub and a window facing the Petronas Twin Towers.
Di dalam bilik ada katil sebuah katil saiz sederhana atau dua buah katil bujang, peti sejuk, televisyen, bilik mandi besar dengan tab mandi dan jendela menghadap Menara Berkembar Petronas.
Saya cadangkan Hotel Traders di KLCC dan Hotel Boulevard di Mid Valley.
I suggest Traders Hotel in KLCC and Boulevard Hotel in Mid Valley.
Puan ada perkhidmatan mendobi di sini?
Do you have laundry service here?
Berapa sewa untuk hotel tiga bintang?
What’s the room rate for a three-star hotel?
How about Boulevard Hotel?
Bagaimana dengan Hotel Boulevard?
Boleh saya bantu?
Can I help you?
Layanannya sangat baik.
The service is excellent.